Month: October 2016

Film Coatings

In order to improve the characteristics of lacquers and enamels of air drying, as well as to accelerate curing drying them sometimes carried out at elevated temperatures (40-60 C). Main of lacquers have the following features. Oil varnishes form (after drying), flexible elastic film of yellow color, resistant to moisture and mineral oil. On heat resistance of the film of varnish are in class A (up to 105 C). Since the oil varnishes are used in short supply (linseed and tung) oil, then their use is limited and they are replaced by synthetic resins for lacquers, more resistant to thermal aging. Bitumen-oil varnishes form a flexible film in black, resistant to moisture, but is easily soluble in mineral oil (transformer and lubricating). Because of the high availability and good insulating properties of bitumen-oil varnishes widely used in electrical engineering.

For heat resistance, these coatings are in class A insulation (105 C). Alkyd (glyptal) and oil-glyptal varnishes and enamels have good bonding strength with respect to the mica paper, cloth and some plastics. The films of these paints have a high thermal stability (class B). They are resistant to the heated mineral oil, but require a hot (oven) drying at temperatures of 105-150 C. Pure glyptal Coatings based on unmodified glyph Traveling resins form hard rigid film (paint number 1155 and others) used in the manufacture of hard mica insulation (solid Micanites). Gliftale-oil varnish form a flexible film dark yellow. Alkyd-melamine varnish – varnish is a composite consisting of 84% oil-varnish glyptal number 1154 and 16% of the melamine-formaldehyde resin, introduced to improve the water resistance and shorten the curing varnish. Organosilicon varnishes and enamels have high heat resistance and can operate continuously at 180-200 C (Temperature class NICs) so they are used in combination with glass fiber and mica insulation. Films These lacquers and enamels have high electrical characteristics, which vary little in the aging process.

Text Translation

Therefore, when forehead tax of water vapor transmission, the different results of test completely can be gotten under different conditions of test. That is completely different to the oxygen results and other regular gases. Therefore, the widening of scope of measurement through test gas alteration or reduction of water vapor difference is not adjusted between the two sides. 4.Conclusion With the introduction of new materials and applications, materials of high tax of transmission are to be used extensively. This article presents some staff, convenient, fast necessary half to widen scopes of measurement of instruments of barrier property. For the time being, emptying, especially emptying in the sides of packing, during test of barrier property, would have to be emphasized, to prevent errors caused for the false operation.

The Village

Because the will makes to cross it fast the tempting freshness of the fertile valley and to put itself above animosa for the hillside. Everything was in Ordonho in time its hour. Therefore, she was necessary to react against the proper nature and to walk forward, cost what it cost. (BCHOS, 1983, P. 20) We perceive that Torga deals with details of places (Roalde, Ordonho) that they exist in its Backwards-the-Mount, of the character conservative of its village, that until today cultivates an archaic tradition, agricultural and of humble and solidary people.

Madalena takes over on a contract basis walked solitary, winning the adversities of the land, going up mountain ranges to arrive its destination and to give birth its son far from everything and of all. It feels headquarters and it desires &#039 strong; ' water of the Tenaria' ' , this source is only capable to saciar its headquarters. With strong pains the dry and estorricante landscape has the there same son in way and as ' ' bicho' ' the son embeds with the feet who is born dead. The solitude is its only common characteristic friend and to the personages of Torga of which Massaud comments Moiss (2001, P. 262): ' ' the solitude, the sensation of the convict to vibrate between opposing stimulatons and to search in the land of origin a consolation utpico' '. Madalena felt the necessity to restitute the energies and to take the water of the Tenaria, possible conditions only in return to the village: ' ' They were hours to return.

They were hours to come back to the village and to kill that headquarters without end in the cool source of the Tenaria' ' (ANIMALS, 1983, P. 29). In the story Vicente, of the same workmanship, we can evidence the land as maternal womb, the freedom inalienable human being as right of the men.

International Monetary Fund

The last package of saving of the Government includes/understands wage privatizations, cuts, closing of public companies and increases of taxes. Strike paralyzes the circulation of trains and boats and also affects the press. The hospitals public will take care of cases of emergencia solely. The BCE demands to Greece that meets the conditions to receive more aid. David A. Wagner may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In the hope that the Greek Parliament votes east Wednesday a new and unpopular package of saving measures, the Greeks confront the new general strike of 24 hours, third of this year. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with carrier. Summoned by the majority unions, strike paralyzes the circulation of trains and boats and also affects the press, because the journalists of all the means have added themselves to her.

They also remain closed the infantile banks, ministries, services to the public, day-care centers and the state companies on the way to privatization. The hospitals public will take care of cases of emergencia solely, the means of urban transport will make unemployments by some hours and the commerce in Athens will close three hours at noon. The exception is time are the airlines and the airports, that will work normally allowing the flights not to affect the tourism, and a pair of informative vestibules in the cyberspace that in the last months usually informs in direct than it happens in the manifestations. The Greeks thus protest against the implementation of an additional package of austerity measures del that depends that it continues receiving aid of the European Union (the EU) and of the International Monetary Fund (the IMF) to avoid the bankruptcy. In addition, the General Confederation of Trabajadores (GSEE), the Union of Funcionarios Pblicos (ADEDY) and the Movement of Trabajadores (PAME), affiliate to the Communist Party, have summoned two manifestations for the 11,00 local time (08,00 GMT) in center of Athens, that will agree in front of the Parliament.