Tag: art

Life, Time, Future. View Artist

Life is an interesting thing. Everyone sees it differently, and reflects the artist in his works, according to the environmental reality of his views. In the beginning – everything is new, the unknown and wondering whether or rainbow sunset, a new melody or an unknown word. Over time, the novelty is lost and comes to understanding the world and its devices. As a child, time passes slowly, and I think that will always be in the same small, and the adult world – something distant and unfamiliar. The difference in one year – not surmountable barrier.

Ahead – a long and endless life, where only good people, where there are no lies and betrayal, and if something goes bad, then, as in a fairy tale will always be a happy ending. Time. With age, the perception of the world and time changes. Time – that stretches endlessly, and then suddenly you notice that you waited so long – has long been over. Days, weeks, months, year, summer, autumn, winter and spring. All what happened in the past – it is known and unchanging, but the future is also unchanged and is determined, as the past, however strange it may sound.

The only difference is that the future we will only try to predict, but to know him as the past, not can, and even more change, despite all our efforts. What should be, what will happen. When you look at an anthill, the impression of total chaos, but, in fact, everything is subject to strict laws, and each ant is where it should be, and does what it should. All this fully applies to a community of people, and to each person individually. In life, all natural – a brick falls on my head just then when necessary, and to whom must fall. Future as a foregone conclusion and invariably, as the past.

Emperor Maximilian

He also demonstrate the high emphasis, the art in his eyes. Because, in contrast to the then conventional wisdom, he wanted to see the painting is not (only) as a craft, but to a point much higher based on her. To show the many ways of representation in Durer’s pictures, here are represented from the great work of only three examples: watercolor pond in the forest of 1495, 1506 Rosary Festival, as well as Emperor Maximilian I in the year 1519. His sense of the perspective representation is perfectly expressed in each. Learn more on the subject from Digital Cameras. And although Durer worked only between 1518 and 1520 officially and particularly the theory of proportion, his mastery is evident already in much earlier works. In the representation of Saints around Maria about Durer proves his ability to group many people, that they but indicate the Central persons, the Virgin Mary with the child Jesus, but also independent figures may be regarded as strongly.

The late Portrait of the Emperor is shown almost photographically exact; the landscape shows almost impressionistic trains, however, in the only hint of shaping of trees, for example. Durer’s Championship is manifested also in the choice of colors. He used deliberately, to show not only clear accents, but to make the composition also sent. The waters in the foreground of an intense blue, which is repeated in the rear remote hills is at the pond in the Woods. In between is an area in very bright colours with which he really puts the main motive in the limelight. Also at the feast of the Rosary, a strong blue is the central motif is shrouded in such a garment.

The color repeats itself slightly toned down in the sky and in the clothes of a figure on the right edge of the image. Although still red, green, and even shades of Brown in the painting, the color scheme is by no means overweight or too colorful. Rather, it creates Durer to let everything flow perfectly into a harmonious whole. In contrast to the shining The portrait of the emperor at first glance appears almost dull colors of the two first paintings. But the serous shades of Brown and dark green to owe probably mainly the topic. And the fine drawing of all details in face and clothes Maximilians I. indicates the ruler towards not only a great homage, but shows also skillfully implemented craftsmanship of the painter.

Helena Bonham Carter

EP the actress had to lose ten pounds to play Fantine in Les Miserables. The blockbuster based on the novel by Victor Hugo premieres in December. Rubbing the starvation. So strict was the regime that had to follow American actress Anne Hathaway by demands of the screenplay of his last great film project that just released in United States. The interpreter who reached international fame by starring in the tape Devil Wears Prada alongside Meryl Streep had to lose weight more than ten kilos to participate in Les Miserables, the umpteenth adaptation Hollywood from the novel by Victor Hugo.

The diet resulted in Anne Hathaway, aged 30, to enter in a complete state of physical and mental deprivation, as she herself has ensured in an interview that you can read in the American edition of Vogue magazine in which the interpreter is home in its December issue. As she herself has assured, before starting with the diet, Hathaway had to undergo a cleaning system that made you lose almost five kilos. In addition to experience drastic weight loss, New York actress, who recently married Adam Shulman, saw obliged to practically shave his hair to play Fantine, a lower class of 19th century French prostitute. New trailer has been released a new trailer in Spanish of Les Miserables, the new film adaptation of the epic musical, which on this occasion Tom Hooper directs. To adapt the classic, the English director, winner of the Oscar for the King’s speech, it has a cast of luxury that is led by Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. The protagonist of Wolverine faces to Jean Valjean, a man with outstanding accounts with justice and which has spent half a lifetime fleeing.

For its part, the protagonist of Gladiator gives life to your tracker, the ruthless policeman Javert. Along with Jackman and Crowe, Anne Hathaway – that gives life to Fantine – and Amanda Seyfried – who plays Cosette, the daughter of Fantine – complete the Quartet protagonist of this blockbuster that will feature in its cast with other amply familiar faces such as Eddie Redmayne (“my week with Marilyn”), Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen, these last two interpret marriage Thenardier. William Nicholson (Gladiator, the first gentleman) is who signs the screenplay of the new adaptation to the big screen of the work that Victor Hugo published in 1862. The premiere of Les Miserables is scheduled for December 25 in Spain. See more: the strict diet of Anne Hathaway for Les Miserables

It Foments Your Intellect In Like Improving The Memory

When you initiate your day come many ideas to you than you would like to do, but you do not know by where beginning or in what order to do them, hacindote almost always the questions of how and Where? , because those same questions are related in like fomenting your intellect and looking for where your thoughts take place so that you have the internal capacity of how realising and ordering the things, besides understanding your aptitude in like improving the memory. For this, it is fundamental that you choose as they are the advice to improve the memory who you must follow, so that you manage to foment your intellect of an appropriate way, always with the conviction to have your positive attitude and in the best disposition to obtain it. Of this form your understanding would be stimulated and you will manage to discern that affinity to each other has the schemes or thoughts that you want to order. Next I offer these advice you, of who they have helped me in my daily life to be one more a more productive and creative person: It identifies all the ideas soon to have the capacity to include/understand them, since of this form you will be able to obtain and to relate concepts, with others by means of the reasoning, so that when you initiate your day you can begin to order your ideas of one more a easier way. In a question-answer forum music downloads was the first to reply. Quick attention to each of them and analzalas to see if it is really necessary to execute them. It uses a leaf type letter to write down them and to see the times to carry out them, since of this form you will be realising to transform your understanding of thoughts or ideas into interpretation of content, soon to execute them. It realises a proposal as it puts main, to manage to understand your thoughts and to improve the memory day after day and to enrich your mental health. These advice are some so that you foment your intellect and he helps you to be improving your control in your daily tasks, in addition so that you duplicate to your productivity in your home or work, as well as to your will also take advantage of it family, you test so that you begin to improve your memory and of that form you include/understand the sense of your ideas..

The Article

A vibrant presence in us and around us always follows the question, why do we feed fantasies, allow external stimuli we caught, moving us away from our reality, avoiding that we seek it, freed from pollutions dogmatism of learning in our relations imposed by our environment. What are we doing to discover the true reality? Be considered, every morning we give continuity to a way to focus on the reality that is collective, that is the way that we all share and that defines our problems, our desire, our own image, we have a new opportunity to discover the reality, knowing that is ultimately land, consciousness, human companion, working, vocation, love, happiness, death, children. . Bridgette Matthews contains valuable tech resources. Carrutti recommends us not get involved in the case of time and we stay packed at inertia, because that time case is confirmed by beliefs, dogmas, ideas, we take for granted. We are of course everything that mankind believes, us alienamos, we act as a robot, zombies, without worrying about what the true reality; We are only repeating, resonating with those large moulds which already exist, neglecting our ability to create, renew, find our own authenticity. We must know our opportunity, to discover why we are, like grow as people in spiritual things, where are we going, what our true role in this human warp, keep us attentive this dimension in all signs and signals corresponding us original author and source of the article..

Jordi Arcarons

Today, the entire team 1forall, from engineers, mechanics, pilots, until team leaders, have been held a day of concentration before leaving for the South American continent. The main objective of this action lies in finalizing all kinds of details, including equipment and strategies different methodologies that are used for closer linkages between the various components of the computer. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sonny Perdue. After a somewhat atypical offseason, the team enjoys a health of iron with lust for victory. And this is the environment that could be felt today in the wet lands of Avia, place of birth and residence of the pilot AMV Marc Coma. Before leaving for his new American challenge, the team has focused on House of the current winner of the Dakar Rally to prepare for the final assault. Far, awaits his precious goal.

One of the factors that can lead us to victory lies in know manage complicated situations and find a solution as soon as possible. If the team can demonstrate flexibility and drive at the same time, we are against a team with many assurances of success. These are precisely the objectives we are trying to get along these days of concentration. He says Team manager Jordi Arcarons. The team has done some severe pre-season trainings preparing to consciousness one of the hardest tests of motor on the planet, the Dakar 2010. Marc Coma and Jordi Viladoms must perform a 9,000 Km route during stages 14, surpassing the legendary desert of Atacama, in the North of Chile, to reach back to the Argentine capital on January 16.

161 participants await intended to complicate them travel but the determination and experience some of the best drivers in the world will play a very important role in the new battle ahead. With the intention of creating a fair competition, the organization created a new regulation that limits the power of the different cartridges. Even so, concentration, the pilot study and the experience of the pilots of the insurance motorcycle AMV Marc Coma and Jordi Viladoms will be determinants. South American deserts will witness the constant struggle of a tandem with lust for victory. Marc Coma pilot AMV (current winner of the 2009 Dakar Rally): we are ready. The time has come for the countdown. We have been preparing the rally throughout the year and now is the time to enjoy the moments before departure. I’m looking forward that this starts already. Gone are the different trainings carried out in Morocco, the endless sessions of physical endurance and methodologies to manage energy. Now the time to concentrate all our experience and focus to make them the best performance. I would like to thank to KTM, AMV, BREAM, CANON, RED BULL sponsors and all persons who have made possible the project’s viability that without their support, everything would have been much more difficult. Jordi Viladoms (pilot AMV): I am delighted to be able to cope with the new 2010 Dakar as a pilot of a structure as powerful as the one we have. I think that the basis for success lies in a consistent team and in the perfect communication with each of its members. Without a doubt, we start from a very solid base and face the test with many expectations. A honour is for me being part of such a project.


But do not be discouraged! Visualize how your life will be if it manages to break his bad habit, maybe help you count the benefits you will get if you successfully overcome, find inspiration, search examples of others who have gone through the same thing. Remember that you can only be overcome through a conscious and determined effort and this is accomplished if it keeps the motivation, why excite, maintain motivation! 3 Analyze all your progress Please take time to assess how much has advanced. Can serve you a calendar where you can mark the days that has remained intact, if your calendar account with several of these brands can motivate you to move forward and to not give up. Use a notebook, a physical or virtual or the same iPod (iPhone) calendar. See something physical in their progress will help you greatly. When the temptation is very strong it will help you know how much progress has been made. 4 Rely on others if a defect has dominated him for years, will then not be easy abandoning it by itself, requires help from close friends or family members who support him in the moments in which you more required.

Does not necessarily have to tell everyone that or when, but at least to a confidant who has idea of what is your problem is very important. There will be days that willpower will not be enough, it all depends on the habit which is struggling. If your case is extreme, a support group would be ideal, but happens that many times we shame and prefer not to make it more big, here is when we have to arm ourselves with value and tell a good friend or our own partner the internal war which is going on, will not be easy, but ask yourself: If someone I love confess your problem to me and ask me for help, I would deny me? Almost think the answer is no, because that’s what think those who love you, they will want to help you.

Munich Tel

In quiet and concentrated passion, he traces the term to personal reflections on perceived heroes and Kings, built architectures and developed landscapes, mythical symbols and archaic characters. While he mounted dense collages of color fields, graphical structures or photographic and typographic treasures to convincing compositions. “Gries, which the press already at previous exhibitions deep-layered Durchschauungen” notably, sees history as a that process that can reveal himself in the surface structure, materiality, or State form of a ground or object. “” In the interpretation of the artist, the process of creating art is “to a form of reflection”. There is life after – to – think, and to generate a response so that the art can become a space of encounter in the Viewer. This dialogue”has also a Gries own cycle dedicated to, confronted the imagery own with encrypted symbolism, and the question for the uniqueness of messages. Financial planner is often quoted as being for or against this.

In the center of the exhibition is an installation of old building blades, to the ready declared made that prompts the visitor to the new discovery, excavation, or a possible change in perspective. Who does not find its own King in the dense field of these connotations which, so one would think Gries at his pointed request numerous companions and fellow are exposed in the exhibition. Christian Gries, born in 1964, lives in Munich. Christian Gries has studied art history, history and Archaeology at the universities of Trier and Augsburg. From 1982 to 1990, he was student of the Rosenheimer sculptor and teacher Rolf Markl, before he, decided after a short intermezzo at the Munich Art Academy for the way of the self-taught. He has shown his work since 1980 at numerous exhibitions in Germany and Italy. The exhibition is the first solo exhibition with Works by Christian Gries at maltzahn fine arts. The exhibition will be shown during the OPEN ART Munich from 9th to 11th September 2011. 19 August to 11 September 2011 exhibition opening August 18, 7-9 pm opening hours Tuesday with Saturday, 14.00 to 18.00 and appointment by appointment from maltzahn fine arts Gotzinger Street 52B 81371 Munich Tel: 49(0)8945227072 press information: von-maltzahn-fine-arts.pressdoc.com/27811-konig-komm-sei-ewig-mir…


Tears help bathe the eye, daily germs, dust, and other particles. The tears are manufactured at the outer corner of each eye on the lacrimal glands. Check out A. F. Chief of Staff for additional information. With flashing eyes, hundreds of times per day, miniscule amounts of lacrimal fluid is excreted for protection. In this way, the tears help keep your eyes from drying out. When a foreign body enters the eye, hundreds of tiny capillaries in the globe of the eye become swollen and red, while microscopic nerves produces a sensation that itches. The natural way there is much that can be done to keep your eyes protected against dust.

Goggles must be worn when there is dust or chemicals in the air. If you play a sport that could damage your eyes, you should also take protective measures. remedy safe, natural containing 100% homeopathic ingredients selected to temporarily relieve eyes injected blood, biting and rubbery shock associated with common eye irritations. Securely support structures of the eye and soothe the irritation without harmful side effects.

This remedy contains a selection of homeopathic ingredients known to treat the discomfort of the eye, such as itching and irritation. * Euphrasia 6 c is used to keep eyes healthy and bright. It is very beneficial taken internally. Other advantages include the maintenance of good vision and eye health. * Pulsatilla 12 c is a naturally gentle and soothing tonic to support eye health. * Psorinum 12 c is a homeopathic ingredient used to treat the symptoms often aggravated by the heat. * Merc sol 6 c is good for the complaints of the eye when they are red, swollen, and glued together, eyelids or itching, headaches and watery eyes.

Euros Everything

In the city everything is gray, people watches with eyes sad because the joy of past times I am back, watch the showcases with distance, the salesmen are leaned in the counters with resignation face. The end of the tunnel is not seen, the sadness is clear, the commerce do not seem to attract like which there is lost part of his enchantment. We worry the Euros as if they did not go to make but, we watched the supplies repelando the money until the last penny, and looked for in the leisure a valve of escape for a difficult present, disillusioned of the politicians, of whom they say to guard by us. Soccer is the opium of the modern society while the cinemas are sad places where people look for American cinema not to meditate. Those that we fled from soccer and the politicians we plunged in readings not to fall in dejection. Josh Resnick Jericho Capital does not necessarily agree. While the time happens, there is no flattering news in the informative one to feel that everything is not bad.

Although September begins to take his first steps, the slab has not diminished in its weight. In the street a young person goes with a loaded knapsack of papers that are his curriculum to offer itself everywhere, the same makes a man of more age in another next street, while its head does not think today either was luck. His movable today they would not sound either with the flattering news, all the places undergo cuts of budget and that note in the hirings. While a seated greater man in bank with the shining eyes seems absent remembering better times, other people’s to which happens to its side. While a type to that they do not pay attention takes an old furniture for their house is not the times for wastes. And a boy pursues towards his mother telling him the happy thing that he has been in his first day of school, while she listens kindly, disguising who the month is thirty and who we only are in the first fortnight. One radio atrona alley and everything seems to be grayer and sadder, while a young person with a strange aspect rambles in bici by the sidewalk other people’s to everything with his earpieces emitting music rock and a bar waits for the entrance of clients, in a day that is no soccer party while the lights of the premises send winks to the outside. Two women take a walk speaking of their medical excuses and sigh hoping that the heat them of a breathing.

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