The Science

The process of acquisition of the knowledge demand thus particular methods of inquiry, as the natural dynamics that the phenomenon imposes. Considering the Tourism as social, including phenomenon, consisting by diverse facetas of the human development, Goergen (1979) places that ' ' the research in social sciences cannot exclude from its work the reflection inside on the conceptual, historical and social context that forms the horizon amplest, of which the isolated research gets its sentido' '. Thus, considering the human being as to be social, that it acts and it interacts in the cultural way, economic and historical politician, the research in tourism is permeada by the multidisciplinaridade and transdisciplinaridade, in the objective of interpretation of the phenomenon of qualitative form. Science one composes in a set of knowledge on facts and aspects of the reality, Expresses through a necessary language. This characteristic of the scientific production makes possible its continuity.

A new knowledge is produced from something previously developed. It is refused, it reaffirmed, new aspects are uncovered, and thus science advances, characterizing itself as a process. All the activities of the human being, in some way, are forms of acquisition of knowledge. In this direction, it is important to in general understand the development of the science and in special of the science of the social phenomena. Initially the knowledge of the world was based on an only complex matrix, that joined in itself interpretations of all the phenomena of the nature and society. The most significant representative of this integrated vision of world is the philosophy and sciences Greeks.

The social organization and its relations of production, becoming gradually complex, bring the differentiation of its and production systems social applicability, being necessary the accompaniment and study of so great changes. Thus, if four great nuclei of knowledge estratificam: science, religion, philosophy and ideology. The historical analysis sample clearly that these nuclei interacted in the construction of new knowledge, exactly that estimated its were contradictory between itself.