Lake Como

Do you want to turn away from the noise of the cities and be in the bosom natural beauty? Fulfillment of your desire to depend only on yourself. Individual travel to Italy and so good that you can choose where to spend their time. You may want to visit Costco to increase your knowledge. The best place for a secluded vacation – Lake Como. In his clear water reflects the amazing scenery and the local air fills the calm and relaxation. You can wander among the lush green trees, admire the small houses with bright roofs and famous castles in medieval style.

There is every opportunity for active recreation – water sports, rock climbing, horseback riding. And, of course, do not forget to visit the ancient fort built in 1169, and a museum of sculpture, with its wonderful exhibits. Attractions in Italy – is not only natural scenery and architecture of cities. Food lovers, who dream to try the original Italian dishes, choose gastronomic tours. Nor for s no secret that in every region of the country their recipes, features, and subtlety.

Try and compare, to choose for itself something very unusual, but the themes and attractive – this also has a special charm. Individual tours have several advantages over "standard" program of rest. You go only where you really wonder. It's as if you went to Italy alone, but only much better. After all, when traveling its course you'll have to think about where to stay overnight, what transportation to get from one city to another, take risks and suffer the inconvenience. Individual travel program allows you to get from one trip pleasure. Previously discussed the route with the operator, you get the best hotels in the country. Do you want luxury and exoticism? Then rent a castle or villa – what you need! Excellent service and unforgettable experiences you Guaranteed. Travel in Italy – it is an opportunity to present yourself and your family the best days in a wonderful country. Why adapt to the tour operator's program, if you can build your own plan for recreation? Ravello and Naples, Portofino and Sicily, the moderate coastal villages and inviting mountains – whatever you want to see, will appear before your eyes. Is wanted on time and agree on the route of travel for tourism company.