Month: July 2015

Kansas City Star

St Louis Rams is a team that has not had much significance in its respective division. Between 2002 and 2009 has maintained its permanence in the NFC West between second and fourth place. His only recent winning season was in 2003 when reached the division title. While the Rams today are the first in their division, their participation this season has not been very prominent. The NFC West is one of the divisions with minor notoriety of the NFL, this is one of the factors that can be influenced in the performance of the Rams, since you haven’t had enough competitive divisional rivals. So far the Rams have a record of six wins and eight victories that have marked in an interleaved manner. This left St.

Louis without the possibility of being able to occupy a place in the postseason. Opened the score the Rams with two goals from the field in the first quarter. The Chiefs recovered in the second quarter when they scored two touchdowns (14-6). In the third quarter the Rams rose marker 17-6 thanks even surprising 53-yard Ryan Succop field goal. The Rams had the opportunity for a touchdown to make the score 20-13, but the Chiefs responded and closed down 27-13 encounter with another annotation. The Kansas City Star was the Marshal of quarterback Matt Cassel, who after eleven days outside since it was surgery on his Appendix, He returned to continue with the triumphs of his team.

Cassel collaborated by completing 15 of 29 passes, one for a touchdown, scored 184 yards and had one interception. Sam Bradford, quarterback for the Rams, launched and completed more passes (21/43), but none for annotation, recorded 181 yards and also was the victim of an interception. Kansas City will continue in the search for a pass to the playoffs when faced on December 26 against Tennessee. This waiting makes Seattle, their closest division rival and who shares same record (6-8), when the Seahawks play against Tampa Bay.

Good Villas

With the intervention pacifies of the sertanistas the Good Villas brothers had a work of rescue of these peoples led for the Raon chieftain and the Megaron young that served of interpreter. In this occasion, for the fight of the Good Villas brothers that they tried to organize the aboriginal peoples in a great nation, they had joined forces around this rescue who had lasted many years, and lasts until our days. However it was not led in consideration to the cultural differences of these peoples, therefore if before the tribal wars were for the power and the territorial space, now it was question of life or death. With this the great mixture of peoples and languages in the High Xingu if made to create the Aboriginal Park of the Xingu that approximately shelters 110 peoples of different groups. The illustrious representative citizen of the aboriginal peoples of the Park of the Xingu.

Raon Metuktire that it ran the world with the Sting singer and became the icon of the aboriginal peoples, in Brazil is part of the etnia Kayap its work for the maintenance of the aboriginal culture and for the permanence of the indians in the villages, as well as for the maintenance of the culture and the identity of these peoples it has been object of work for many researchers in Brazil and the world. In this fight for the preservation of the aboriginal culture of the peoples who live in the Park of the Xingu in the north of Mato Grosso. Another representative I legitimize of the Kayap people Megaron Txucarrame it is leader of the FUNAI in Colder/MT and folloies with maestria the population growth of the peoples of the Xingu executing the deliberations of the white man through the laws and continues with interpreter of its people when its claims, therefore say the Portuguese language fluentemente, were alfabetizado by the Good Villas brothers and say 11 dialects of the peoples which represent.

Melinda Gates Foundation

A proverb that says that we should leave him there is a better country to our children. But it is more important to leave better children to our country. In one of his books Corentt for example says that if he met a painter and want to help you best is provide skills so it is agencie media work and then offer you a good price for a quality paint. Slim reiterated his stance that the best way to combat poverty is creating jobs. Corentt insists that it is important that everything be given, should generate development non-dependence.

Dependence impoverishes all but in different ways. However, Slim is not against charity. Hundreds of millions of dollars has contributed to his Foundation and he has funded millions of dollars in joint ventures with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation projects. Its position seems to be that society would benefit more if wealth was invested in enhancing the energies and creative talents to companies that create jobs rather than give cash raise. It is the version of the 21st century of the old billionaire proverb if you give a man a fish will eat one day, if it teaches you to fish will eat all life.

The article ends with the following: raises two good questions, which I have played one increasingly greater amount of entrepreneurs wealthy. They would do more by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett society if they turn their time and money to new companies rather than financing works of philanthropy? Has philanthropy solved any important social problems in 50 years? The foregoing you may remove a couple of questions for yourself. This article try to provide answers. From the Sage who said teaching him a man to fish and he will not have hunger in their life, up to Corentt and others who say that the best way to help the poor is to return them rich. And before rich others need you to search their own wealth. Contrary to what you may believe much everything starts in thought and in his book I am happy, I am rich, Corentt shows everything you need so you enrich yourself and others starting from the level of thought. Single read will return millionaires many in your world and yourself. But nothing will get free. You must read it and think and enrich known more easy and honest way.

Munich Action

‘Relieve the environment and at the same time protect dolphins’ – supported under this motto the Forderverein Rockefeller economies e.V. has built up a nationwide collection system the recycling initiative of the Forderverein Rockefeller economies e.V. dolphin conservation projects of the GRD, that environmentally friendly recycled toner cartridges and ink cartridges. The dolphins e.V. (GRD) in Croatia and Peru financed dolphin conservation projects of the society to the rescue with the proceeds. The action is the toll-free hotline (0800-90 999 99) switched, under the one picking up the collected and packed in its own carton cartridges or ink cartridges can instruct (the minimum quantity is 8 toner cartridges or 15 cartridges). The collected free of charge within 3 working days. The Rockefeller economies Association is a partner of GRD for many years. With the toner recycling action we protect not only our own environment, but enough of the population in Croatia and Peru the hand at the same time and support of the impending destruction, To keep marine life along the coasts of their countries”, said Frederic Rockefeller since 2004 GRD Dolphin Ambassador, who called the action in life. “We would be pleased if more and more environmentally conscious companies and individuals would participate in the collective action, because many do not know”, as Bettina barbs by the club management of Rockefeller economies that toner cartridges and ink cartridges otherwise belong in the hazardous waste. ” In the Adriatic, the GRD fighting for the survival of the last about 220 bottlenose dolphins, which have survived in the Adriatic Sea together with vets from the University of Zagreb.

Concentration Extreme

It has happened to most people that we began to read a book, story, or article and it happens that we are understanding nothing of what we read, it could be that we are not prepared for that reading level or that we are simply not concentrated. When we were able to concentrate on a book is a wonderful thing, we are completely within the plot of the book, we are able to visualize the different scenes through our imagination, our mind plays different tones of voice of each of the characters, this concentration allows us to enjoy reading and we fully understand the argument of the book and is really a nice experienceIt may even happen that some external events in our House go unnoticed by our level of attention. In everyday life it is also important to pay close attention to what we are doing, mainly in those activities that we have decided that they are of great importance in our life, in that regard Andrew Corentt explains in his book the power to transform our lives on the great importance that has the concentration to achieve different purposes, by reading this book you will learn various techniques that will allow you to pay due attention to their ideas and build appropriate levels of internal energy that will lead it to the success dramatically. It is important to remember that concentration establishes a connection between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind, the second mind is all your power, for that reason it is that great inspirations have emerged from an extraordinary concentration. In book the power to transform our lives will develop the power of concentration through various techniques of assertions, which will allow you to concentrate on his purposes through different strategies, a well-structured affirmation is an extremely powerful tool for achieving any desire. If you pay attention to too many things then your internal energy will be divided and the progress in your project will be less notable, strive to move forward in an orderly manner, all pay your interest only to those things that are truly important to you. Today we see many problems because people pay attention to what they dislike, however the strength of curiosity and morbidity make you want to be aware of things that do not work for you, Andrew Corentt teaches us how to discard anything that does not benefit us if you unable to concentrate only on what benefits you then their achievements appear promptly.