Tag: products and services

Convenient Features

Once refrigerators perform only one function for which they, in fact, were invented: chilled and frozen products, ensuring their continued preservation. Music downloads describes an additional similar source. From time to time, these units had to be disconnected from mains, wait for the melt formed in the freezer and on the walls of ice, and then removing all the water and wiping the inside of the dry, reconnect. In winter, thawing did not cause any problems – the products just endured the cold and in summer, especially in hot weather, it was too complicated. Who else remembers the pots, covered with blankets, which were waiting for frozen foods waiting for the moment when they were again placed on the shelves already garnered the desired temperature refrigerator. With modern refrigeration models are quite different. Their developers are increasingly focused on ease of operation, making more and more improvements. Now managed with fridges it is much easier, so much so that it can make even a child. Automatic defrost one of the first innovations was the function No Frost, completely free from the tedious owners refrigerator defrosting manually.

Thawing formed on the inner walls of the refrigerator and freezer frost by the windy way, as it happens as follows. Built-in evaporator fan blows – the cold cooler element. The cooled air enters the chamber on a special air duct channels so formed in the process of the fridge the moisture freezes on its interior walls, and settles on evaporator. With automatic cut-out compressor frost, due to a small heater, thawing, and the resulting moisture evaporates safely. The second option automatic defrosting by means of system Frost Free, which operates on a drip type. In such refrigeration evaporator is usually built into the rear wall. Since this part of the freezer, the coldest, ice formation occurs only on there. After the automatic the compressor frost melts and the resulting water runs down on a special groove in a special tray above the compressor.

Promotional Souvenirs

Souvenirs for exhibitions. It’s about the essentials, the minimal set of promotional materials. Promotional pens with the application. Choose high-quality pens, because Promotional Souvenirs, crumbling in hand will produce a negative bestows an impression on the visitor. Promotional pens – the largest and cheapest component of the kit. Minimum quantity 500 pieces.

The application of the logo on the pen – be sure (this is another reason to avoid the cheapest promotional gifts). Notebooks blocks with logo on each page. Notebooks blocks – for gluing pads or spring. Take notes when talking with a visitor using the promotional materials with the company logo. You can order a party in 1000 pieces and take measures to 100-200 pieces, depending on the size of the event.

Notching folder (cardboard or plastic). Folder must also be the personification (logotype). In the folder you catalog your company and other promotional materials company. Circulation 500-1000 copies. Production time. Under the condition of existing in a vector of corporate logos, promotional kit manufacturing pens, notebooks and folders, depending on availability of stock materials taking into account the application of the logo on the Souvenirs of time it will take about 2 weeks. But is it worth worrying about pre-aways as well as before the event, you will have a lot to do and worry. The cost of manufacturing promotional products. Prices can be found in the “price” of our site. You can also contact our managers in any convenient way for you and get free advice on production, supply of luxury gifts and promotional gifts for your business and your partners, spray logos.

Club Beech

Although beech and simply cut, but dry wood crumbles and prickly in a shallow groove in the paper chisel across the grain. This deficiency can be corrected easy wetting of the plot, which is being processed. But it must be done carefully, because beech is highly hygroscopic, breed, it swells and warp from moisture. If the wet the entire work surface, the piece will curve to the beech complete loss of its shape. And before you wet the new location, you must let it dry beech staromu.Poetomu furniture needs careful handling safety materials to accidentally trapped by water has not begun warping. Wood is suitable for various restoration work (in the form of an array, for typesetting facing and mosaic). With roughly the same properties as the oak, it more "friendly" by its pinkish hue, and, although it does not have such a rich texture, has a beautiful natural shine.

It is widely used in virtually all types of furniture, especially of contemporary style and curved furniture, as well as in the production of parquet. Due to the homogeneous structure of beech wood floor visually looks calm, warm and soft even though beech – a hard and tough wood, which is comparable in this respect with dubu.Rozovataya characteristic touches of beech wood is calming and helps create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Wood Alder soft and light but very strong. Very good cut, not shooting up in the thread, almost does not crack during drying. Easily polished and painted. It is very resistant to water, it is even used to make piles, manhole log cabins and mine props. The negative is the property of alder – it is very bad sverlitsya.V central Russia common alder are two basic types: black and gray, so named for the color of the bark.

The black alder bark trunk is dark gray, almost black, covered with numerous cracks, and the gray – gray-green or gray-brown and pliable and gladkaya.Vyazkaya to handle in all directions, it is used in such important products as musical instruments. Also, its use for the easel and Chamber of sculpture, wall panels and carved decorative tableware. Steamed alder is used for making bentwood furniture. Modern technologies allow to choose for each breed a method of treating an individual, creating a surprisingly beautiful interior. The interiors of the securities wood decorate today, not only accommodation but also the elite schools, clubs, commercial banks, restaurants, casinos, creating a feeling of warmth, comfort and refinement. Interior Club

Technology Automatic Oven

It is often used for baking at the same time on several baking. With this type of heating is very good at fruit pies and pastry, fine pastries. The upper grill with convection Want to eat meat with a crispy crust – use the grill with convection. The upper and lower heat plus fan if at the same time to include the top and bottom heat with a fan, then this will make at two levels. Maintain the temperature regime.

Range 70-120 C allow dishes to remain for a long time warm and fresh. Your oven may have a function 'microwave oven', which is used as a stand-alone or in combination with any mode of cooking. Stove with a steaming function allows you to cook great food without sacrificing healthy eating, offering in addition to the standard modes frying and baking, the possibility of cooking with steam. With this method of cooking foods is almost entirely retains all the vitamins and minerals, and the dishes become more intense taste. Producers worry about those who value time. To have developed the oven to cook at the same time allow some dishes. At the same time because of the direction of air flow flavors of different dishes do not mix.

The 'fermentation' is used for the dough and yogurt keeps the temperature of 38-40 C. Grill in oven fans taste of meat crispy be advised that the oven was equipped with elektrovertelom. Useful stuff utaplivayut rotary switches on the front oven creates additional comfort and safety in operation. In a state flush fit perfectly into the front panel, making it easy to clean and prevents accidental inclusion. An important aid for forgetful housewives – the timer. Contributes to turning off the stove at a given time. It happens that the timer-clock does not turn off oven, and just beeps. It is difficult to get rid of odors. Developers and bothered about it: a system of filters virtuoso fights odors. Technology Automatic cooking homemade food you adore, and to prepare its not enough time? Buy an oven with automatic cooking technology. It has a lot of recipes in memory. Several pressings – and expect a culinary masterpiece.