Month: September 2014

Airborne Brigade

It seemed that the final destruction of a thing of the Wehrmacht a few days. And here all decided Stalin's will: his personal orders from the Western Front was put in reserve 1st Shock Army. Weakened by the troops of the 20th Army, forced to stretch their positions on a wide area Front, came close to the outskirts of Gzhatsk, but take it and could not. The offensive stalled and then petered out altogether. January 18-22, near the village southwest of Desire Vyazma were thrown out with parachutes two battalions of the 201st Airborne Brigade and the 250th Airborne Infantry Regiment. In addition, the decision was made in the area dropping Ozerechni 4th Airborne Corps to reinforce the 1st Cavalry Corps, acting in online German rear.

But not enough transport aircraft, so the rear of the enemy was directed only one 8th Airborne Brigade – about 2,000 people. The landing of the second and third tier of the plan were to produce 70 fighters, but they really were allocated only 19 cars. The paratroopers jumped from the low-speed bomber TB-3, which were completely protected from fighter jets and air defense. Because of the strong anti-aircraft fire from the ground landing produced from a high altitude – 2000 meters. The result was that fifteen hundred paratroopers of the 8th Brigade were scattered over the area of more than a kilometer. Despite all the difficulties in the area of Vyazma was parachuted over 10,000 people who had in service 320 mortars, 541 machine gun and 300 anti-tank guns.

Russian Empire

Polish commanders decided to take possession of Vinnitsa sudden blow and sent here his avant-garde, led by cavalry Lyantskoryanskogo. But the Cossacks were well prepared for defense. Against the order Lyantskoryanskogo Bohun had sent a small cavalry detachment. After a short fight the Cossacks, pretended that they panicked retreat, and lured by the Polish cavalry in the ice hole into which were masked with hay. At this point, the Poles hit out of cannons and guns.

A large part of Polish cavalry, which fell in the hole, went under the ice, and after a determined counterattack forces Bohun was destroyed almost the entire squad Lyantstskoryanskogo. When I heard about the heroic defense of Vinnitsa, Bogdan Khmelnitsky sent to the aid of two regiments of Bohun. After that, the demoralized remnants of the Polish-hlyahedskih troops retreated to the Bar, and then – to Kamenetz-Podolsk. But after the war of liberation Pravvoberezhe remained part of the Bourgeois Poland, and Vinnitsa, together with all Podillya soon fell under the power of the Turkish sultan. More than two decades ruled by the Turkish oppressors here.

During this time the city was heavily damaged and almost completely devastated. When at the end of the XVII century Poland regained Podolia, it appeared that Vinnitsa degrodirovala hleboproizvodstvennyh to the position of the settlements. Only in the second half of XVIII century, it re-acquires the characteristic the city limits. Ongoing, devastating attacks of the Turkish-Tatar invaders and Polish-shlyahedskomu oppression ended in 1793, joining the right bank and left bank of Ukraine to the Russian Empire.