
Practice of free diving has a long history. Today, free diving – a sport, art and philosophy. There's nothing more exciting than an immersion into the elements of water, blue abyss, towards the spectacular adventure. Freediving in this regard something like a climbing – from the perspective of the inhabitant ascent to the summit – a meaningless and dangerous occupation. But thousands of people – another point of view, many can not see my life without it hobbies. Freediving – it's the same conquest of peaks. And more and more people sink to the bottom to test themselves and experience life as deeply as it is impossible under any other circumstances, besides the first breath, which makes freediver on his return to the surface of the water athletes dive freedivers tens of meters.

In one of the disciplines of freediving – dive without fins – 27-year-old New Zealand freediver William set a world record, plunging 81 meters (2007). Of course, freediving is fraught with many dangers. Immersion with breath-holding can potentially lead to oxygen starvation of the brain, loss of consciousness and drowning. Therefore, freediving training without an instructor is not desirable. Nevertheless, this style of life drew and continues to attract many people. The answer to the question "why" can be gleaned from the statements of famous climber B.

Babanov: "When I asked why people are so tempting mountain – I say that this kind of drug. This is not a stamp, it really is. Those who have ever felt dizzy from lack of oxygen in the freezing cold and searing ozone wind, want to try it again and again. I do not know how other stupefying substances, but I know that most of those killed in the mountain climbers lost their lives with a smile of happiness on his face, as under the influence of the natural in the nature of the drug did not understand what is happening, why and where are they "fly" "