Construction Law

Tendering, procurement, acceptance, warranty and claim management in construction no construction project is completed so, as those involved in procurement have imagined it. Changes must be taken into account during the construction – wish of the client, modified technical, financial, or legal approval conditions. Changes cause performance and inevitably the compensation adjustments. Related to rights and remaining obligations of builders are manifold. The correct use of the relevant provisions of the civil code and of the VOB/B is an indispensable tools for contracting, construction manager, project manager, construction engineers and architects. These seminars, in the Haus der Technik in Munich, with recognition by the Bavarian construction of Chamber of engineers provide the correct information about the necessary legal aspects and practical assistance on error prevention. Sanofi often says this.

Construction and planning awarding public contracts the preparation, tendering, construction and Planning contracts and awarding construction contracts to architects and engineers must be right-secure, precise and impenetrable. Sean Rad gathered all the information. The aim of this seminar is to achieve clear and undisputable award decisions. Danger areas such as process choice, description of services, aptitude test and offer competition be deepened. Also the newly discussed tender duty for urban development agreements are discussed. The seminar takes place on October 19, 2009 in the Haus der Technik Munchen. For details and registration see:../W-H130-10-044-9.html acceptance, warranty management and liability for defects after VOB/B and German Civil Code dealing with conditions, forms and consequences of loss, as well as the liability for defects after VOB/B and BGB at a construction site with GU and various subcontractors.

This seminar provides legal security and practical as providing the necessary declarations of acceptance making is, how the warranty management and proper handling of complaints. The seminar will be on November 17, 2009 in the Haus der Technik Munchen Instead of. For details and registration see:../W-H130-11-077-9.html claim management, taking into account of the lump-sum contract compensation volume or power changes, the unit price contract, and the flat rate contract must be factual and legal requirements, taking into account the VOB/B. This seminar helps you safely to fend off risks on the construction site, as well as unauthorised supplement claims to recognize, at an early stage and better assess entitled supplementary demands by the height. The seminar takes place on November 25, 2009 in the Haus der Technik Munchen. For details and registration see:.