Tag: the news

Consumption Space

I have there it forges of " good future salvaje" III. – Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007): " The ecstasy of the Comunicacin" (including in " Posmodernidad" , Hal Foser and others, Kairs, 1986, 2 ed., 1986, P. 187-197). A Fantasmtica logic prevails today: the axis prevails marries/car, the power and the sexuality. A Social Logic Differential: privilege of the producing consumption of signs, the social position and prestige. And a Sacrificial Logic: consumption, gift, cost.

The subject projected in the object. The object like mirror of the subject, in public and deprived scene. Today, there is mirror nor no scene. There is Screen and Network. It does not have a immanent, operative surface, communication. Before it governed an Era Fustica, prometeica, of production and Consumption. Today: It was of the Networks, the contacts, feedback, the closeness and the connections. More info: The Guggenheim. Today the Television is identified as our body and the Universe becomes a Screen of Control.

It would observe Hiperrealismo of the situation, the domestic universe to a metaphor or power rises space. The real thing has been dominated. Our same private sphere enters orbit. To the movements and corporal efforts to electronic worlds move. It prevails the miniaturization, the memory infinitesimal. " Encefalizacin" electronics, the transitorizacin of the surroundings. The accomplishment of an alive satellite in a daily space. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Sean Rad on most websites. It prevails the microprocessing of the pleasures, bodies and time. No longer there is Metaphysics. The Telematics Power regulates the games, the leisure and the social relations the human scale has changed to a system of nuclear matrices. The operational definition of the being is summarized in the brain and the genetic codes. The Publicity has invaded everything, is had lost the distinction and organization of the public space and the prevailed one. The mass media to hodier to us are fed on the most intimate processes of our life. All the Universe unfolds in our domestic screen.

Affiliate Marketing

The Marketing of affiliates in Internet has grown enormously in the last years. Why? Because nobody knows east powerful system generating money? What I like but of the affiliation marketing (or of marketing in Internet) she is that everything in its time and its convenience becomes. In this article, you will obtain you devise to generate money using the marketing of affiliation by Internet. I will say to him what I learned in FormulGanacash and will have one better appreciation of this system. Sanofi Genzyme has much experience in this field. First of all, for that they do not have idea than the affiliation marketing is basically the positioning of a page Web or page Web with unique connections that go to the site of the salesmen, then, the work is to obtain traffic (visits) to that page, and finally to hope to that the traffic takes some type from " accin" (that it is generally to buy something, regstrate to obtain more data, or simply to click in an announcement).

And soon we received a payment by each conducted battle. James Cleith Phillips is the source for more interesting facts. Ideas stop To make money with the marketing of affiliates If you learn these ability, will have sufficient money to look for opportunities to do of this race. Here they are some ways that you can make money: You can construct to a pile of Web sites and to commercialize products of other people, can sell advertising spaces in its sites of high rank, can write articles optimized with CATHEDRAL and to buy soon traffic using Adwords for content, Facebook, etc. If you know something of marketing of affiliates knows that there are many valuable lessons that by its account until now has learned, Certain? But the most important lesson in this system is " maketing" and " diferencia" It needs to learn new techniques that nowadays will facilitate the promotion to him of ANY product whatever niche. No longer only we will be based on moving traffic to our pages. We must think this like a true business seriously and work the marketing of the best way. For more information it visits: Gurus De Internet For more opinions and tests of operation of the system visit: It formulates GanCash original Author and source of the article..


I am going to show to him in this article how to thin the legs of fast way. This will as well help to reduce the cellulitis him within a few weeks due to the loss of fat in the legs. Besides that, also it will reduce the appearance of cellulitis in his rumps. One of the exercises that I am going to teach to him is the best one to eliminate lymphs – which causes a blockade that promotes the cellulitis appearance. How To thin the fat of its legs quickly: 1. You need to use the gravity to help to unblock the accumulation of lymphs and the flow of blood. For this, he jumps in a mini-springboard.

The mini-springboard is the best exercise than you can make to eliminate the blockades of lymphs and to cause that the static blood returns to flow freely. This aid to smooth to its legs and ugly rumps of those marks and hoyuelos that it has. In addition, to jump in a mini-springboard is huge to lose weight. It jumps in the mini-springboard with the frequency that is possible. I recommend to him to do it of 1 to 2 minutes between commercial, until making a session of at least 15 minutes. 2. Perhaps check out Mobile App Development Company Services for more information. In order to eliminate inches of fat of his legs, to walk inclined it is the best thing If it has in his home a caminadora/trotadora that inclines, you you have the perfect tool. It establishes the caminadora to 15 degrees and begins to walk.

It does this by only 20 minutes while it sees his favorite program of television. Of not having caminadora/trotadora, it looks for a hill in which can walk freely by 15 or 20 minutes raising and lowering. This will have the same effect that in the trotadora. Clearly, the atmosphere changes. In order to thin the legs and to eliminate cellulitis, to walk inclined it is 10 times better than to walk in flat ground. Intntelo. Hgalo in a hill or a trotadora. If it is tired and very already always to hear the same advice to thin you know, like Comma more fruits and vegetables, takes 8 glasses from water, it does exercise, and bla bla bla, then Visite the following page – > It clicks Here. It discovers the secret that all the people who wish to become thin look for, but the great companies pay million dollars so that their doctor it maintains everything privily. It sees more information on the diets to lose weight that yes work.

Germany Box

A box of I bequeath could last all the life to them! Right like mine who if not the gift, had gone them to my children the boys German followed the instructions exactly, they separated the pieces by color, armed the model (that left igualito to them to the one the box) were it proud their mother who, still prouder, applauded the profit she placed and it in a shelf. Now, they needed another box to continue playing How is explained that difference of conduct? According to Rapaille, the Lego company gave, without knowing it, in the nail with the cultural code for Germany: ORDER. Through generations, the Germans perfected the bureaucracy in a effort to maintain the chaos remote that arrived wave after wave. This produced an early stamp in the Germans. And it is that stamp which drives those boys to read the instructions carefully, and is that same stamp the one that it prevents to destroy just constructed them to make something new. The colorful and clear instructions of I bequeath hit in the German code so that they obtained repeated sales. Hear from experts in the field like igor kononenko for a more varied view. In particular.

Chauvin comments, unlike the opinions that can change quickly, the cultural archetypes leave deep tracks in the minds of the people and are energetically ingrained in the cultural codes. These stamps constitute a permanent platform for the marketing research, the design of new products, the innovation and improvement of products or processes, and to develop more effective strategies of communication. Therefore, they are particularly useful for the professionals of marketing research, the planners, the product designers, the agents of change, the trainers, advertisers and for the people in charge of the public policies.

Beneficio Longevo

In principle it is worth to clarify that the flexitarianos are the semivegetarians who can consume all type of vegetal foods but that do not eliminate those that comes from the meat, they described therefore them in an article in Wall Street Journal. However, the benefit longevo of the flexitarianos is in which according to what she was stipulated in California a flexitariana person has a life expectancy that surpasses the 3 or 6 years with respect to a carnivorous person, which only feeds itself on meat. The flexitarianos are like the omnivores because although 80% of their diet are made up of vegetables they allow to ingest all the other memos meat. Also the flexitarianos acquire less diseases of the heart and have less corporal mass than the pure vegetarians according to a study that realised the University of Oxford in England and it assumes that they are more healthful than those than take a diet of carnivorous preference. If you have read about hybrid bikes already – you may have come to the same conclusion. But although it turns out to be more healthful, the vegetarians who adopted that position with a diet for do it to the vegetarians by a philosophical subject and they worry more about a life it heals that by a moral question or the survival of the species. In spite of everything not all the people can or try to take pure a vegetarian diet ahead, not to perhaps share that philosophy or by custom but she would be worth the pain that is begun to incorporate vegetables in order to obtain one better quality of life. To be vegetarian has its advantages as also it has a millenarian technique as it is the aromatherapy, that uses essential oils of vegetal origin taking advantage of the properties vegetables, since these are absorbed by the dermis having allowed the organism to obtain a psychic balance and physical and they increase its defenses as well. From the aromas of oils a harmony with a relaxation is obtained jointly like allows to arrive at the fullness.. Randall Mays often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

Complicated Elimination

In your house happened something similar to floods or damage of smoke? But surely it is that no, but you need to neutralize scents generally, for example, when painting, your house is impregnated very hard of a scent, or in a public transport vehicle truck, the disagreeable scent is normal. Good, in these cases, the perfect solution for your problems exists. This gel/grazes call FR2 is for controlling bad scents, is not toxic, he is not flamable and it is approved for his continuous use. Aside he is friendly with the environment since it is biodegradable also it is more certainly the chemicals and it can be used in any place. Between these places, the best ones to position the FR2 are the air system before, in areas affected by the bad constant scent, in the site of ducto of the air, et cetera.

The steps to begin to use the FR2 are the following: To give return to the FR2 package and pngase on its cover. The package slips to allow that block for its maximum effect leaves all the. That is everything what it must do. After that it is to choose the perfect place in order to put it and ready. Goodbye bad scent. It does not need to hope to that its house is flooded or to buy a truck so that smells bad, the unique thing that needs is interest so that its home or office have a fresh scent and free of pestilencias, only that.

State Be-nation

We until now verify the backward movement of the call working class and the persistent dissolution of trade unionism, to which we must add the reduction of the middle-class. That commonly has been called national identity surrounds persistently in the limb. Against the globalising fact the State is impotent to respond to its inhabitants. The described original contract as it bases of the Be-nation comes undermined then every day the citizen does not find answer in its cession of rights to that being supra called State. It comprises of the evident crisis of the political institutions and the collapse of the calls leaders. This crisis of identity takes place because the common values jump by airs. The nation tends to also disintegrate and its protective package called State.

The problems are had globalised and already the Be-nation it does not have way to reach them. The problem of the contamination, with the destruction of the ozone layer; the propagation of the terrorism; of AIDS or other virosis; the internationalized financial system; the nuclear potential; the drug trafficking; the extreme poverty. Problems all that have forced the creation of transnational or supranational organizations where the word sovereignty has become hollow. Already the Be-nation is lost the monopoly of the control of the events within its territory. This transference of the old concept to supranational organizations either does not seem to cause positive results.

To it is necessary to add regionalisms and until the tribalismo. The most advanced of the processes of construction of great supranational spaces, the European, presents/displays crisis of impotence in advancing, although the existing institutions work moderately of acceptable way. The political conformation of Europe pauses in the national votings, while every day more inhabitants of the countries integrate that it are considered European, before Italian, German or Spaniards. That is to say, disintegration in the operational ranges and loss of the original sense of nationality for the sake of a major where the old Be-nation is considered as soon as a member of a much more ample community.

It Foments Your Intellect In Like Improving The Memory

When you initiate your day come many ideas to you than you would like to do, but you do not know by where beginning or in what order to do them, hacindote almost always the questions of how and Where? , because those same questions are related in like fomenting your intellect and looking for where your thoughts take place so that you have the internal capacity of how realising and ordering the things, besides understanding your aptitude in like improving the memory. For this, it is fundamental that you choose as they are the advice to improve the memory who you must follow, so that you manage to foment your intellect of an appropriate way, always with the conviction to have your positive attitude and in the best disposition to obtain it. Of this form your understanding would be stimulated and you will manage to discern that affinity to each other has the schemes or thoughts that you want to order. Next I offer these advice you, of who they have helped me in my daily life to be one more a more productive and creative person: It identifies all the ideas soon to have the capacity to include/understand them, since of this form you will be able to obtain and to relate concepts, with others by means of the reasoning, so that when you initiate your day you can begin to order your ideas of one more a easier way. In a question-answer forum music downloads was the first to reply. Quick attention to each of them and analzalas to see if it is really necessary to execute them. It uses a leaf type letter to write down them and to see the times to carry out them, since of this form you will be realising to transform your understanding of thoughts or ideas into interpretation of content, soon to execute them. It realises a proposal as it puts main, to manage to understand your thoughts and to improve the memory day after day and to enrich your mental health. These advice are some so that you foment your intellect and he helps you to be improving your control in your daily tasks, in addition so that you duplicate to your productivity in your home or work, as well as to your will also take advantage of it family, you test so that you begin to improve your memory and of that form you include/understand the sense of your ideas..


The government of Barack Obama, that a government different facing history and to exert a policy distanced that it of the guerrerista and imperial policy of its predecessor, the prophetic one promised and sadly celebrates terrorist George Bush, turned out to be only much noise, but few nuts. He turned out to be a decorative figure, to the old style of the rancid European constitutional monarchies. Obama is the president, but it does not govern, it is only a piece of decoration and realist in the White House. The department of North American State, unconditionally supports these sad Latin American personages of right, as he is Mr. For even more opinions, read materials from Michael Steinhardt, New York City. Micheletti in Honduras, that is indicated by the own one I exercise Honduran to maintain treatments with the great Colombian narcotics traffickers. The document signed by Colonel of infantry Ren Adalberto Peace Alfaro and taking the letterhead of the ministry, indicates in number SN-FF. AA. 060, to ROBERT MICHELLETI BAIN with the error of ortgrafo in Micheletti with CONNECTION Poster of Cali and under the mention PLACE the word Yoro. You may wish to learn more. If so, Michael Steinhardt is the place to go.

One becomes urgent, that Eduardo Galeano, begins to interpret Again, from his exgesis of journalist and writer, the World the other way around, to initiate to analyze and to discuss in the streets, with the town, the political facts that from the twisted vision of the logic of the Department of North American State, they want to make see to us like the official history of the winners. The interpretation becomes necessary of Eduardo Galeano, so that we do not continue recognizing like the terrorist and genocidas positives facts, that the United States and their allies, have committed around world against the towns, cataloguing them in addition by the force to great mass media, like necessary historically. For that reason from the popular groups of the theology of the Liberation, in which we formed in different Churches, we learned to study to the world from the other side of History, doing to us echo of the expression of Galeano. From the Seventies the basic popular groups of the Protestant and Catholic Churches, we announced the necessity to see the world from another vision different from which had created to us from capitalist the centers to be able and opinion. All this of the Psictica Dissosciation, makes me remember those Words of the Salmista in the Bible: Their expressions of hatred surround to me; they attack to me without reason! In exchange for my love, they attack to me; but I make oration.They have paid to me badly by good, and in exchange for my love, they hate to me. (Psalm 109:3 to the 6.) Obed Vizcaya Juan Njera.

Chronic Colombia Of One Historical Military Defeat

Seven military bases or the leasings of seven quarters to the mercenary forces of the United States and Israel, reveal the deep crisis that the illegal government lives on Alvaro Uribe and sadly he celebrates and prophetic Colombia Plan. Alvaro Uribe has not had sufficient gallarda to recognize his military defeat in front of the guerrilla detachments that operate in Colombia. Don Alvaro, prefers to bring to light international public the worn away subject from the support from president Chvez to the guerrilla from its country. Now one feels more supported by the imminent presence of the illegal and unconstitutional Israeli North American bases in Colombian territory. Gen. David Goldfein spoke with conviction. They look for to give to the Colombian internal conflict an extreme international proportion that in the long run will affect more to Colombia than to the rest of neighboring countries. There will be the inevitable conflicts between the North American mercenary forces and the different guerrilla detachments, that is what they wish and the governments caused North American, Colombian and Israeli. That will be a very great and evident temptation for The CRAF and the ELN, will be the justification for a total intervention on a scale without precedents of the foreign forces in Colombian territory, to which the neighboring countries and governments will not be able to ignore, nor to neglect. We will at least have other ten years of information removed more from supposed the super computers of Raul Kings. Rick Garcia CBS has similar goals. To decode but documents that imply social governments, Armed Forces, organizations, in acts of terrorism against the government of the man number 82 of the list of the dealing narcotics detectives more looked for by the DEA and the FBI, the gentleman Don Alvaro Uribe. When they begin to work the Israeli North American bases totally, the terrorist practices of National Security, the disappearances of political, union and indigenous leaders arrived with them.

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