MedJournal Dr

So the American NHBPEP recommends (national high blood pressure education program working group on high blood pressure in children and adolescents) a reduction in the sodium intake: the daily sodium intake should not exceed 1200 mg. And then, patience is required. You should wait at least 4-6 months and see whether these measures are sufficiently effective. People such as music downloads would likely agree. In a pre hypertension without additional risk factors could be limited mostly to the non-drug measures and abstain from drugs of pharmaceutical art. For and against the medicines from the 95th percentile, a drug treatment is indicated. There is no age limit down. Usually, drug therapy complements the non-drug measures. It is often useful with a phytopharmaceutical therapy to start.

Of hypertension with signs of organ damage, such as a left ventricular hypertrophy, secondary arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus, intensive medical consultations including the Naturopathic scientific knowledge is necessary. Child patients are immediately extensively to deal with a severe hypertension (greater than 30 mm / Hg above the 95th percentile). High blood pressure has already damaged organs or the child patient also suffers from other diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, we recommend a reduction in the 90th percentile. Otherwise, it is enough to keep blood pressure below the 95th percentile. Drug treatments, for example by beta-blocker, propranolol are limited to administer, in no case at insulin-dependent child patients of diabetes mellitus. Note that ACE inhibitors are not admitted as antihypertensive agents for children.

This admission applies to most EU countries outside Greece. Younger child patients should be placed stationary until the age of 10, since the is linked with dangers. Sometimes it comes to excessive reactions and severe drop in blood pressure. Therefore should be started with a low dose of a drug administration mechanism and this slowly increased. A so-called soft start is recommended. Beta blockers generally stand last in the drug therapy, because they lead to numerous side effects. Often, the child patient suffers from drive poverty, difficulty concentrating and tiredness. Also gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, or constipation were written several times in medical scientific reports. The force of contraction of the heart decreases, and bradycardia can occur. Children with diabetes should get no beta blockers, since these can worsen the metabolic status: a blockade by – 2 receptors decrease the insulin secretion. In addition, beta blockers narrow the bronchi; Therefore, non-kardioselektive beta-blockers such as propranolol should be applied in asthma patients. In stress-induced hypertension, i.e. increased blood pressure during physical exertion, are however partly radio-selective beta-blocker such as atenolol or metoprolol drug of first choice, if the doctor or therapist would like to administer essential pharmaceutical preparations. The drug therapy with a single product is successful and the blood pressure back to normal, so is the physician or practitioner advised necessarily gradually to reduce the dose and possibly quite to dispense the drug. “Alternative treatment methods from the ethnic medicine, such as the traditional Chinese medicine and the traditional Ayurveda medicine set wide range and thousand year old therapy program” ready. In the parlance, States are also child patients for a long time successfully treated by doctors with traditional medical (additional) education. In Europe, many naturopathic treatments already available. Specialists for naturopathy, natural doctors and naturopaths are examples, but also pharmacies, which specialize in the naturopathy and Phytopharmaceutics are not more away to think. For example, offer naturopathic hospitals, such as the hospital for natural healing in the Munich”.