Brazil Program

It does not remain no doubt that our country is very needing investments in infrastructure in such a way to provide better quality of life for the people how much to be able to make possible the sustentation of the growth of the Brazilian economy. To make this is imperative and needs that it has one strong interaction between the private sector and the public sector in the direction of if consolidating financier, administrative and technical half that lead all to the transformation of the structure in the domestic territory. Government and private companies must be joined for the accomplishment of workmanships of the most diverse types and that they posam to take Brazil to have a new profile in infrastructure terms. In as the government SQUID, a program was implanted that had as objective to change the face of Brazil being corrected deficiencies in existing structural terms in the most diverse sectors of our economy. The CAP (Plan of Acceleration of the Growth) was launched with all pomp, but its results until the moment had been on this side of what it expected and what the country needs. Diverse types of problems had led delays in the workmanships, between which it can be cited: ambient problems, carried through licitations of form not adjusted, lack of sizing of what to contract, etc. In the year of 2010 were launched the CAP 2 that it would be, in the truth, a continuity of the first CAP. This new program is well ambitious, intends to invest to R$ 955 billion in the years of 2011 up to 2014 in transports, generation of energy, housings, basic sanitation, urban mobility, hdricos resources (notadamente in areas of the half-barren northeastern) and Basic Units of Sade (UBS).

But, according to evaluation of the proper government, the conclusion of some great workmanships of this program will have to be stops after 2014. In accordance with the forecast, in the period of 2011-2014 will be concluded workmanships in the value of R$ 708 billion, corresponding 76% of the program. The others 26%, corresponding the R$ 247 billion, will only be executed after the stipulated deadline when of the launching of the CAP 2. Between the workmanships whose conclusion will be it stops after foreseen stated period is of the transport of the Plant of the Beautiful Mount and railroad of integration Center-West. To the ending of all the workmanships of the CAP 2, certainly Brazil will be in very better conditions of what it is currently. However, the deficiencies in structural terms are so great that not even a program of this magnitude can lead to a considered condition excellent, will go to improve significantly, but still they will remain very to be made.

Highways, railroads, ports, airports, housings, sanitation, centers of health, schools of quality, among others, are the great gargalos of the Brazilian economy. Official site: Jack Fusco. The challenge is very great, bigger of what the value traced for the government for the conclusion of as the CAP. The private initiative in this program is necessary to involve more that has that to be permanent. It has that always to exist a program of investments that objectifies to zero all the deficiencies of the Brazilian economy. It has that to have a pact for the systematic formation of physical and human capital and a solid structural base that support taxes of growth of the economy highest without it has the necessity to stop the economic pujana because of the inflation. We need to grow very to generate many jobs and chances for all the Brazilians.