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YMCA Antonenko

Transparent conductive surface of the nanotubes also are useful for the creation of antennas, waveguides, and slow-wave structure. Slowing the surface waves used in electronics to achieve interaction with the electron flow. Other products from nanoelectronics nanotubes may be fuel cells and power plants based on them. Currently, fuel cells used electrocatalysts (PGMs) on carbon carriers, but nanotubes are the most efficient type of catalyst supports for these tasks. To create a filter based on the most suitable nanotube nanotubes vertically oriented to the substrate. (Source: Gen. David Goldfein). Due to the high density of nanopores on the unit area of such a filter is much faster conducting cleaning fluids.

This allows you to create on the basis of the filtration system and nanomembrany desalination, as well as filters for gases and air. Compared to polycarbonate filters, the nanotubes are characterized by a lower limit and the noise of the particles. Probes with Nanotubes are used with precision as to scan, and for nanolithography. In addition, osoboostrye probes will find their application in the beginnings of a new field of scanning probe microscopy – spectrometry for the tunnel-spectroscopic measurements. Conclusion The described methods for producing carbon nanotubes provide a quick and cost-effective to obtain virtually any type of nanotubes with predetermined properties. The resulting nanotubes are especially suitable for use in nanoelectronics, nanobiology, scanning probe microscopy and other new areas of science and technology.

Use Materials

Coating materials are widely used in construction of residential houses, office and industrial buildings, bridges, buildings, and also in the works for their repair. It uses all kinds paint materials: paints, primers, sealers, enamels, solvents. Very popular alkyd paints and varnishes, the production of which the initial components are alkyd resins and polymers obtained by polycondensation of glycerol or pentaerythritol with phthalic anhydride. Alkyd materials are divided into glyptal (a typical representative – GF-021 primer) and pentaphthalic (enamel PF-115). Pentaphthalic enamels are available in a variety of colors and can be used for painting as wood and metal products and structures. In order to extend the life of alkyd paint enamel is applied to the primed surface.

Often in the construction of the painting works to the shortening of the painting works are used nitroemali (enamel NTs-132) with the ability to dry for several hours. Nitroemali best applied with a pneumatic atomizer as well as applying the enamel with a brush is difficult because of the rapid film formation. Nitrocellulose paints also applied to prepared and primed surface. As a rule, nitroemali available ready to use, but if necessary to dilute the solvent 646. Solvent 646 is better to use, made in accordance with formulations according to GOST. Otherwise, you can use the paint material.

Surfaces prepared for painting, cover the primer GF-021 or equivalent. The use of enamel NTs-132 works in painting nezagruntovannyh surfaces is not allowed. The facades of buildings and structures are painted with acrylic paints, and with high ecological characteristics, as well as organosilicon materials, which provide weatherproof coverage. Such organosilicate compositions, such as OC-12-03, applied for painting surfaces, concrete structures and masonry structures. It should be borne in mind that the paint on the base organosilicate compositions in addition to decorative and has fire properties, since the coating nonflammable.

Technology Pasta Production

Technology pasta production Manufacture of macaroni izdeliyPodgotovka raw materials to manufacturing pasta meal preparation is: a weighing, blending, sieving, magnetic ochistkeSmeshivanie.Dlya which must mixing pasta flour? Mixing of different batches of flour of the same species in a specific ratio shall be carried out to improve some measure due to the higher raw material. The application requires improvers thorough mixing of batches of flour in a special mukosmesitelyah. Mixing, also, you must use small quantities of container storage of raw materials, especially if the stock is not supported by the necessary microclimate for storage. In Depending on where and what time is every bag of flour moisture in it can vary quite strongly over time. The difference in humidity in the bags can be up to 1 2%, which can lead to unstable pasta press and the entire line in tselom.Proseivanie. Screening is carried out to separate accidentally fallen into the flour foreign particles such as lint, yarn, paper, dry lumps of flour. For screening, is usually used Burat, centrifugal sieve, sieving, and other equipment are fitted with metal sieves with openings ranging in size from 1.0 to 1.6mm.

The most popular flour sifter, sifter is a "Pioneer." Magnetic cleaning. Magnetic purification of flour produced by permanent magnets to remove metallic impurities that may have gotten into the flour as a result of the arrangements. In the field of the magnets, the flour should be moving in a layer of 6-8mm with a rate not exceeding 0.5 m / sec. Such a system of magnetic cleaning equipment is required for the macaroni. Every 4 hours, magnets ochischayutsya.Prigotovlenie pasta dough. Pasta dough in its composition, is the simplest of all kinds test, used in the production of baked goods. Often, the recipe consists of only flour and water. The introduction of any additives and improvers, significantly increases the cost of pasta and forces manufacturers to move into a higher price category.

Technology Manufacture

Today, many people are interested in (ask queries on the Internet), as they are made or other things, what we eat. I would like to tell you. as it made the spring. And so we go. For the production of springs are used spring steel. When accepting the check on the spring hardness and elasticity.

The method of testing should, if possible, close to the actual conditions of the springs (tension, compression or flexure). Springs, made of heat-treated wire, pass additional leave at 250-320 for the removal of internal stresses arising during their manufacture, and to improve the elastic properties of the wire. Spring Holidays best done in Saltpeter or alkaline baths in the range 5-10 min., depending on the section of the material. If you leave the oil or electric furnaces, special attention should be paid to the uniformity of heating. Time Holiday in these furnaces 20-40 minutes.

The springs are made of annealed steel subjected to quenching and tempering. In the case of manufacture of springs from wire diameter of more than b mm before quenching produce high rental at 670 – 7200 for eliminate work-hardening, which was the result of cold-winding. Spring wound on a hot, before quenching are normalizing. To heat the hardening spring is placed in a chamber furnace sludge salt bath heated to the desired temperature. To prevent the large springs are heated in a special apparatus. Small spring loaded into the furnace at Protvino. Exposure in the oven should be the least – to prevent oxidation and decarburization. To reduce the residence time in oven small springs are placed on a preheated protven. In the absence of a protective atmosphere in the oven spring is packed in an insulating medium, or throw in the oven small amounts of charcoal. Cool the spring in oil. Cool spring water to avoid cracking is not recommended. In the position of having to water quenching exposure should not exceed 1 W sec, followed by cooling in oil. Before you leave a spring clean of oil in the washing soda solution or a thorough rubbing of sawdust. Not remote from the oil tempering spring breaks and changes the conditions of release, which leads to uneven heating and low hardness. Tempering temperature Z00-420 degrees. Annealing is the end turns in the lead bath or on a pencil sharpener at their gas station. Large springs to put on leave for tube removal warping. Attention is drawn to the surface of the material, going for the manufacture of springs. Risks check crack and other defects lead to the formation of cracks, and carbon-free layer – to reduce the elastic properties of springs. In mainly springs separated into 3 types: compression springs, extension springs, torsion springs. Are you interested in who makes the spring? One that I know of firms in manufacturing springs is spring PE. Their website can be found on this link. I hope this information was interesting and informative for you!

Did You Know ?

In the era of film cameras 'FED', 'Change' camera repair shops used to lubricate fotomehanizmov bone oil, as more resistant to temperature fluctuations. While the shortage and inaccessibility were commonplace. In the absence of a sale of the oil it offered to produce their own. Here's one recipe: clean of meat bones bull or cow's feet, crush them into small pieces and placed in an enamel dishes and fill with distilled water. The whole product is cooked for 5-6 hours. over low heat, without putting a large boil.

Appeared during boiling foam gradually removed. The prepared liquid broth is cooled, after which surfaced on the surface of the fat collected in separate glass bottles. Then take four well-washed bottles, glass insert them into a funnel with filter bandwidth of the paper. Gradually and carefully pour the fat one of the craters. Filtration of fat is slow and not immediate. When all the fat will be filtered in the first funnel, pour it into the second, then third and so on. Do this for as long as the fat becomes completely liquid. Cooked oil settles in for a month. After that, oil is separated from the precipitate, filtered, and only then apply the grease fotomehanizmov. The mechanisms of most modern digital cameras work without lubrication through the use of special materials.