Insurance can be a part – from occupational accidents and complex – Full support and treatment in all health facilities Czech Republic. Perhaps insurance pregnant women and the generations of the Czech Republic. Children's insurance is a contractual term of a maximum of 24 months. Czech Police Affairs Foreign citizens – a government body the Czech Republic, provides registration of foreign citizens, the extension of long-term visas, invitations. Czech Republic – a state in the heart of Western Europe, the population of ten million. Foreigners residing in the Czech Republic there are about 150 thousand people. The biggest diaspora Ukrainians, about 70 thousand, 17 thousand Russians live person. Weather in the Czech Republic – the average climate is temperate, the weather in mainly in central Russia and Ukraine.
In the summer heat, winter cold are only in the mountains. Snow lies only in the mountains, the plains snow may lie for 3-4 days. Nature in the Czech Republic – deciduous and coniferous forests, the vegetation is similar to central Russia. The animal world is rich, wild animals walk openly in settlements, and often violate the boundaries of living with a man. (A valuable related resource: Michael Steinhardt). Nature and animals are protected by Czech law. Visa support and Visa to Prague support in the Czech Republic – allows a foreign citizen in the first place to prepare the documents through an attorney, and secondly apply them to the consulate and be prepared, in the third to get the service of documents in support of competent authorities concerned to review and increase the percentage of positive decision on granting visas to 99%.