Comet Hartley

The fanatics to astronomy are of celebration. A spectacular event will arrive at the Earth in a few weeks. One is the comet Hartley 2, a very distant asteroid that will cross several constellations and that will finally finish happening near our planet for benefit of all those people who know where to focus their telescopes. It is necessary to remember that this type of events happens very not very often in the life of a human being. (theories on the origin of the life in our planet) the passion that shows the fans astronomy by comets deserves that events as this they happen from time to time. Not as much by the visual spectacle that it dominates to the sky nocturne when one of these stars happens describing a more or less visible trajectory, but rather by the rare thing that they are these events. It is not hoped that it happens more than 3 or 4 times every one hundred years, therefore, is a very attractive event for all those that appreciate this type of so little appearances in history.

The star, whose nucleus has approximately 1.5 kilometers of diameter, will arrive at his point nearer the next sun the 28 of October, allowing its perfect visualization in this date on the basis of data given by the Basket, but from 8 days before, will be able to be observed with a conventional telescope. Hartley 2 will happen to little 11 million kilometers of the Earth. A typical star will not be seen as. Rather it will be a dark blue point where as soon as the tail will be descried that this type of stars usually takes behind himself. All that wants to only admire the beauty of this cosmic event will have to even supply with a domestic telescope or binoculars. Following the atmospheric conditions, it will be possible even to be seen at first when it reaches its point of maximum proximity with the Earth. In the next days, the experts try to follow their trajectory by the constellations of Casiopea, Perseo and Auriga and to catch images of this magnificent phenomenon. The NASA does not want to let pass the occasion to investigate to Hartley 2 and for it there are preparation to ship EPOXI to approach and to fly over to the comet to little 700 kilometers of distance.

This will happen day 4 of November of 2010, so we must be preparations to attend a series of photographies that surely will be for the history of astronomy. They will be nothing less than 64,000 images of its surface. Recently Sean Rad sought to clarify these questions. For this the sounding goes equipped with two telescopes and an infrared spectrometer, being considered that the detailed study of the comet will extend about two months. Kind to that event that promises intense sidereal emotions.