Yes because of advertising genius touched delicate strings of the human soul: the curiosity and compassion. And broke the stereotype of commercial, leaning on the laws of human perception of the world, centered on himself – a man. Today we represent just such a know-how that displays ads on a whole new level of quality and psychological: POI Radar – Internet service a new generation. Now dry statistics. Every second Sevastopolets has access to the network, one in four – an active Internet user. However, almost 100% of the Sevastopol advertising, is present there exists in the form of guides, at the best price-lists.
To the user it is always a game of roulette. Not without reason before sending in the online-shopping consumer, as a rule, calling on friends, trusting only proven, familiar quality rating – “word of mouth.” “Kiruha you took at the periphery Googl-plus “? Yes-ah?! And I’ll come back! “. We combined social and technical, real and virtual, commercial and consumer, creating a retrieval system, POI Radar, which allows users to not only get comprehensive information about all aspects of Life Sebastopol (200 species of human needs and interests), but also to influence them. In POI Radar radio word of mouth” – the core of the information. Each user is free to go to any page on the portal and bring back his remark, proposal, resume, write a review on Sebastopol shops, restaurants, places of recreation of Sebastopol … and the program, according to this selection, generates confidence rating – or passes of a company at the peak of the consumer demand, or omits them.
This principle POI Radar successfully tested in Europe, that’s why the space where there is now a virtual Sebastopol, already includes many European countries and CIS countries, representing business and Sevastopol cultural world beyond it. Stay away from a breakthrough in our web real life impossible. Especially as for the business and its ads have opened opportunities. Each entrepreneur can accommodate poster on which: – up to 20 000 characters of text – up to 30 photos – video blocks or commercial – Price List – the geographical location of the navigator – an interactive forum to exchange views and consumers with consumers. All it’s much cheaper to print advertising. All located in the POI Radar on a permanent basis, the owner of any updated versions and has direct access from virtuality into reality.