Month: April 2014

Never Makes

It decided to recommence of the zero, and to forget everything what it had. To write a new history. I feel that the time goes to put in charge itself to erase the past all! Exactly thus my heart insists on saying that I to love did not have you. But my soul cries out the opposite, that still wait I must you! I confess. Ian Sinclairs opinions are not widely known. That the love that I feel for you is immense, and has the capacity to support has in the two.

It finds that still it can give certain? You continue being my only love My reason, my solution I feel times to them the wind backwards its I smell, to only alucinar me, Is as if he wanted to say that I am completely dependent of its presence, That never I will be entire if you will not be to my side. The time to make to understand wants me that I am only when this together has me How we were made one for the other and I already perceived, I already I understood! Its smile opens the doors of the paradise. your look makes simply me to enxergar through the blackout makes, me to float, As in cotton clouds It makes to feel me the person more carried through. For we I know that the time it passed, more still we can rewrite our history. It cannot thus be so difficult! We will rescue all the moments of utmost importance, we incase only the main parts! It will be that we are capable to live an intense passion? Everything what I make and see makes me to remember you! Your voice is as music tranquilizes, me, calms, You is my protective angel, my salvation, my force! is for you that I raise all the mornings believing that the day will be always wonderful, that the nights never will be rainy. It is that in the stars it will be written only our names For you meeting the capacity never to give up and always to believe that everything always will be well, Never if forgets that always I will be here, goes to wait the time to you that will be necessary. That with you, I will go until the end of the world nor flame that consumes everything that is in its front, Nor cold and frozen storms Nor snowstorm in cold nights will make, me to give up this great love! It finds that still it can give certain?

The Communist

Do not panic: is an old joke Soviet. The Communist leaders decided to do an experiment to discover whether there was some dignity in the Soviet people and even when it was willing to endure the humiliation and mistreatment of the Communist dictatorship. After several tests in the purest style sado, causing neither the slightest sign of protest by the people, the Soviet bosses decided to resort to the last and final test. It was an announcement tomorrow are expected to all the Soviet people in the cemetery to dig a collective grave where enterrarian live to all. After listening to this ad someone, among the vast crowd the Soviet people timidly raised a hand. Finally someone protests, they were glad the Soviet leaders (had failed to completely annihilate the dignity of his battered people!!). -What do you ask? went to the bold. – Las tools to dig the grave: we have to take them with us or comrades going us heads to facilitate in the cemetery?.

There are voices of protest in Cuba. It is the voice of Guillermo Farinas and their exiled colleagues. Also follow the dissidents in Cuban prisons. And when I now see Fidel walking with his olive green reminds me of a character in the work by Tirso de Molina. Called stone guest and only abandoned its pedestal to bring someone to the Tomb. So the Fidel now. So it has always been. Once there was fifty years (in the 1960s) that already it was willing to end once all the Cuban people in a nuclear apocalypse. Original author and source of the article.