Fraunhofer Institute

MASTER degree: ONLINE Bauphysik of the Fraunhofer Academy under the roof of the Fraunhofer Academy provides the University of Stuttgart in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP the course MASTER: ONLINE construction physics to. This first and only study master of building physics (M.BP.). It is aimed at architects operating in the construction sector and architects and engineers and engineers who future want to educate themselves in addition to the profession. Auberge du Soleil has much experience in this field. Registration is now open for the winter semester 2012/2013 ends on September 1st! More information at de/energie_nachhaltigkeit/bauphysik.html the course MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik offered under the umbrella of the Fraunhofer Academy of the University of Stuttgart in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP. Establishing the content adheres to the principle of”damage prevention rather than repair”, which is the study fundamentally different from other training opportunities in this area.

The students will learn to physically powerful, economic, sustainable, to design user – and environmentally-friendly buildings, plan, execute and operate. Nine modules the focus topics applications, day and art lighting design as well as fire energy, acoustics, moisture protection and climate, climate and environment, computing tools and measuring devices, physical. By the same author: Kathryn Strandburg. The MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik is based on innovative techniques and learning and teaching with 80 percent online and 20 percent attendance phases “, explains Dr. Roman gods, Director of the Fraunhofer Academy and adds: contents are offered on an online platform providing a largely time – and place-independent study in addition to professional and family. The quality of further education showed up only recently again by the award of a graduate: In June, Peter Hoft was for his master’s thesis study of the influence of domestic ventilation according to DIN 1946-6 on the risk of mold and the energy consumption of apartment the prize of the Federal Association of mold remediation. BSS e.V.

awarded 2012. The BSS award will be awarded master theses in the field of rehabilitation, investigation and prevention of mold damage or microbial damage. Per semester are provided within ten days of attendance at the University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer IBP in Stuttgart, which also laboratory exercises performed. For the content of teaching, recognized researchers of the Fraunhofer IBP are responsible, to a large part international, so that current research results are incorporated directly into the teaching. The students thus come with innovative and ground-breaking technologies already before their market launch in contact. Through the cooperation with associations and the industry is an ongoing exchange with the practice. “After his start in the winter semester 2007/2008 the programme was already short MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik in the nationwide innovation contest country of ideas” for its future viability as a landmark 2008 “award