Tag: systems

Architectural Drawings

The architecture has been defined as the art of designing and constructing buildings. This is a profession in motion, given that it has evolved with the passage of time due to diversification in the styles of construction and local customs which influence the design, plans and materials used in the construction of both private and private homes. The role that architectural planning has served in the field of construction throughout history is extremely important. Although some buildings have gone up in an improvised manner and without an established order, it can be said that many other buildings have continued building guidelines specific derivatives of the architectural study and a preliminary design. The use of architectural drawings and other similar edificativos diagrams dates back to ancient times. Defined ideas that architects had about dimensions and distribution of each of the rooms and units of work that address used to outline in writing on the same planes, many times down to the smallest detail.

Archeological findings reveal interesting details about the construction practices of antiquity. Many of the houses were of a very modest construction, even rough. However, it was not rare to find with luxurious and complex, buildings generally private homes of upper-class people, palaces and other government buildings. Many of these had up to services of pipes for hot water, ventilation systems and other advanced features that contributed to a more comfortable life. The distribution of these services was already detailed in the planes of the era. High knowledge of mathematics and physics, among other sciences, of several ancient cultures could be appreciated in these works of architecture planning. To mention just one example, the pinpoint accuracy in general measures and the angles of the pyramids of the ancient Egyptian Empire, attests to the care with which it was projected This colossal entrepreneurship. The same can be said of civilizations such as the Sumerian, the Babylonian and Greek, in which architectural representations in stone cylinders, Papyri and parchments, among other writing supports, which would be the precursors of construction plans that we know today were found.

Local Market

The minimum fluctuation in a local market can bring about a turbulence in the world-wide market. The globalisation has caused a fragility so in our planet, that the mini fissure can make stagger it and fall. Local events such as the hypothecating crisis in the USA, a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, directly affects the prices of the international merchandise and threatens the stability of the world-wide economy. The way of exit and the wonderful thing of it is that the Nature, what capable judge, punishes to us according to our development, because as sees our eyes, at the most the humanity is developed, as much majors are the pains and sufferings to obtain to our sustenance. Baal HSulam, La Paz the Cabal standard that the humanity is crossing two parallel processes: On the one hand, it is being pushed to us to unite to us and to work like a single body. On the other, the human egoism is growing constantly. Of a form or another one the humanity will have to give a turn to its egoism and to work like a single body.

But instead of to have to undergo blows that force to carry out east change to us, the intriguers suggest we are we ourself those that we control and we take the control from the process. When learning about this general system and its principles, we will understand what changes to implement in our social systems in order to balance them with the Nature, and to prosper in all the scopes of our lives, including in the economic one.