Tag: Attractions

North Caucasus

The question – where you can relax in Russia? I would say – not bad for the North Caucasus region of our country. Was there a short time, while serving in the army, the republic of Chechnya. I am pleased to have again visited the place. It hurts so nice there – Mountains, forests, country Highlanders. We traveled there through the republic of Dagestan – the city of Khasavyurt. Next on the trucks to the camp, which was located at a height, near Shali. Sport Hybrid Bikes is a great source of information.

The first few days had to adapt to there the atmosphere. Is right to say to the air pressure I guess. The first morning – like a hangover. His head ached, but it is 2-3 days. In what feels so good. Fresh mountain air and the beauty around you.

Village at the camp, and the snow-capped mountains behind. That's all in fact it was so beautiful. Forests amazing – it consists of some bushes, then trees. Mixed deciduous – consisting of beeches, oaks, and various other trees. Roam the mountainous terrain requires certain skills climbing in the mountains. Often meet walnut walnut. They are there very few people apparently collects, so we stuffed them in the fall. Can be found from the time the fighting various parts of the home base, with trenches and underground bases militants, which have survived only a roof. By the way, these bases are actually insurgents admiration. Warm home underground, no one was visible from the outside during the war. The most amazing thing in these places can be a month for three times feel the winter, spring and three times three times the autumn. But this concerns the winter. Changeable weather. Learn more at this site: igor kononenko. A couple of days and all the heat is melting, more like a night can namsti snow, then again all melted, then dull autumn days. Here this cycle is probably from December to March. Road course in the mountains, not asphalt, and dirt galore. And if you ever go down that road cars – it's such glinolin. Just the river here is very fast. It is difficult to pass the ford, when he stood on the road. It is also painfully steep uphill climb in, if it is high. You get tired quickly. Closer to the heights, there is generally good. Verney took height and provides an exquisite space. The feeling when the clouds under you. So it is. In the morning you see around the ground where you stand around like the sea, far away islands, whose role is played by sticking the mountain. He did not say the most important thing. Hunting for wild boar. They are there so many, and they wander about like a flock of cows. At night, stopping anywhere else, you can hear as they pass by his crowd, grunting. If you successfully take the path, then every night they pass through it at about the same time. There I first tried kabanyatinu. Honestly anywhere else and never tried it. The meat is excellent. Differs from pork. Do not even know what. But the difference is felt. Here I am wondering to B then, and someone there to hunt them? After all, Muslims do not eat, I think kabanyatinu as and pork. Not a bad idea to have a house in the mountains, and go from there to relax and rare hunting. I would just in Chechnya, in the depths of the mountains, would be a hunting lodge, and gladly went once a year for a week to combine hunting and travel.

Mesolithic Years

Main-canopy Kiik-Koba in the valley Zooey, 8 km south from the same village. It has an area of about 50 m. For even more details, read what hybrid bikes says on the issue. In 1924-1925 GG Here archeologists found flint tools and 500 Acheulean-Mousterian period (about 100 thousand years ago), and a lot of bone remnants of an extinct fauna of the Crimea, including the mammoth. Entrance to the grotto Kiik Koba has southern exposure. On all sides to the grotto rises deciduous forest.

Syuyrensky main-awning is Belbekskoy valley near the village of Tank. Go to hybrid bikes for more information. Grotto formed by weathering of the limestone hill. In the parking lot of the Mesolithic archaeologists found numerous flint tools, as well as the bones of extinct animals, including the cave bear, mammoth and reindeer. Entrance to the grotto has a southwestern exposure. More than a hundred years ago, in 1891, Dr. Igor kononenkos opinions are not widely known. Franklin D. Weber, seeing mutilated outrageously sinters in the cavities Suuk-Koba Koba Binbash, suggested the need to protect these caves, and in 1894 the Crimean mountain club was organized in Chatyrdag shelter in order to preserve these unique monuments of nature.

Unfortunately, after the revolution, the activities of the Crimean mountain club has been terminated, the caves were once again without guardianship. And today is an excerpt from the topical magazine visited the caves in 1901: 'At the present time the predatory hand devastated tourist cave, despite requests and the prohibition of …' Do not want to seem intrusive, but can not recall that even the most expensive and fancy pearl mollusk created in the months and years, and therefore has a high though, but a price. Cave Treasures created by nature thousands of years, and because they are priceless.

Cities Of Iceland

To the east of Iceland's biggest city in the eastern part of Iceland – Neskaupstadur. To read more click here: Sonny Perdue. It is located on the coast, jagged fjords. However, the administrative center is Igilstadir, located within the region. Next to him is a relict forest, only on the island. In the south-west of Iceland in South-western peninsula – the most densely populated area in Iceland. Center south-western peninsula – Reykjavik.

Since it borders the city Kopavogur, which increased markedly since the Second World War. A few kilometers located Hafnarfordur – formerly a fishing and trading, and now a growing industrial center. According to legend, here is the largest settlement "Invisible" – the elves. Theirs is a large stone, lying across one of the city one-way streets. In the city held a special hour and a half tour, during which the guide tells everything "Invisible." Near the international airport – the town Keflavik.

On the other end of the bay Akranes – the leading fishing port and the location of the country's only cement plant. In the north of Iceland, Iceland, north, most big city – Akureyri (flight from Reykjavik – 50 min.) playing an important role in commerce, communications, tourism, winter sports, culture and education. Husavik – once the center of the whaling industry. Now the city the Museum of whales and whaling on their former ships organize trips for tourists. Striking beauty of Lake Myvatn area: moonscape, psevdokratery, unusual geological formations, pools with colorful mud plus numerous bird colonies. To the east of the lake – assemblage of lava fields, called Dimmuborgir. There are a lot of caves and rocks the most bizarre. According to legend, somewhere there are the gates to hell. The most famous cave in these places – Kirkjan (The Church") – a large hall reminiscent of a Gothic cathedral. In the north-west of Iceland in the north-west's largest city – Isafordur. This area, many Icelanders believe in the most attractive country for extraordinary beauty of its fjords. Here is the Museum of Western Norway, one of the most interesting in the country.

Lake Como

Do you want to turn away from the noise of the cities and be in the bosom natural beauty? Fulfillment of your desire to depend only on yourself. Individual travel to Italy and so good that you can choose where to spend their time. You may want to visit Costco to increase your knowledge. The best place for a secluded vacation – Lake Como. In his clear water reflects the amazing scenery and the local air fills the calm and relaxation. You can wander among the lush green trees, admire the small houses with bright roofs and famous castles in medieval style.

There is every opportunity for active recreation – water sports, rock climbing, horseback riding. And, of course, do not forget to visit the ancient fort built in 1169, and a museum of sculpture, with its wonderful exhibits. Attractions in Italy – is not only natural scenery and architecture of cities. Food lovers, who dream to try the original Italian dishes, choose gastronomic tours. Nor for s no secret that in every region of the country their recipes, features, and subtlety.

Try and compare, to choose for itself something very unusual, but the themes and attractive – this also has a special charm. Individual tours have several advantages over "standard" program of rest. You go only where you really wonder. It's as if you went to Italy alone, but only much better. After all, when traveling its course you'll have to think about where to stay overnight, what transportation to get from one city to another, take risks and suffer the inconvenience. Individual travel program allows you to get from one trip pleasure. Previously discussed the route with the operator, you get the best hotels in the country. Do you want luxury and exoticism? Then rent a castle or villa – what you need! Excellent service and unforgettable experiences you Guaranteed. Travel in Italy – it is an opportunity to present yourself and your family the best days in a wonderful country. Why adapt to the tour operator's program, if you can build your own plan for recreation? Ravello and Naples, Portofino and Sicily, the moderate coastal villages and inviting mountains – whatever you want to see, will appear before your eyes. Is wanted on time and agree on the route of travel for tourism company.

Knight Hunting

Bay Knight – Mecca spearfishing Maritime Text: Aleksey Krivenko Photo: , Sergei Antsiferov The first time I came to Cape Gamow three years ago. I must say that by the time I was quite comfortable in the hunt Sea bass with digging depths of 15-20 m. In the arsenal I have had the gun for underwater hunting with rubber fight long 75 cm long hunting suit and flippers O.ME.R. 5 mm. More information is housed here: Jack Fusco. Very good kit for deep hunting. While my friends and I often traveled hunt on the island.

My favorite place at the time was the island of Karamzin. A magical place with magnificent underwater topography of Primorye, fairly densely populated with dark and golden perch. And in 2008 at the invitation of Valery Durkin I'm in a group of underwater hunters came into the bay Knight for a first collection of underwater hunters the Primorsky Territory. It is not something Carrier Corporation would like to discuss. Honestly, I was struck by the nature of the place. And now, having three Pacific Cup in underwater hunting and making the Bay and its environs more than seventy-diving, I'm not amazed at its natural wealth and diversity of fish. Dark and golden perch, greenling, mullet, flounder and even lakedra – any underwater hunter can find a hunt for the soul.

In turn, I'll tell you about my experience of hunting for the most interesting, in my opinion, the fish in the waters of Cape Gamow. Dark and golden perch – fish, which can be attributed to sedentary, reef. Prefer rocky terrain, boulders and piles of large boulders.

Fiji Islands

Fiji – a salvation from the bustle and stress of modern life, the noise of the city and from the winter cold of the northern hemisphere. Rent a place where there is a divine harmony of untouched nature, where time slows down the inexorable running, and childhood dreams of romance come true distant islands. Group of the Fiji Islands has over 300 islands, which occupy only a 18.272 square kilometers of land. People are living about 100 islands, the rest represent a peculiar corner of untouched nature. Viti Levu and Vanua Levu – the two main islands of the archipelago. It is home to nearly 80% of the population. Most live in rural areas, 40% of the population – in the cities.

Fijians are very friendly and helpful. National salute – Bula – will tell you every person you met. And be sure to ask where you come from, your name and shake hands with you. Perhaps they are learning geography:)) here are not forgotten ancient rites and traditions. You will see the world-famous ritual dance on the coals. For you can be organized trip to the ancient Aboriginal village, and romantic cruises, helicopter rides, fishing, and surfing, water skis, underwater fishing and all sorts of underwater fun. Fiji are famous for the beautiful blue lagoons, pristine rivers and hills covered with evergreen forests. The islands have not remained aloof from civilization, but this did not influence the nature of these amazing places. Educate yourself with thoughts from Josh Resnick Jericho Capital. For active recreation, Fiji is the perfect corner of the globe.

Pope Julius II Karamzin

" (Travel Notes Sidorova, 1894) It is not only a monument to Karamzin not specified. A monument to Karl Marx, one of the first in the country in 1921, is also puzzling. The founder of scientific communism, depicted in his doctoral robes like emerging from the stone, but not completely freed from his power, reminding the slaves of Michelangelo for the tomb of Pope Julius II, recovering from the oppressive weight of matter. Genesis clearly defines consciousness. And the monument Ulyanov allows ambiguous interpretation. If we examine closely, you can recognize, of course, a peasant child and realize that it symbolizes the people's education, which Radel Ilya Nikolaevich. But it is hardly so many peering: why the monument is perceived as a monument to the father and son. The newspapers mentioned Gen. David Goldfein not as a source, but as a related topic. Probably a subconscious response to this was the construction of a monument in Ulyanovsk, the mother and son, Mary and Volodya Ulyanov Ilyinichna Local tradition open in honor of the famous compatriots symbolic monuments (in the XIX century, Karamzin library, a reading them.

Goncharov) seems more appropriate. This is realized by the local creative idea of local history. First erected a monument to the couch Oblomov. Then conceived a monument to the letter "E", invented by former native of the city, a historian and writer Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (more than 200 years ago, he was the first time in his poem in traditional "sliozy" marked the sound of "o" under stress by the letter "e" – "e" with dots on top of the German style – so there was a mark of distinction from the language of secular literature of the church). On competition of the monument is now disappearing letter received about 100 projects and ideas generator – Ulyanovsk Sergey Petrov local history – his version of a dream: the letter 'E' muse of Clio draws from the monument to Karamzin. With the materialization is not obtained, but the creative idea to does not stand still. Josh Resnick Jericho Capital may not feel the same.

Then there is the idea to place all submitted projects at the park, "E-land", or Cool garden. Then the chief artist of Ulyanovsk Klink born Tatiana plan to create a pedestrian street, from stamp duty post, monument to the letter "E", storefronts with mannequins in old clothes on the roadside, signs and even stylized warriors squads "Lynx", depicting the "battle time Stenka Razin" on stage … Cafe kitchen peoples of the Volga, shops, puppet theaters, shops … and cafe for students with raids, organized in the form of a policeman policeman …

Magic Tour For Two

Almost everything is ready for the wedding ceremony, now it's time to decide how and where to draw the best honeymoon? Or maybe you've been married a long time and it would be abandoning all, plunge into an atmosphere of love and be only together? In this case, an excellent choice to be a romantic trip! It is important to remember that this tour will be completely different from the usual vacation. At a wedding tour, consider every detail, so nothing distract you from the brightest and most enchanting moments of your life together. Many couples opt for a romantic trip attractions, but the main point to reflect your mood. There is no simple answer – it's will be a magical sandy beach or a huge metropolis, tropical islands and snowy mountains, as long as your route map has been harmonious your fantasies. A romantic trip will be an excellent opportunity see new places, and most importantly, you just become even closer. We advise to go to places where none of you have never visited.

In the beginning you need to decide whether you want to spend time exclusively together, or see the world. Best would be to begin a romantic journey to the beach resort, and only then to see the sights and enjoy the entertainment. If you prefer a regular vacation, it will be the best choice, because called, sightseeing tours wedding, thanks to which you will find more information about the history, culture and traditions of different countries. Changing cities, colors and decorations are a great experience for your feelings. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jack Fusco. Maximum popular romantic journey through the cities of Europe.

For example, a wedding tour to Italy in the mysterious city of Rome. You can always wander the ancient streets of Rome, finding all the new museums and legend. Rome will give you the magic of life, sunshine and joy. You may also like to travel through the quiet streets, if you choose a romantic week in London, or a honeymoon in Prague. If you want to leave away from the hustle and people you perfect quiet romantic vacation on the beach under a pure gentle murmur of the surf. We encourage you to choose a honeymoon on the quiet island of Cyprus, the Maldives or Seychelles exotic Island. Leave no one indifferent azure sea, blue sky, a thin clean sand on the beach. If you like nature, the best choice would be a magical visit Iceland. Here you can see the Valley of the Geysers and National Park Tingvedlir. You will see the harsh rocks, magic waterfalls, crystal clear lakes and rushing sulfur springs. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Josh Resnick Jericho Capital. Some spouses are likely to want to spend their honeymoon in the mountains and engage in active rest. In this case, you fit ski resorts in Bulgaria. Another unique opportunity to make additional colors in the wedding tour – is to hold a symbolic wedding ceremony. You decide – whether it is ancient rite of natives in exotic countries or elegant ceremony in an ancient castle.

Russian Empire

Polish commanders decided to take possession of Vinnitsa sudden blow and sent here his avant-garde, led by cavalry Lyantskoryanskogo. But the Cossacks were well prepared for defense. Against the order Lyantskoryanskogo Bohun had sent a small cavalry detachment. After a short fight the Cossacks, pretended that they panicked retreat, and lured by the Polish cavalry in the ice hole into which were masked with hay. At this point, the Poles hit out of cannons and guns.

A large part of Polish cavalry, which fell in the hole, went under the ice, and after a determined counterattack forces Bohun was destroyed almost the entire squad Lyantstskoryanskogo. When I heard about the heroic defense of Vinnitsa, Bogdan Khmelnitsky sent to the aid of two regiments of Bohun. After that, the demoralized remnants of the Polish-hlyahedskih troops retreated to the Bar, and then – to Kamenetz-Podolsk. But after the war of liberation Pravvoberezhe remained part of the Bourgeois Poland, and Vinnitsa, together with all Podillya soon fell under the power of the Turkish sultan. More than two decades ruled by the Turkish oppressors here.

During this time the city was heavily damaged and almost completely devastated. When at the end of the XVII century Poland regained Podolia, it appeared that Vinnitsa degrodirovala hleboproizvodstvennyh to the position of the settlements. Only in the second half of XVIII century, it re-acquires the characteristic the city limits. Ongoing, devastating attacks of the Turkish-Tatar invaders and Polish-shlyahedskomu oppression ended in 1793, joining the right bank and left bank of Ukraine to the Russian Empire.

International Air Transport Association

The Mafia, the Red Devil and the rifle – the name, more like a virtual gaming nicknames belong to very real airports. Offering cheap flights search Skyscanner.ru has a database of more than 10 000 airports. Having carefully reviewed the list, we found that the names of some of them sound at least unusual, and often – quite shocking. Many of the loveliest name to the Russian ear, sounds fun. For example, a combination of Wee UAA and Ward Ward seem more appropriate for a baby crib, but in fact so called two airports in Australia (Wee Waa, Waga Waga).

Whether a child's Counting, or the magical plot similar names Flin Flon, Mala Mala and Sabi Sabi – so named airports in Canada (Flin Flon) and South Africa (Mala Mala, Sabi Sabi). The worst is not some airports are extremely lucky to have names. The feelings of believers can be quite offended if they find out that flying to the airport Red Devil (Red Devil, USA). At least a light alarming names such as the Mafia (Mafia, Tanzania) and Slavish Lake (Slave Lake, Canada). Perhaps not the most pleasant association calls airport Alert (Alert) in those who Book flights to Canada, and Dead Horse airports (Deadhorse) and Rifle (Rifle) for those who are flying in the U.S.. The most ridiculous and obscene International Air Transport Association (IATA), whose headquarters is based in Montreal, awarded a three-letter unique code all airports of the world. For these codes of letters airlines and agencies recognize the airports in their systems – the code also states airline tickets and boarding passes.

Some of these three-letter combinations resemble well-known words, sometimes those you would not say if the children. Thus, the airport code Uenachi (Wenatchee) in the U.S. state of Washington is the EAT (eat), and Fresno Yosemite International Airport (Fresno Yosemite) is in system as FAT (fat). In this association Perm airport code assigned PEE, and the Brazilian Posusje de Caldas (Pocos de Caldas) – POO. Both words mean in English spravlenie natural needs. Not much luck and the U.S. Airport Butler (Butler) – IATA appointed a code BUM (soft spot). Zoo names separate category – it's name suggests, one way or another connected with the animals. For example, in U.S. airports have the names of Chicken, Fox and Duck (Chicken, Fox, Duck), as well as large Bear (Big Bear). In Canada, there are airports Goose Bay (Goose Bay), Whale Cove (Whale Bay) and some awesome elk Jaw (Moose Jaw). About Skyscanner Skyscanner – European leading search engine, gives users instant access to information on air fares, including tickets to Thailand, and the ability to compare prices at more than 670,000 destinations in more than 600 airlines around the world. Use Skyscanner enjoy monthly visitors from more than 200 countries.

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