Netbooks Price

If you wake up in the morning, you realize that the urgent need to check email, write a few words to a friend, read the news on your favorite information resource, see a couple of videos and make a video call a relative, located somewhere in Germany, you know, all this can be done quickly and easily, without even getting out of bed. To do this, buy a netbook! Each notebook is a laptop, but not every laptop is a notebook. Netbook is a kind of laptop-oriented work with office documents and the Internet. If you decide to buy a notebook, then you most likely, important indicators such as: small size and weight, the ability to connect to the Internet and work with documents, as well as storing personal data on an individual device. Netbooks, as a rule, are not allocated a special power, as it is to them and do not need, because you do not buy a notebook for gaming and complex calculations – from netbook requires a screen large enough to see the documents and wi-fi or other module to connect to the network so that these documents over the Internet to receive and transmit. About the screen we can say that this is the main advantage of netbook before mobile phone or communicator, which essentially perform similar functions. Most popular now, netbooks are 11-inches. Buying today 11-inch notebook, you almost get the device, comparable to a 12-inch business-class notebooks, which cost several times more expensive notebooks.

Also on offer are beginning to appear and 12-inch notebooks – the preferred option than their predecessors – the usual notebooks, since consume less energy and therefore work longer without recharging, besides, they are lighter, and it's not the entire list of their advantages. An excellent example of a modern 12-shki Netbook – Netbook Asus Eee pc 1201N. Having bought a netbook 1201N, you get the device to based newfangled videoplatformy Nvidia Ion, which adds power to the netbook game. Major players in the market of netbooks today – is Acer, Lenovo, Samsung, and the above-mentioned Asus. Allocate unique leader does not make sense, since each of the manufacturers from time to time produces something more interesting than the previous models of competitors. However, to claim the role of innovator can Asus. They were not limited by the fact that invented the first netbook from time to time try to surprise people. The latter is a considerable surprise – a netbook convertible Asus T91.