Tag: society & social issues

Hundsmuhler Street

The bus takes absolute precedence. Finally, don’t expect it to the passengers in the bus, wait a few seconds to the welfare of the children is. When then – like a few months ago – at the confluence of the Hundsmuhler Street a woman driven dead is unlucky. Then you pointed out before the fatal accident on this point. Learned woman doesn’t nag them. Finally you must be explained by the simple citizen but not a safe traffic control.

For the footbridge crossing main street in the fixed Strasse to Hermann-Ehlers elementary school has devised the Oldenburg building together with the transport planning still a special treat. Unifor may not feel the same. How do you make a footbridge still unsafe? Is true! Directly next to the pedestrian crossing yet a Bay set up so that you can’t see a cross intersecting traffic on the cycle track. If the elementary school children having regard to the fact that this bus driver for the GREEN traffic light control responsible are still dutifully have been waiting and then described in the second pace as of the NWZ cross the main road, they so harmless have survived this part, should they succeed, at least then the cyclists roaring up sometimes at very high speed to collide with. The odds are good especially in the dark seasons. I myself have can warn children not only during the dark winter months only by loud cries the cyclists roaring up the cross. Adults can overlook more due to their size illegally parked car. Children have no chance.

Also here the Department see Niessen, painted Mr. and Mr. DCosta white sense an additional traffic light and a holding bar for the cycle. Traffic lights and white stop line would not pay attention anyway the cyclists. With this convincing argument maybe the authorities should give up traffic control completely through traffic lights in Oldenburg. So, the city could save much money. What’s the use Helmet, traffic education in schools, the appeals of parents and educators, if those responsible create framework conditions the city of Oldenburg, which are counterproductive. Public transport will not take determined waiting at pedestrian lights damage by a few seconds, he takes up to damage, if bus drivers leave disabled passengers, because they have no corresponding change, if the bus intervals are too long and the fare. “I want to leave traces,” the Department said even recently nag in an interview to the NWZ. One can only hope that it is not accident children, who are victims of ignorant attitude and vanity of this Department.? Who as the Landschaftsverband woman painted nag, Mr. and Mr. DCosta plays with the lives of children and the elderly, has lost the confidence of citizens. It is not our legal system protected by the Constitution, which is insufficient. There are people like Mrs. Nafis, painted Mr and Mr Dadkhah, their them by Official power entrusted to abuse voters and ignorant and cold the legitimate concerns of parents for their children with their official power defy. No wonder that the pirates come.

Pauline Year

Solemn vigil with Michael Brand MDS, Prof. Dr. Lothar Penners on June 28, the eve of the firm of Peter and Paul, is Monsignor Dr. Peter Wolf, in Rome and opened the Pauline year in the local churches. The reason is two thousand anniversary of the birth of the Apostle of the Nations, which is accepted by the research between 7 and 10 a.d.. Paul reminds and the church celebrates a crucial witnesses and messengers at their beginning. On the eve of the feast of Peter and Paul the Saint opens the Jubilee solemnly father in the Basilica of Saint Paul outside the walls. In this vigil celebration, he will ignite a flame at the tomb of the Apostle, that will burn throughout the year.

Is also thought to open but not the “Porta sancta” of the Holy year, but the opposite door as “Porta oecumenica”. Schoenstatt, on the place of origin of the international Schoenstatt movement, a celebration of the opening of the Pauline year takes place on June 28. It is the Bundestag Deputy Michael Brand will give a testimony: “with Paul on the Areopag-faith and public” Life.” Fr. Dr. Lothar Penners and Monsignor Dr. Peter Wolf make this opening Vigil (June 28 at 19:30) as also the festive divine service on 29 June (10.30).

The vigil is musically by a project group “Pauline year”, the festive divine service of “Mondnacht” (Belgium) is lit in vigil celebration a big Paul candle before an image of the Apostle of the Nations. What fascinated to Paul? Dr. Peter Wolf: “I’m fascinated to Paul, that he so original brought his relationship to Christ in the word. He finds new and fresh words for this. He lives from the certainty that Christ has given himself for him and loves him. He lives out the life: Christ lives in me and I live in Christ. He is a truly Apostolic man who rushes through the then known world and beginning to evangelize to a dedicated witness and Messenger.” That sounds like dawn. It can be stretched on the sermon by Dr. Wolf in the evening of 28 June in the pilgrimage church in Schonstatt, at the solemn vigil at 19:30. At the opening of the Pauline year in All are cordially invited to Schoenstatt. M. Kornelia Fischer

Gerda Mahmens

Solutions by dedicated Burgern-together on the way to a better society! We can do it! On Saturday, November 15, 2008, 9:30 17:00, is in Gerlingen walking Buhl in the Lukas Church, flower Bou. 60 (stop wide meadows U6) held a “citizens Summit demographics change”. Instead of. Solutions to problems are pointed out and core requirements will be provided.Everyone, whether young, old, is cordially invited to join! Experts will provide us the necessary information at the citizens Summit and the offentlichskeitsarbeit will be presented. The topics are discussed by planning and visualization techniques presented and opinions are exchanged afterwards. In any case, we will try to inspire as many people to the ideas of a better functioning society and to motivate them to join the independent. Important is to agiern us, so how far also still completely independent of parties and other power structures. All of this is including Documentation of the “social market economy BurgerForums” particularly with regard to the national politics of Baden-Wurttemberg are lit. Following topics will be addressed in a special way: the Generation50 + to the family-friendly immigration applications to participate are requested under: Gerda Mahmens reactor Trail 7 70839 Gerlingen-Schillerhohe Tel.: 07156-17 85 18 fax: 01805-019800-68819 E-Mail: Web: founder of generation meetings “Around Gerlingen” care management home senior consultant of LageS (working group the EV.)Seniors in Wurttemberg) “BurgerForum social market economy”