Month: September 2011

Technology Automatic Oven

It is often used for baking at the same time on several baking. With this type of heating is very good at fruit pies and pastry, fine pastries. The upper grill with convection Want to eat meat with a crispy crust – use the grill with convection. The upper and lower heat plus fan if at the same time to include the top and bottom heat with a fan, then this will make at two levels. Maintain the temperature regime.

Range 70-120 C allow dishes to remain for a long time warm and fresh. Your oven may have a function 'microwave oven', which is used as a stand-alone or in combination with any mode of cooking. Stove with a steaming function allows you to cook great food without sacrificing healthy eating, offering in addition to the standard modes frying and baking, the possibility of cooking with steam. With this method of cooking foods is almost entirely retains all the vitamins and minerals, and the dishes become more intense taste. Producers worry about those who value time. To have developed the oven to cook at the same time allow some dishes. At the same time because of the direction of air flow flavors of different dishes do not mix.

The 'fermentation' is used for the dough and yogurt keeps the temperature of 38-40 C. Grill in oven fans taste of meat crispy be advised that the oven was equipped with elektrovertelom. Useful stuff utaplivayut rotary switches on the front oven creates additional comfort and safety in operation. In a state flush fit perfectly into the front panel, making it easy to clean and prevents accidental inclusion. An important aid for forgetful housewives – the timer. Contributes to turning off the stove at a given time. It happens that the timer-clock does not turn off oven, and just beeps. It is difficult to get rid of odors. Developers and bothered about it: a system of filters virtuoso fights odors. Technology Automatic cooking homemade food you adore, and to prepare its not enough time? Buy an oven with automatic cooking technology. It has a lot of recipes in memory. Several pressings – and expect a culinary masterpiece.

Shopping Tours

Production of fur products in Greece – a major branch of light industry of the country. Coats from Greece are known for their high quality, wide range and great variety of models. For many years Greece holds one of the first place as a country producer of fur garments of superior quality at affordable prices. Shopping tours to Greece – a journey that gives the opportunity to visit a lot of skin coat shops, factories and exhibitions. Shopping tours – it's not just buying coat.

In Greece, offers a wide variety of program options that allow you to combine shopping and leisure. World-renowned center for the production of fur products in Greece is Castor, one of the oldest cities in western Macedonia. Today's city of Kastoria preserved traces of ancient settlements. Skin coat manufacture in Kastoria was born, according to scientists, many centuries ago. If the earlier coat served as protection from the cold, then after time they began to measure wealth, style and fashion. Gradually, furriers Kastoria started to import raw materials and increased production to such an extent that soon began to export furs to other countries. Shopping tours "Castor .

Shopping and leisure "- a fascinating journey through Greece for up to two weeks. The first two days you can devote the choice of fur coats, and then go on a vacation in one of the Peninsula Hotel . Those who want to come to the shopping tour on the individual program, we offer exclusive shop tours "Kastoria vip. This individual programs VIP-service with a visit to the leading exclusive salons skin coat and Kastoria shopping centers in the city of . Shopping tours in Greece are divided into 2 categories: shop tours with the obligation to buy fur coats and shop tours with no obligation. Shopping tours with the obligation to include the conclusion of a contract under which the tourists must acquire a coat for a certain amount. Shopping tours without obligation does not include promises to buy fur coats. Shopping tours in Greece are a tested mechanism. You always escorted by experienced guides who will help in the selection of fur coats and advise in matters of customs document on fur coats. Shopping tours to Greece did not provide the only opportunity to purchase fur coats at a relatively low price, but are introduced to this ancient and fascinating country. I should say that in Kastoria is Europe's largest exhibition and sale of fur "EDICOM. Each year in May in its walls held an international exhibition of furs, in which 1,200 plants Kastoria represent their unusually high quality, fashionable and elegant fur coats. Fur products from Kastoria annually displayed at international exhibitions. Shopping tours in Kastoria immensely popular among tourists. If you have a desire pribresti fur or update your winter wardrobe, then shop tours in Greece are waiting for you. It is here that you will have the opportunity to buy fur coats, quality is not once mentioned the highest awards.