Tag: energy

The Trenntwende

The Trenntwende shows: Berlin is full of ideas and projects, the creative and engaged with the Deal with subject trash. (Source: Medical Billing Software Market). The competition is in the center of the service campaign Trenntwende, titled our city. Our garbage. Click omega 3 for additional related pages. The idea!” Berliners and Berlin to waste prevention and recycling, informed and motivated. “” On the campaign website visitors with the MullCheck can test your knowledge and find out whether they a trash ring “or the sly Mullionar” are. Also informed the campaign of the Berliners and Berlin regularly with current topics on the subject of waste separation, waste prevention and waste recycling.

“In the current topic garbage and money” Berliners and Berlin, as they improve the household budget with their alleged waste, and where they can donate discarded household appliances and furniture to charitable institutions. The Trenntwende: Together the Trenntwende with funding from the support fund Trenntstadt Berlin of the Foundation conservation Berlin supported. Concept and organization, the non-profit co2online is GmbH responsible, which in numerous campaigns for climate protection and a sustainable future focuses. The Trenntwende wurmwelten.de is supported by bpg BerlinPlakat GmbH, Eclipse GmbH, EUREF AG, GSW Immobilien AG, Markisches land bread GmbH, memo AG, Tetra Pak Germany, online shop and the city magazine zitty Berlin. At the same time, the campaign is supported by the Senate Department for urban development and environment. About the non-profit co2online GmbH which GmbH (www.co2online.de) is non-profit co2online is a for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection.

A strong network supports various information campaigns with partners from media, science, economy and politics. The action impulses that trigger the campaigns of co2online, demonstrably contribute to reduce CO2. co2online brings together players in the modernization market, initiated among others by the “” Federal Environment Ministry sponsored consumer campaign climate seeks protection “(www.klima-sucht-schutz.de) and the German team in the Energiesparcup funded by the European Commission” (www.energiesparcup.de). Contact: Boris Demrovski co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 780 96 65-25 fax: 030 / 780 96 65-11 E-Mail:

New Continuing Education Program

Wind energy is obtained cutting-edge today more than 20% of our electricity from renewable energy sources. The proportion of electricity consumption from wind power alone is more than 7.5% and will rise further in the coming years. The German wind energy Association (BWE), the world’s largest single Association for renewable energies, steadily pushing the development of wind energy industry and offers extensive training opportunities in the fields of small wind, onshore and offshore companies. In the year 2012, 52 conferences and seminars will take place with experienced speakers. The arranging of in-depth knowledge of wind energy in combination with application-oriented solutions is at the core of the seminars. Conferences offer attendees as well as an insight into the market wind energy in addition a platform for networking. The events handled issues of wind energy such as due diligence, direct marketing, licensing, networks and financing. In addition to the exchange between experts, practitioners and policy makers, participants will among other things through Lectures and excursions under realistic conditions for their daily work with wind energy.

Especially wind in the forest represents the main topic of the wind energy sector since 2011. The BWE picks up on this hotly debated topic in several seminars. There are places to do so in Kassel and Stuttgart. As the population from the outset can be involved in the project, is in special seminars to the acceptance and the so-called cooperative”conveys the planning of wind farms. The pioneering position of BWE is confirmed by the Wirtschaftswoche: the newspaper has appointed the BWE President Hermann Albers, the second most important official and Advisor to the energy revolution.

“” Even owners of numerous wind parks, Albers is currently particularly the expansion of electricity networks are not developed for 30 years “were and the double amount of the electricity transport” should so Albers to Wirtschaftswoche. The BWE is a partner of 3,000 companies and represents more than 20,000 members. Non-members are invited to the events. The full training program in 2012, visit the website of the BWE.

Stiftung Warentest

Energy saving is in many households still very rare, it would greatly reduce the cost. Electricity and gas fast money can be saved by comparison and switching. These can set frequently by hand which contracts for consumers are most appropriate. Especially when comparing current prices can save this all kinds of money. For apartments little Comune, the extensive amount of gas and electricity suppliers has increased savings potential. Single households consume less than a large family, and can therefore better plan the consumption. In the wake of lower consumption, cheap fares, which should not be left result for consumers.

Also the gas supply can be compared in addition to electricity natural gas now also on the Internet can be compared to different providers. Natural gas as a sensible heating system compared to electricity can reduce natural gas usually in addition costs. Gas is economical in use and can be comparatively economical consumption. With current The performance is even more intensively to use natural gas techniques. This has the effect that gas is often preferred. However the cost of natural gas are often not fully apparent and must be examined carefully. Usually a gas comparison can help when searching online.

Such a helpful compares the tariffs and agreements of suppliers and guaranteed a useful overview. But the rates of differencing utilities should be viewed in addition pronounced. So it can happen in rare cases, that few providers increase the charges shortly after the signing of the contract or have coupled advertised premium payments only on certain conditions. Thus, feel many consumers often unfairly treated and try the contract to terminate, which is then harder. For customers is independent of gas or electricity rate comparison, important to consider what expenses as a result of a change of provider can arise. The monthly cost for the full period of delivery are essential. Offers should be seen therefore exactly. Help independent results of Stiftung Warentest or other institutions researching the appropriate utilities. Also the consumption decrease can help save many electricity or gas customers consume too much energy. In many households, heat or light is wasting pointless because the ease of their own interest is to save. It, much energy can be saved through simple measures. The Internet can serve as a useful source of information for this purpose and are available with help and advice. Portals such as Energieprofi24.de, for example, show what measures must be taken to reduce the costs in the household efficiently and sustainably.

GRD Adriatic

Plastic bags or come through the illegal use of dynamite to catch fish to life. Even gunshot wounds were discovered on dolphins. To save first german Croatian dolphin protection project to the last “Adriatic Dolphin” from extinction, the dolphins e.V. (GRD) is committed to the rescue including one or more protected areas the company for setting up. For this purpose, the areas of importance for reproduction and diet of the Adriatic Dolphin must be localized through regular patrols, censuses, and photo identification. Only when these data are available, the Croatian Government will establish corresponding reserves.

The project to “Rescue the last Adriatic Dolphin” was founded in 1999 by the GRD with vets of the University of Zagreb headed by Prof. Dr. Hrvoje Gomercic. Already in the 1980s have Croatian scientists specializing in marine mammals and significantly contributed to the existing 1995 dolphin protection laws. However, due to lack of finances, they were on laboratory work, so the investigation of dead dolphins, limited. With the passing of the first GRD patrol boat and other equipment in June 2000, could finally begin the Croatian animal rights activists with the important field work and thus now also are able to save whales alive stranded or lost in the numerous coves of the Croatian Adriatic coast and the estuaries and dolphins. The community project is under the auspices of the Croatian Ministry of the environment and according to the provisions of the international agreement on protection of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean ACCOBAMS (agreement on the conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic area), which was ratified by Croatia in the year 2000 and has been in force since June 2001. GRD, Ulrike Kirsch

Geothermal Project Unterfohring

The bit turns the drilling work for the geothermal project Unterfohring since 21 November Unterfohring with Unterfohrings Mayor Franz Schwarz and Geovol Managing Director Peter Lohr started three symbolic hammer blows on the bit. In about two months drilling the first well in 2500 meters to find and encounter over 80 degrees hot water, in April 2009 it should be ready with the second hole. The historic day”, so black to the start date of the drill, was to invite to a party on the drilling site on the Etzweg for the operating company Geovol. “Landtag Susanna Tabani, representative of the district administrator, described it as an encouraging fact that the geothermal projects currently like mushrooms” schossen. Unterfohring bar with his project both a valuable contribution to environmental protection, as well as to the energy vision of the district Munich. While Tabani could certainly rely on their own experiences with the geothermal, it had as a municipal councilor and Supervisor the geothermal pioneer project in Pullach and accompanied by the birth hour.

Mayor black reminded of the groundbreaking decision”by the Municipal Council in 2005, with which this led the Geothermienutzung in the way. She over three-year planning period since then speaks for a very thorough preparation and shows that we have left nothing to chance.” The project saw a high unity across all groups and encounter even now among the population so good acceptance, that it actually only still could go. Not in the short term, but in any case long-term use geothermal energy for the consumer as well as for the community will bring a substantial economic benefit, so the head of the municipality. Greetings offered Rainer Zimmer of the local mining Department of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs. Currently, there are no less than 17 geothermal projects in Bavaria, including seven already completed facilities. Based on this experience, Unterfohring could “be optimistic to achieve the aspired goals: it speaks everything to ensure that we next year will have a positive project and can welcome Unterfohring as a new child in the Bavarian family of geothermal energy.” Geovol – Managing Director Peter Lohr was the glimpse into the future. After the hoped-for find with two holes in the spring of 2009 funding tests and pumping tests were planned until September 2009 to determine the long-term fertility and temperature of the thermal water.

In the same period, the Energy Center will built before at the beginning of the heating season 2009 the inclusion of heat supplies was provided. These are ambitious and challenging goals, not only a lot of expert knowledge and the creativity of many people were required for their successful implementation, but also the necessary skill, an accident-free progress of the work on the drilling site and last but not least, God’s help. The two clerics, the evangelical pastor Ludwig Scherer and the Catholic deacon Georg Hetterich asked finally to the latter. Scherer was that Unterfohringer efforts under the slogan think globally, act locally”. The local geothermal energy will not change the world’s climate, but it does not matter whether something is small, but it will be written. To assume responsibility for the energy of the Earth means to take many small steps. Hamtaro solicited the protection for all employees in the project from accidents and hazards, and blessed those present and the technical equipment. Dr. Norbert Babyy