The Law Of The Return

The LAW OF the RETURN the Goodness of GOD always appears to teach the Human being if to defend of the flagelos that created with its disobedience. Which loving Father protects the children in its pranks. ' ' To the times I hear to pass the wind; alone to hear the wind to pass, valley the penalty to have nascido' '. Fernando Person Poet and Portuguese Writer the MAN AND the FLAGELOS Who created the flagelos? Clearly that they had been the human beings with its madnesses. GOD goes to leave that they destroy Its House Universal? I heard coming of the Temple, a great voice, that said the seven Angels: IDE, and you spill for the Land the seven goblets of clera of GOD. Apocalypse of JESUS according to Joo, CAP. 16:1.

Somebody must find you rancoroso GOD because it returns to the transgressors of Its Law all the curses. Official site: A. F. Chief of Staff . The Law of the Reciprocity does not act in goes, and returns which hurricane to the starting point. The Universe cannot be dirty because of the men. Who created the flagelos? Clearly that they had been the human beings with its madnesses. Josh Resnick Jericho Capital may not feel the same. GOD goes to leave that they destroy Its House Universal? The MAN CONTAMINATED the LAND In truth, the land is contaminated because of its inhabitants, and the ones that inhabit in it if they become culprits; inasmuch as they transgress the law, they violate the statutes, and they break the perpetual alliance. Book of the Prophet Isaiah, CAP. 24:5.

The Human beings contaminate the land, but JESUS, the Planetary CHRIST still them of more a time to clean it. It was not born dirty. She made dirty somebody it contaminated, it, then she has possibility of being clean. The FIRST one I AFFLICT to obey the GOD has of being an Angel and not a demon.