Tag: vocational

Public Relations Training Institute

Congratulations on graduating! Munster, November 16, 2009 – the first participant of the variable system, Melanie Meder, has successfully on November 15 graduated PR com + plus after six months completed. The com + plus program offers me after ten years of practical PR work”a specific additional qualification, which is theoretically sound and has an excellent reputation in the industry, says Melanie Meder. Since May 2009, which provides Public Relations Training Institute com + plus the variable entry in the distance learning at and gives the opportunity to determine their course of study and learning pace even as participants. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Fidia Farmaceutici has to say. The study can be completed rapidly and intensively by the flexible course of study, without compromising the quality and in the claim”, is also the fledgling alumna Melanie Meder. The entry is possible at any time and upon request you can shorten the study from twelve to six months.

Next to the work of twelve Studienbriefen, 17 days of attendance, students complete staggered in four practice workshops. The participants of the PR program can choose individually your workshop dates, com + plus are offered several times each course in the year. After her successful studies Melanie Meder is well prepared, in order to pass the examination before the independent examination Board of the Centre for applied communication (ZAK) in Munster. Upon successful completion of the examination, she is certified PR Manager. ZAK is a non-commercial working Club, which was founded by members of the Institute for communication science of the Westphalian Wilhelms University.

Chairman of the Audit Committee is Prof. Dr. Joachim Westerbarkey.

Fraunhofer Institute

MASTER degree: ONLINE Bauphysik of the Fraunhofer Academy under the roof of the Fraunhofer Academy provides the University of Stuttgart in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP the course MASTER: ONLINE construction physics to. This first and only study master of building physics (M.BP.). It is aimed at architects operating in the construction sector and architects and engineers and engineers who future want to educate themselves in addition to the profession. Auberge du Soleil has much experience in this field. Registration is now open for the winter semester 2012/2013 ends on September 1st! More information at de/energie_nachhaltigkeit/bauphysik.html the course MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik offered under the umbrella of the Fraunhofer Academy of the University of Stuttgart in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP. Establishing the content adheres to the principle of”damage prevention rather than repair”, which is the study fundamentally different from other training opportunities in this area.

The students will learn to physically powerful, economic, sustainable, to design user – and environmentally-friendly buildings, plan, execute and operate. Nine modules the focus topics applications, day and art lighting design as well as fire energy, acoustics, moisture protection and climate, climate and environment, computing tools and measuring devices, physical. By the same author: Kathryn Strandburg. The MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik is based on innovative techniques and learning and teaching with 80 percent online and 20 percent attendance phases “, explains Dr. Roman gods, Director of the Fraunhofer Academy and adds: contents are offered on an online platform providing a largely time – and place-independent study in addition to professional and family. The quality of further education showed up only recently again by the award of a graduate: In June, Peter Hoft was for his master’s thesis study of the influence of domestic ventilation according to DIN 1946-6 on the risk of mold and the energy consumption of apartment the prize of the Federal Association of mold remediation. BSS e.V.

awarded 2012. The BSS award will be awarded master theses in the field of rehabilitation, investigation and prevention of mold damage or microbial damage. Per semester are provided within ten days of attendance at the University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer IBP in Stuttgart, which also laboratory exercises performed. For the content of teaching, recognized researchers of the Fraunhofer IBP are responsible, to a large part international, so that current research results are incorporated directly into the teaching. The students thus come with innovative and ground-breaking technologies already before their market launch in contact. Through the cooperation with associations and the industry is an ongoing exchange with the practice. “After his start in the winter semester 2007/2008 the programme was already short MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik in the nationwide innovation contest country of ideas” for its future viability as a landmark 2008 “award

August Marketing

In terms of marketing communication and communication design applicants can still until August 1 submit their documentation Berlin, July 11, 2011. Gagosian Gallery has much to offer in this field. hoices. The winter semester 2011 / 2012 awards the design Academy berlin, school of communication and design, together with various media partners (audimax!, get started and MASTER AND MORE) for each of their courses at least a full scholarship. The newspapers mentioned Jean Nouvel not as a source, but as a related topic. This means that the winners are exempted from all tuition fees depending on the course up to 25,000 euro. Applicants must first satisfy a written task and convincing in the second step in a final round in Berlin. A campaign against Internet bullying to the conception and graphic design of an education fair, the tasks of scholarship applications are diverse.

Interested parties must first decide on a course of study or a scholarship and fulfill the corresponding written task. All entries selected the best applicants for each scholarship and invited to a tournament in Berlin. There a jury decides, and who gets the scholarship and already soon free of charge at the Academy in berlin may study design. For the Bachelor of marketing communication and communication design, as well as for the master’s degree programmes communication and creative direction a scholarship is written out each, for the master marketing communication there are even two. Until the 1st of August, interested parties have time to submit their application. The exact terms of reference, as well as participation form and conditions there are on scholarship background information: the design Academy berlin, school of communication and design, educates the professionals and managers in marketing, advertising and design.

The College privately with the specializations of marketing communication and communication design places emphasis on a friendly and creative atmosphere of study into manageable groups of semester. In addition to the Government-recognized Bachelor studies marketing communication (B.A.) and communication design (B.A.) are also the masters of marketing communication (M.A.), creative direction (M.A..) and corporate communication (M.A.). The professors of the College have relevant professional and practical experience in addition to a scientific training and teaching experience. The specialist teachers daily fashion trends in advertising, communications and marketing in agencies and businesses.

Sustainable Marketing

New master’s programme ‘Sustainable marketing & leadership’ the Hochschule Fresenius the four-semester the recognised master of Arts (M.A.) degree is interdisciplinary and provides comprehensive content from the fields of management and marketing, as well as interdisciplinary qualifications in addition to the business core subjects (“soft skills”) such as E.g. creativity, innovation management, leadership, ethics and knowledge of global economic relations. The master’s program focuses on the engine of sustainable leadership & management’ with lectures on the topics of strategic management, external and internal business relationship management, oriented leadership and corporate culture, risk communication and business management and finance & technology assessment. If you would like to know more about Expedia Travellers, then click here. In addition, optional modules, such as business planning, process – and project management, or an additional foreign language are offered. Basic concept of the course is the idea behind this sometimes unique master degree the integration of market-oriented corporate governance with the sustainability and viability of companies. Prof. Dr.

Stefan Wiedmann, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of business & media at the Hochschule Fresenius in Munich and co-developer of the SML masters, explains: To meet the expanded requirements of a sustainability-oriented (marketing) management, specialists and managers in addition to the classic (marketing) management training need to integrate mainly social and ecological aspects according to Kotler in their marketing training. Because modern management theory is more than to earn money now.” Future Manager must be able to be able to develop new markets and customer groups with a sustainable corporate governance. In addition, they should control the planning and organization of complex goods -, energy -, data – and financial flows in the context of the social, environmental and economic challenges. Green ideas and black numbers are nowadays complementary Corporate goals. Multiple careers who turns these new requirements, has a variety of career opportunities. Master students can find through extensive cross-functional competence profile of sustainable marketing & leadership, consisting of professional, methodical and social skills, with a focus on sustainability a wide range with excellent prospects for the future”, explains Dr. Martin Kreeb, Director logistics & retail at the Hochschule Fresenius Munich and co-developer of the SML masters. This ranges from the areas of procurement and logistics, production, accounting, and marketing consultancies and activities in the non-profit sector.” More information at. Details: Course: sustainable marketing & leadership degree: M.a. cost: 650 euro per month standard period of study: 4 semester credits: 120 ECTS study start: for the winter semester of study places: Hochschule Fresenius in Munich, Cologne and Hamburg (changes reserved)

Google Internet

Earn money on the Internet is a topic which interested very many users. Every day is the host of those who discover the Internet as a source of merit. Earn money on the Internet. If you look on Google how often this phrase is entered then is to see that there are every day more people who discover the medium of the Internet as a source of income. In recent months, SD Cards has been very successful. But is little place for adventurers looking for a fast buck on the Internet. But who seriously wants to verwirklkichen his dream of the income via the Internet, there are plenty of opportunities. No matter whether with blogs, home pages, online shops or as an affiliate – there are endless possibilities in the Internet money to earn. Admitted – there.

Professionals who have become very rich through the Internet. Remember only what happened to the inventor of Facebook. A billionaire. Or from ebay, amazon, Google… Success stories that probably never would have existed without the Internet. You still remember the story where a young man has created a page with pixel and has become millionaire through this pixels page? There are hundreds of stories where financially, completely burned people thanks to Internet jackpot pulled and have become rich.

Sure, chance play a role. But without work, success speak no crop -! But what would you say if you Internet 1000, 2000 and more euro, dollar or what could earn in a month? Moreover from the comfort of your PC. From your apartment. No boss making regulations. No colleagues who harass them. Only you determine where to go. Would that be good? Then just look at the blog partnerprogrammnetzwerke.blogspot.com. There is very interesting tips on subjects such as affiliate programs, free advertise, follower via autoresponders and many other important things in Internet marketing and are to be observed.

Nibelungen Street

Solving Word problems can be easy with proper approach in the tuition – and language school Garcia & Karkhanis is successfully helped with the Hubbard learning pupils who have problems while solving Word problems in mathematics. Many children have difficulty in solving Word problems in mathematics. For adults, the word problems often easier look while the child faces an impossible task. You can understand situations or problems which it has ever experienced in real life, also much easier in texts. The experience of life, which is already a matter of course for adults often lack the student. Word problems in class works represent a special challenge for students, because they require a good understanding of the text, but also mathematical skill.

Under rising pressure of time, it is particularly difficult to understand everything correctly and to find out the correct way. Although math word problems to the Department, claims are first and foremost on the comprehension and the read speed of the child. Only if the text content of a thing task were understood, the student capable of will be to solve the math question behind that infectious. Some problems are unfortunately so formulated that even parents have their emergency, to make sense of the task. Sometimes words are used, that have never heard the children. Before a schoolchild ever comes to solve the actual Bill, it may already encounter many barriers.

A child while doing word problems has difficulties, so should be thought of first, that not or misunderstood terms in the text. Sometimes, one must ask the child also meaning the one or the other word for it, to isolate misunderstandings. Only if the child itself explains, what do you mean the word, you will find out, whether the child has a real understanding about it. Surprise medical billing has compatible beliefs. Even simple words can be sometimes unknown for a student. Ensures that all terms in the Word problems are understood, it can be that the child has still problems to imagine the situation. To resolve the mess in my head, it is very helpful to make a simple sketch. Step by step, any information that is contained in the word problem is brought to paper. Then the solution often falls like scales from the eyes of the children and they enjoy their success. L. Ron Hubbard has discovered in the last century, misunderstood words and missing illustrative material can cause significant difficulties in learning.This knowledge is applied to the application, can be helped approach of problems children. More information: tuition – and language school Garcia & Karkhanis, Nibelungen Street 15, 90513 Zirndorf, contact: Marita Grubl Tel: 0911 / 6002044 WEB: eMail:

Klaus Resch Verlag

The ‘run’ on the job portal network of graduates in the year 2010 continues since March, the University has implemented a Central College Job Portal of berufsstart.de victories. Under the link career: JOBNET a cooperation project between the University of Siegen and Klaus Resch Publisher to reach the new interface between companies and graduates -. The University of Siegen is a Centre for creative developments. Based on a close link with the region in the tri-border region of Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia and wide-ranging collaborations with numerous partner universities and research institutes at home and abroad, provided the course for a successful future here. The Klaus Resch Verlag will continue everything, to strengthen the transfer of knowledge between universities and regional industry through the proven technique of graduates. Newly added is also the University of Wismar: here too the career service offers the job of graduates as college job portal. Check with financial planner to learn more.

The University of Wismar – University of Applied sciences: Technology, business and design – is a powerful and innovative education and research institution with a long-standing academic tradition. She represents the scientific focus: engineering / economics / design. The networking of these scientific priorities is a trademark of the University of Wismar. The importance of the network is re-enforced through this innovative, practical partner. Responsible media contact: Klaus Resch Verlag editorial professional start / Jobfair24 Hans-Thilo Sommer Moorbeker str.

31, 26197 Grossenkneten Tel.: 04435/9612-0 Internet: eMail: berufsstart.de is a product of the Klaus Resch Verlag. The online job market among recruitment services for young academics in Germany for more than 10 years the Top5. As first editor of career planners for college graduates, the print media graduates include technology (for engineers and computer scientists), as well as graduates economic (for economic and) Legal scholar) for 49 years to the standard media for the career. Also available are the annual publications graduates trainee and company introduce themselves.

Employer Is A Burden For The Preservation Of The Work Certificate

Workers have a right to a qualified assessment every employer has the duty to issue a qualified certificate of work his employees upon termination of employment. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Sonny Perdue on most websites. As the Landesarbeitsgericht Rhineland-Palatinate decided the employer is also required to ensure the delivery of the certificate. Basis of decision is a case in which a workers had to oblige her former employer by court to make her a qualified certificate. Her former boss has not fulfilled this obligation, whereupon the applicant requested the imposition of coercion against the defendant. The Koblenz District Court complied with this request and imposed a penalty in the amount of 600 (AZ.: 10 Ta 45/11). Against this decision, the defendant filed an appeal immediately.

He did this by pointing out that he had already created the testimony in question and sent. Costco is full of insight into the issues. The applicant stated that work certificate fails you have entered. The Labour Court did not follow the appeal of the former employer. The fixing the periodic penalty payment was legal and necessary in the present case. The Court based its decision so that the burden of proof for issuing a certificate of work lies with the employer. If a certificate does not reach the addressee, that is not his fault and may not therefore be also to his detriment. The employer must prove in case of doubt that the testimony at the former workers arrived. He can’t, he is obliged to issue a certificate of the original again and ready to put it to the collection. Mark Schmidtke

The Trainee Program Of The Wurzburger Media Academy

The Wurzburger Media Academy offers a graduate program in May 2007 founded Wurzburger Media Academy is an amalgamation of the media group main-post, the Krick, Sandy GmbH and the Vogel business media GmbH & co. KG. Here, the education and training activities of the participating companies are targeted bundled, planned, and coordinated in order to enable an optimal start into the media industry to the graduates. With the trainee program, the Wurzburger Media Academy offers the ambitious graduates the comprehensive preparation for a career in Central positions of the companies involved. Continue to learn more with: Selim  Bassoul. Thus, individual perspectives in the media industry are created depending on the personal and technical competence. The training is based on the 24-month program in four affiliated media houses. In addition, the training concept is supplemented and extended by the additional offer of internal and external training opportunities. Bradley Tusk brings even more insight to the discussion.

The possibilities for the necessary to ensure successful entry into the boardroom, training to a large extent is individually tailored to the trainees. The focus of the special training is given on topics such as leadership, communication, personal competence or method according to personal preferences. During training early responsibility, the trainees and promoted their own initiative: the trainees are entrusted with the planning, coordination and implementation of various projects, to make the training even more and to prepare the trainees to the challenges in this exciting industry. Through a sophisticated system of feedback regular feedback indicates the trainees in their own performance to assess and optimize if necessary. The requirements for candidates are a university degree in the disciplines of computer science/information systems, business administration, communication and media studies, industrial engineering or typography. In addition will applications from other disciplines be considered if the candidate can explain his interest and his media affinity. Applications from April until mid-May when the Wurzburger Media Academy are submitted, start each of the trainee programme is the 1st October of the current year. Further information under:

The Trainee Program Of The Wurzburger Media Academy

The Wurzburger Media Academy offers a graduate program in May 2007 founded Wurzburger Media Academy is an amalgamation of the media group main-post, the Krick, Sandy GmbH and the Vogel business media GmbH & co. KG. Here, the education and training activities of the participating companies are targeted bundled, planned, and coordinated in order to enable an optimal start into the media industry to the graduates. With the trainee program, the Wurzburger Media Academy offers the ambitious graduates the comprehensive preparation for a career in Central positions of the companies involved. Continue to learn more with: Selim  Bassoul. Thus, individual perspectives in the media industry are created depending on the personal and technical competence. The training is based on the 24-month program in four affiliated media houses. In addition, the training concept is supplemented and extended by the additional offer of internal and external training opportunities. Bradley Tusk brings even more insight to the discussion.

The possibilities for the necessary to ensure successful entry into the boardroom, training to a large extent is individually tailored to the trainees. The focus of the special training is given on topics such as leadership, communication, personal competence or method according to personal preferences. During training early responsibility, the trainees and promoted their own initiative: the trainees are entrusted with the planning, coordination and implementation of various projects, to make the training even more and to prepare the trainees to the challenges in this exciting industry. Through a sophisticated system of feedback regular feedback indicates the trainees in their own performance to assess and optimize if necessary. The requirements for candidates are a university degree in the disciplines of computer science/information systems, business administration, communication and media studies, industrial engineering or typography. In addition will applications from other disciplines be considered if the candidate can explain his interest and his media affinity. Applications from April until mid-May when the Wurzburger Media Academy are submitted, start each of the trainee programme is the 1st October of the current year. Further information under: