Feng Shui

The color is the most valuable component so that an art work transmits the same sensations that the artist experimented during his elaboration and on their suitable application the emotions will depend that are desired to express. The colors are part integral of the life, influence in our mood, are presents in the nature and the knowledge to handle them in decoration projects gives like result ambient modern, falsified, calm, cosy, elegant or natural; these colors have a psychological effect in the people who inhabit the spaces, because the color owns aroma, flavor and texture and influence directly in our spirit. The warm colors are considered glad and stimulating, the colds are tranquilizing and in some depressing cases. The YELLOW is warmest of the phantom, is fresh and it is associated with the solar light. The BLUE one is a cold color par excellence, he is calm and it is associated with the water and the sky. The RED one is vibrant and exciting, it is related to the fire. The ORANGE is very aggressive and it is associated with the putting of the sun.

The GREEN one he is purificante and refreshing, it represents the nature. The VIOLET is a sedative color and curative, it express gentleness and espiritualidad. The TARGET is natural light and it is associated with innocence and La Paz. The BLACK expresses mystery and duel, means rest. In Feng Shui, the color is energy, because the colors that our eyes perceive are electromagnetic waves that generate feelings. The five elements of the nature are represented by a color; wood (green), fire (orange), earth (yellow), metal (white) and water (blue), thus, we can apply to each space the element necessary to create the atmosphere that we wished. You have projects of decoration in mind? Contctanos!.