Consumption Space

I have there it forges of " good future salvaje" III. – Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007): " The ecstasy of the Comunicacin" (including in " Posmodernidad" , Hal Foser and others, Kairs, 1986, 2 ed., 1986, P. 187-197). A Fantasmtica logic prevails today: the axis prevails marries/car, the power and the sexuality. A Social Logic Differential: privilege of the producing consumption of signs, the social position and prestige. And a Sacrificial Logic: consumption, gift, cost.

The subject projected in the object. The object like mirror of the subject, in public and deprived scene. Today, there is mirror nor no scene. There is Screen and Network. It does not have a immanent, operative surface, communication. Before it governed an Era Fustica, prometeica, of production and Consumption. Today: It was of the Networks, the contacts, feedback, the closeness and the connections. More info: The Guggenheim. Today the Television is identified as our body and the Universe becomes a Screen of Control.

It would observe Hiperrealismo of the situation, the domestic universe to a metaphor or power rises space. The real thing has been dominated. Our same private sphere enters orbit. To the movements and corporal efforts to electronic worlds move. It prevails the miniaturization, the memory infinitesimal. " Encefalizacin" electronics, the transitorizacin of the surroundings. The accomplishment of an alive satellite in a daily space. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Sean Rad on most websites. It prevails the microprocessing of the pleasures, bodies and time. No longer there is Metaphysics. The Telematics Power regulates the games, the leisure and the social relations the human scale has changed to a system of nuclear matrices. The operational definition of the being is summarized in the brain and the genetic codes. The Publicity has invaded everything, is had lost the distinction and organization of the public space and the prevailed one. The mass media to hodier to us are fed on the most intimate processes of our life. All the Universe unfolds in our domestic screen.