Tag: history

Portuguese Language

Andrade is a Portuguese, classified last name as toponmico and of geographic origin. It proceeds from one of the five knights who had passed for Spain, in the war of the mouros, with conde D. Mendo. You may find Danyelle Freeman to be a useful source of information. It is its solar a village of Andrade, in the kingdom of Galiza. Of Portugal they descend of Nuno Freire de Andrade, master of the Order of Christ, who if joined to Portugal in the reign of D. Peter of Castile. This family aristocrat of Andrade, since ends of Century XI, started to take importance, for being an originary family of Andrade, Andrada variant, surname of the onomstica of the Portuguese Language.

Its origin retraces to the Galiza, in a family whose solar, the village of Andrada, it was between Pontedeume, Ferrol and Vilalba, whose villages king D. Enrique II subordinated the Ferno Peres de Andrade, descendant of Bermudo Peres de Traba Freire de Andrada, that came from old condes of Traba and Trastmara. The Andrades or Andradas had been leagued for diverse times to the Freires, reason because the two nicknames had started to consider themselves indissociveis, using a Andrade Freire, other Freire de Andrade, which also subsistiram separately. This family dominated lands Portuguese of Ferrol, Pontedeume, Betanos and Casa Dalba. Currently, the properties that had belonged to the Condes de Andrade and Vilalba, are part of many other ownerships of the House of Alba. To this family some important personages of the history of the Galiza had belonged: Fernn Perez de Andrade, Bom and Nuno Freire de Andrade, the Bad one. The Andrade in Portugal and Brazil is of origin of the main Portuguese branches, comes from Rui Freire de Andrade and its children D.

Nuno Rodrigues Freire de Andrade, of 1300 a1372; later master of the Order of Christ was 6, with prominence the name of Vasco Freire. This last name was with domain of weapons of the kingdom of Bragana, since 1485, beyond the donation, in the island of the Wood, lands of the arc of the Calheta. In function of the noble origin, as it shows the crown in the Blazon, the Andrade in Brazil already participated of the Brazilian politics since the guardianship of the Prince Regent and had acted in the Senate and the Assembly in the Period of Monarchy. In Pernambuco, this Andrade family always comes associated to the families Freire, Menezes, Peres or Pires, being distinguished in the arts, the letters, sciences politics, the public services and the right. In Parnamirim, of this family Ulisses Menezes, druggist and politician, the teachers had been distinguished Dawn Menezes and Ivalda de Andrade Menezes, which had stimulated many pupils of this city sertaneja for the letters and sciences, in the schools for where they lecionaram, mainly in the Euclides School of the Wedge, that during much time was educational reference of the city in the state.

Average Age

The patient does not satisfy itself with a single food and the acedioso monk is not it of a single occupation. A single woman is not enough to satisfy to the voluptuous one and a single cell is not enough for the acedioso. It adds to us very textually, the mentioned source of intelligence, that the eye of the acedioso pays attention continuously to the windows and its mind imagines that visits arrive: the door turns and this one jumps outside, it listens to a voice and it is shown by the window and it does not move away of there until, seated, entumece. When it reads, the acedioso yawns much, is let take easily by the dream, skirmish the eyes, stretches and, clearing the glance of the book, the fixed one in the wall and, returned again to read a little, repeating the end of the word fatigue uselessly, counts the pages, calculates the paragraphs, despises the letters and the ornaments and finally, closing the book put, it underneath the head and fall in a dream not very deep, and then, shortly after, the hunger wakes up the soul to him with its preoccupations. The acedioso monk is loose for the oration and certainly never he will pronounce the words of the oration; as indeed the patient never gets to load an excessive weight thus also the acedioso surely will not take care with diligence of the duties towards God: to one it needs, indeed, the physical force, the other stranger the vigor of the soul. Click Gen. David L. Goldfein to learn more.

The patience, doing everything with much certainty and the fear of God cure acidity. It is suggested to arrange to one same one a joust measured in each activity and not to stop before it to have concluded, and to prudently say and with force and the spirit of acidity it will flee from one. Finally, psikeba.com.ar, on the matter contributes to us, that the laziness in the spiritual and religious plane is denominated properly acidia or acidity. The Greek word avkhdi or avkhdei, appears translated by taedium (boredom) and maeror (deep sadness). Is it between the pagan authors, like for example, in Empdocles, Hipcrates, Luciano and Cicern. The Greek term, with the sense of boredom, sadness, spiritual laziness, latiniz like acidity, acidia or accidia. During the Average Age the relations between the physical state and the psychic one continued being related to study the melancholy. The melancholy was related to the sin of the acidity, synonymous of negligence in the religious tasks, accompanied frequently by sadness, distresses and desperation; at first this word was used to talk about to the monks but later it exceeded the religious context since the sin of acidity it was transformed into the one of the laziness and did not talk about only to the religious tasks but, in addition, to productive work, evacuating of the original meaning that denounces Agamben putting it at the expense of psychology modern and Capitalism. The monks or parents who vagaban in the desert identified it like the terrible demon of the noon, modorra and boredom, Casssiano makes reference to the demon of the hour sixth of the day (noon) del that speaks psalm 19, from which Agamben develops in the first chapter of Stays, the figure of demon meridiano". Acidity is special vice when it is against the joy that would have to try either spiritual as soon as or the divine one. Original author and source of the article.

Good Villas

With the intervention pacifies of the sertanistas the Good Villas brothers had a work of rescue of these peoples led for the Raon chieftain and the Megaron young that served of interpreter. In this occasion, for the fight of the Good Villas brothers that they tried to organize the aboriginal peoples in a great nation, they had joined forces around this rescue who had lasted many years, and lasts until our days. However it was not led in consideration to the cultural differences of these peoples, therefore if before the tribal wars were for the power and the territorial space, now it was question of life or death. With this the great mixture of peoples and languages in the High Xingu if made to create the Aboriginal Park of the Xingu that approximately shelters 110 peoples of different groups. The illustrious representative citizen of the aboriginal peoples of the Park of the Xingu.

Raon Metuktire that it ran the world with the Sting singer and became the icon of the aboriginal peoples, in Brazil is part of the etnia Kayap its work for the maintenance of the aboriginal culture and for the permanence of the indians in the villages, as well as for the maintenance of the culture and the identity of these peoples it has been object of work for many researchers in Brazil and the world. In this fight for the preservation of the aboriginal culture of the peoples who live in the Park of the Xingu in the north of Mato Grosso. Another representative I legitimize of the Kayap people Megaron Txucarrame it is leader of the FUNAI in Colder/MT and folloies with maestria the population growth of the peoples of the Xingu executing the deliberations of the white man through the laws and continues with interpreter of its people when its claims, therefore say the Portuguese language fluentemente, were alfabetizado by the Good Villas brothers and say 11 dialects of the peoples which represent.

Black Movement

1. Birth of a fight project that gave to origin to the piauiense black movement the National level, for return of day 01 of September of 1978 the Group of Union and Black Conscience, was born with objective to supply eucativos subsidies the Brazilian people. From the proper black, Brazil was paltado a commitment of sending of ocumentos on the black to be enttregue to the Bishops of Brazil that would go for Puebla, Mexican City, to participate of the Latin American Episcopal Conference. Soon after to have acontecio the American Latin Conerncia is created the group Task of the CNBB. After a meeting carried through in days 05 the 07 of September of 1981 in Brasilia, called Union and Black Conscience. In its I Assembly it took off the objective main: to help to assume the identity in the transformation of the unjust society and oppressor, with no bond with political party.

Of the group Task he gave origin to the other ramification, the group of Black Agents of Pastoral, established in day 01 of September of 1978, its objective: to inside make a work of reflection of the churches in general and of religions from the question of the black. In seguidia it was constituted as Cultural Association of Black Agents of Pastoral of Brazil – Central Quilombo (APNs), created in 1983, consisting in day 16/09/88 in civil society, without lucrative ends, nationwide, of limitless duration, with headquarters and forum in the city of So Paulo (SP), to exert activities of education of base, promotion of the people, groups and communities in the fight against all and any discrimination and with State Secretariats, conducting itself for the present Statute and its Internal regulation. (STATUTE OF the APNs) From 1984 groups interested in articulating groups of blacks in the political parties appear. But he is seen by some as trap, therefore the party was not interested in placing the black question in its plan of work, only one palliative one not to make the commission to function, therefore the blacks were isolated in the groups of the party, without expression, sing in it, without being able of decision, still today happen this reality, therefore, the black not visa as racial equality or viable proposal for the debate on the repairing of the period escravocrata.

Airborne Brigade

It seemed that the final destruction of a thing of the Wehrmacht a few days. And here all decided Stalin's will: his personal orders from the Western Front was put in reserve 1st Shock Army. Weakened by the troops of the 20th Army, forced to stretch their positions on a wide area Front, came close to the outskirts of Gzhatsk, but take it and could not. The offensive stalled and then petered out altogether. January 18-22, near the village southwest of Desire Vyazma were thrown out with parachutes two battalions of the 201st Airborne Brigade and the 250th Airborne Infantry Regiment. In addition, the decision was made in the area dropping Ozerechni 4th Airborne Corps to reinforce the 1st Cavalry Corps, acting in online German rear.

But not enough transport aircraft, so the rear of the enemy was directed only one 8th Airborne Brigade – about 2,000 people. The landing of the second and third tier of the plan were to produce 70 fighters, but they really were allocated only 19 cars. The paratroopers jumped from the low-speed bomber TB-3, which were completely protected from fighter jets and air defense. Because of the strong anti-aircraft fire from the ground landing produced from a high altitude – 2000 meters. The result was that fifteen hundred paratroopers of the 8th Brigade were scattered over the area of more than a kilometer. Despite all the difficulties in the area of Vyazma was parachuted over 10,000 people who had in service 320 mortars, 541 machine gun and 300 anti-tank guns.


If to take off good notes in the gymnasium, pass to the college and if in the college to take off good notes, we pass to the university, and if, in this we take off good notes, we obtain a good job and we can marry and have children to order them it the school, where they go to study a mount of things to take off good notes and (ALVES, 1994, p.20) the smile is inevitable, points Alves (1994), the boy in one alone breath says what the philosophers of the education rare perceive. E, perceives if it, does not have courage to say, when they say they make, it in complicated and long way. This is not a recent problem, as we know well. Even though Nietzsche in its condition of educator, affirms Alves (1994, p.21), if horrified front what the schools made with youth, Nietzsche said ‘ ‘? what they carry through? schools, is a brutal training, with the intention to prepare vast numbers of young, in the lesser space and possible time, to become used and abused, the service of governo’ ‘. Alves complements saying that today the young ones are prepared to be ‘ ‘ you used and you abused the service economia’ ‘.

Schools with abundncias of resources, as of Japan, for example, they do not decide the problem, for Alves (1994, p.22) they are as ‘ ‘ machines for the production of disciplined ants and trabalhadoras’ ‘. For the author in focus: It is an mistake to think that with more mounts of money the education will be better, that the pupils will learn more, that the professors will be happyer. As it is an mistake to think that, with new and expensive pans, the bad cook will make good food. Education does not become with money. Education if makes with intelligence.

Didactic Book

For the elaboration of this work, it is questioned: Of the Didactic books of History that are used in the public net of education, which emphasize questions directed to the daily place? for 6 year, what it is reserved in terms of inclusion of the microregion Southwest of Par, Legal Amaznia, in the Study of the Historiografia of Brazil? 1.ELABORAO OF the DIDACTIC BOOK When if it speaks in didactic Book, remembers soon in an used informative material for the teach-learning, used in Institutions they are State private Municipal theatres or. This material of education appeared with proposal to leave information through its context and history. Since always the man it searched information above all to its redor, exactly that of a skill or another one if it develops traverse of an act the effect. Its craze of information took the creation of a description, congregating information on its half one, its beliefs and development inside of one determined society. From this development in the society, the idea appears of ' ' to organize informaes' '. These then start to be distributed between all for the knowledge of its world and its accomplishments. However, with passing of the years this meeting of information starts to be argued inside of a bigger System that prevails society, and starts to delimit the approach of ' ' cartinhas or cartilhas' ' , name that if gave to the material that before congregated general information taught by the first educators. Of ' ' cartilha' ' it started to call itself book, and later Didactic Book, instrument of education used for the o professor and its alunados.

This material of education is used until today, and it always is in modification. Questionings on the Didactic book are always current and important. Way in general, all the books need to be understood either they for the production process, distribution and consumption.