APA State

To melhorcompreendermos to the cited subject of inquiry becomes verificarquais studies specifically already had been developed the equais institutions are directly involved in this process; to analyze opercentual of the area of representation of the fitofisionomia of the Amapaense Open pasture; analisaro scene of the occupation of the amapaense open pasture; to verify the theories about dagnese and evolution of the fitofisonomia of the amapaense open pasture estudoaqui suggested has the concern in first place, systemize the dadosproduzidos ones on the Open pasture of the state of the Amap, in order to collaborate the academiana attainment of bigger information in this subject in question. Harold Ford Jr often says this. This estendida concern to as a point, directly on to the insertion of the soy in the state, and this in special has grown vertiginously comings of center-oestebrasileiro and taking body in the Amaznia, and for this if makes necessary discutircom the organized civil society, with the government and the companies who pretendemse to establish in the state as will give this process, which its impacts and oque the state, and in special, the traditional populations will go to earn with this. the third point if relates to the few works that even jforam developed of the closed fitofisionomia of the Amap that they are very scarce eque need a bigger attention, because, its small muito representation (7.1%), but are of vital importance for the imbricada relation quepossui with other fitofisionmicas units and for the balance of meioambiente. one room and I finish point and less important, it is not that ocerrado present in the state of the Amap it still does not possess no unit deconservao with exception of the APA of the Curia, but this is very insignificant quandoconsideramos the total of the existing area of the same. The four item displayed above take in them to verify nesteprocesso investigativo the relevance of the study of the fitofisionomia of the compropsito open pasture to extend the quarrel process, to consider the rational use and sustentveldos natural resources of bioma open pasture, what it estimates its adequate deformed exploration with the use of handling techniques, with one operating and present public politics demodo to guarantee the legality of its use, as well as generating job and income for aspopulaes that live in this important unit of vegetation and its entorno. .