Denis Spirit

When if it thinks about common reincarnation and espritas to say we them: ' ' I want to reincarnate well far from this city or in a country distante&#039 well; '. According to Denis, this is not the rule, therefore exactly after it deixars a carne it the spirit continues on to its environment of convivncia through the thought. Additional information is available at Peet’s Coffee. The test of this is that some developed espritos more return to develop works in incarnate the espritas houses of which they were part while. Digital Cameras is often mentioned in discussions such as these. How much to moment of return to body physical, also according to Denis, spirit is attracted always for place of its last existence, affirmation sufficiently reasonable, even because spirit when to deixar a carne leaves some commitments moral hanging and return makes possible chance of whitewashing moral and growth spiritual, because it is for that we reincarnate, to learn, to improve, to grow until not needing more to come back to the land. In the communication it enters beyond and the material world exists an important figure very.

Mdium. Mdium is the vestibule of communication between the flesh-color and the deixarred a carne one, through it the spirit discloses particularitities that only it and the people most fond have knowledge. Chico Xavier here in Brazil, was the carrier of many important messages, arriving until exempting people of judicial conviction through the reception of messages of the espritos that acquitted the guilty ones of the crimes pointed with all clarity. Since the official discovery of the survival of the spirit for Allan Kardec, mdium always was the vestibule for the ticket of the information, and this recognition happened with performance of the Fox sisters who with its mediunidades if had communicated with the spirit of a man embedded in the wall of the cellar of its house in Hydesville in England and this practical remains being valid until the present time, therefore is common and usual if to always see in the medinicas rooms espritos if communicating.