Munich Tel

In quiet and concentrated passion, he traces the term to personal reflections on perceived heroes and Kings, built architectures and developed landscapes, mythical symbols and archaic characters. While he mounted dense collages of color fields, graphical structures or photographic and typographic treasures to convincing compositions. “Gries, which the press already at previous exhibitions deep-layered Durchschauungen” notably, sees history as a that process that can reveal himself in the surface structure, materiality, or State form of a ground or object. “” In the interpretation of the artist, the process of creating art is “to a form of reflection”. There is life after – to – think, and to generate a response so that the art can become a space of encounter in the Viewer. This dialogue”has also a Gries own cycle dedicated to, confronted the imagery own with encrypted symbolism, and the question for the uniqueness of messages. Financial planner is often quoted as being for or against this.

In the center of the exhibition is an installation of old building blades, to the ready declared made that prompts the visitor to the new discovery, excavation, or a possible change in perspective. Who does not find its own King in the dense field of these connotations which, so one would think Gries at his pointed request numerous companions and fellow are exposed in the exhibition. Christian Gries, born in 1964, lives in Munich. Christian Gries has studied art history, history and Archaeology at the universities of Trier and Augsburg. From 1982 to 1990, he was student of the Rosenheimer sculptor and teacher Rolf Markl, before he, decided after a short intermezzo at the Munich Art Academy for the way of the self-taught. He has shown his work since 1980 at numerous exhibitions in Germany and Italy. The exhibition is the first solo exhibition with Works by Christian Gries at maltzahn fine arts. The exhibition will be shown during the OPEN ART Munich from 9th to 11th September 2011. 19 August to 11 September 2011 exhibition opening August 18, 7-9 pm opening hours Tuesday with Saturday, 14.00 to 18.00 and appointment by appointment from maltzahn fine arts Gotzinger Street 52B 81371 Munich Tel: 49(0)8945227072 press information:…