The Expenses

Still today many municipalities of the same departments lack the liquid appraised one to supply the demand. By all this and the others, it is necessary to create to the interior of the new being, one Social management concerning secretariat that is in charge to design a model of regional development based on integral a productive process, in that studies the natural quality of the territory and wealth as is it the hydric resource, the land, tourism among others, that after a result is analyzed what can be produced, be implemented and what consolidates, it allows the use generation on a large scale, like alternative to face the marginality and the poverty that whips today them. Justification for proposals of development and economic sustainability in the time In opposition to which they affirm the enemies of the project, on the insostenibilidad of the new department, before the little assets that make it self-sufficient it is necessary to notice that the fortification, the appropriation and the concretion of these, it is a commitment that must assume the being already done, and for which it will have in his organization and administrative structure to prefit that the expenses of operation do not surpass collections from the beginning of its establishment. But, for tranquillity of those who they inhale and they wish a failure of the project by secondary factors, it is necessary to say to them that who lead this project they are not single, so that we are going to create a consolidated work party to take advantage of the alternatives development that can be implemented for this rich region in natural resources and that they have demand in the market, national as international, to short, as much medium and long term. Spase and recurdeseles that exists innumerable conditions and prerogatives within reach of all in tributary matter to foment the commerce the company and the national industry, with motivations and incentives so that own and strange private investors promote the regional development whose conditions are the use generation and with which the exigencies of economic nature can be guaranteed that as much worries to them; hopefully they do not have to congratulate them for being pioneering and organization model publishes self-sufficient in the country.