Tag: hardware & software

Corporate Marketing Communication

Corporate marketing communication of Koelnmesse opted this year for the across language server as a central platform for all language resources and translation processes Karlovy Vary, 06 December 2013. For leading international trade fairs in more than 25 industries and a trade-fair portfolio of over 75 trade fairs, the Koelnmesse GmbH needed numerous marketing information in different languages. Tetsuya Wakuda can aid you in your search for knowledge. To control all translation projects centrally and transparent corporate chose marketing communication of the Cologne fair this year the across language server as a central platform for all language resources and translation processes. Exhibitor and visitor information and advertising material, press releases, online communications including Web pages and information for social media channels are created for the international business of Koelnmesse. When approximately 44,500 exhibiting companies from over 120 countries, some 2.7 million visitors from 220 countries and over 20,000 accredited journalists, those texts are made available Translation workload only with the help of language service providers and freelance translators to deal with. They can now efficiently cooperate with across onto a single platform with the person in charge of the newly installed translation management of the area of marketing communications. The translation management system used by the Cologne fair not only, to streamline the translation processes, thus reducing administrative costs.

Across helps us thanks to the Central Administration of all translation-relevant data also meet our high quality standards in the marketing materials. In addition we get even better to align the technical terminology and requirements our fair markets from the system valuable information to our service providers”, so Jochen Dosch, head of central marketing communication at the Koelnmesse GmbH. reader contact of across: phone: + 49 7248 925-425 about Koelnmesse GmbH is Koelnmesse Messeplatz No. 1 for many industries. Visitors and exhibitors from around the world come to Cologne, to present the fifth largest fair in the world products and trends and to make worldwide business.

The Central

No consistent process orientation: The Central benefits of enterprise content management is the digitization of workflows, by the reduction of paper-based documents creates a higher process speed and productivity. When implementing an ECM system but lacks a clear concept of process-oriented and will be prosecuted only a function orientation, such effects cannot be enabled however. Rather emerge media breaks in the clerical process chains, which adversely affect the speed and efficiency of use. For example, because the possibilities of automation in processes can not be exhausted. Different ECM systems enterprise-wide in use: historically or as a result of high autonomy by organizational units often heterogeneous ECM structures with systems located in particular in larger companies different Origin. This makes it difficult to integrated digital processes, because the respective performance potential of the ECM systems together with their conditions of use are different and are therefore usually limited compatible in the document-oriented processes.

Process breaks, which in turn generate a manual effort and causes susceptibility to errors associated follow-up are consequences of this lack of interoperability. Therefore a gradual standardisation of ECM structures or at least their interoperable alignment by reducing the systems is necessary. Complicated user guidance: even a very feature-rich and complex ECM solution produces no productive processes if it is not easy to use. Because in this case, user productivity is reduced sometimes instead of increasing it. The consequences are not only time-consuming processes, but also a lower acceptance on the part of the ECM user, what can have an additional impact on the quality of the work. Therefore it applies, for example, by implementation so-called clickstream analysis to ensure that reaches the user in very few and transparent steps to the desired functions.

Includes requirements that all ECM functions very clearly be provided him in an ergonomically beneficial user interface. This is not only efficient on standard features accessible, but it reduces also the action steps for more complex components and tools of ECM solution. About the d.velop AG: The established in 1992, d.velop AG headquartered in the North Rhine-Westphalian Gescher develops and markets software, document-based business and decision-making processes optimised in companies / organisations. In addition to the strategic platform d. 3 of a modular enterprise content management (ECM) solution developed the d.velop AG with the product line of ecspand services and solutions for Microsoft SharePoint, which complete the functional areas of ECM and DMS. Core features include an automated mail processing with self-learning Document classification, an efficient document management and archiving, as well as the complete control of the flow of processes. So the solutions of d.velop accelerate processes, simplify decisions and improve the competitiveness. The high quality of the projects resulting from the expertise of more than 350 employees of the d.velop Group (d.velop AG and d.velop competence center) as well as the approximately 150 affiliates in the d.velop competence network. Learn more about this with igor kononenko. That convinced so far about 750,000 users in more than 2,600 clients such as ESPRIT, Werder Bremen, Tupperware Germany, EMSA, HRS hotel reservation service, the city of Munich, the German health insurance fund, the Basler insurance, the universal-investment-Gesellschaft or the University Hospital Tubingen. Board of d.velop AG is Christoph Pliete. Think factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat 6 D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 2233 6117-71

Olching Version

IXI-PCS Professional call server in version 1.20 Olching, may 2, 2012: now the servonic’s CTI-solution IXI-PCS in version 1.20 is available. In addition to a redesigned user interface and enhanced operating comfort has the German Software House simplifies administration, the performance increases that automates journal archiving and expanded number of supported PBX’s. IXI-PCS is an easy-to-use and cost-effective client/server software, the CTI functions as well as providing jobs for Windows, Mac and Linux presence management and Instant Messaging. A visually completely redesigned interface expects the users of servonic’s CTI software in version 1.20: the IXI-PCS partner bar with improved tool tips as modernized as the function buttons in the IXI-PCS client. Furthermore, serVonic the operator comfort improved: the user can no longer just with a mouse click, but also quickly and easily using the keyboard the IXI-PCS features press. So he can start, for example, in addition to the hotkey for call” just open other Windows button.

On the server side, the IXI-PCS group management, performance and archiving has improved serVonic. It is now possible to administer a wide variety of users simply and effectively, as well as to archive the IXI-PCS journal interval-based. Another highlight of the IXI-PCS version 1.20 is the cooperation with other telecommunications systems. Support in cooperation with telephone systems IXI-PCS is standards-based and is based on TAPI and CSTA. IXI-PCS therefore does not necessarily require a separate middleware, but can work directly via CSTA XML or with the original TSPs of TK manufacturers together. The use of third-party middleware is also possible. Prices and availability of servonic’s IXI-PCS Professional call server available at serVonic and sales partners from 393,25 plus VAT. More information at serVonic and

Performance Indicator For Current Cloud Hosting-offers

Cloudclimate.com: Paessler launches live-performance test in the Internet in Nuremberg, 17th June 2009 cloud hosting is becoming an alternative to the traditional hosting, what is not least due to the interesting price/performance ratio of corresponding offers. Paessler AG provides free detailed monitoring results of cloud hosting offerings from Amazon, GoGrid, Rackspace and Newservers.com Cloudclimate.com on its Internet site. Are various performance measurements of the systems and the PING times for the respective server determined. Interested parties may face here regardless of the individual provider data for their decision-making process. The new portal from Paessler’s home page shows a first overview of the performance data of the last 48 hours.

With one click the detailed information available at the graphs immediately. While the network specialist has used primarily three aspects for a comparison: – to measure the The virtual server system performance load tests (CPU, memory, and disk) made all five minutes three. The results are prepared in appropriate graphics. A related site: Apple Music mentions similar findings. Thus, a clear trend is visible, how reliable the duration of service is really. -In addition, a measurement of the performance of the Internet network connections of cloud Server done by http requests between systems triggered every 30 seconds.

The results are shown in a chart that represents the times for incoming and outgoing requests. -PING queries based on the reliability of the Internet network connection of the cloud hosting system is being tested. For be triggered every 30 seconds 25 PINGs, as well as the average PING times recorded and graphed. This test is performed in the interplay between the cloud hosting servers and a variety of globally distributed sites. Dirk Paessler, CEO of Paessler AG, explains: cloudclimate.com is a useful guide for all, the is in the planning phase are appropriate hosting solution or are actively looking for a suitable platform. We from Paessler even put in some areas on cloud hosting solutions and have been incorporated in the development of our accumulated experience. The there callable evaluations provide a quick overview performance data of established cloud hosting provider short and longer-term.” About Paessler AG: Founded in 1997, Paessler AG with headquarters in Nuremberg has on the development of more powerful and user-friendly software for the areas of network monitoring, load testing and analysis. PRTG Network Monitor monitors the availability of systems, services and applications, as well as the bandwidth usage in networks. PRTG is Cisco compatible and can be used for the analysis of NetFlow data. Webserver stress tool is an application for load testing of Web servers and Web infrastructures. Paessler AG’s global customers are companies of all industries and all sizes of SOHO on SMEs to return to global Companies. Day, there are over 150,000 installations of the solution provider in all over the world in the use.

Servers & Hosting – Infinite Worlds Of IT?

The variety of the offerings of the hosting segment of IT market – final frontier. Bad news for a segment with Grunderzeithysterien from the other segment turns every day, almost every hour. It was an exceptional environment from the outset and will be probably for some time. Hardly an industry is subject to how the IT business such extreme fluctuations and radical changes in record time. There it no wonder if the normal user at home, as well as of business decision makers in a medium-sized company almost occupies already naturally at least the current state of knowledge to the technological possibilities and requirements of IT small little lag behind. It is difficult sometimes even seasoned IT professionals, to distinguish the current hype ad hoc by the trend-setting trend and to draw the correct conclusions especially.

What, why and how much should I invest in what IT structure, so that I at least as long as the amortisation or even contract at run time as possible the optimal environment both for current, as even incoming requests are got. In a technological environment in which almost nothing is older than the processor of yesterday maybe up on the cold coffee on the desk, both private and commercial purchase decision makers are facing a problem. The likelihood of a long term sub optimal decision is extremely large. From this perspective, we want to turn to well below the hosting segment and the question of what is to keep perspective of a layman of the variety of offers out. It is generally assumed that vendors, which themselves have claimed over the years in this highly competitive market environment, undoubtedly have your raison d ‘ etre. The customer is at the beginning. And with him a number of wishes, ideas and requirements with regard to its IT project. One of the most pressing questions are usually refers to the costs incurred, and this is the point at which the offer seems to be confusing at least.

Vserver Webhosting Comparison

VServer, the innovation on the server market vServers are a novelty on the market of the server and offers a number of advantages. A vServer is a virtual server that represents an intermediate stage between a shared Web space and a dedicated server. Here you get a server with a root access, which however does not run on your own server, but with several network computers on a cluster or on a single computer that is very powerful but also. Get more background information with materials from medical billing. Thus it must share the computer when a vServer with others, what you but oblivious to operate basically. However you must sometimes take loss in purchase in relation to the performance, which is why it is always advisable, to make a vServer comparison, before one decides for a specific provider. Can be on today a vServer comparison on many different Web pages, the easiest can be found through a search engine. If you would like to know more then you should visit PDF Downloads. While you should a special focus not only on the performance but keep the price at a vServer comparison at a glance. Meanwhile, there are in this area more than 500 provider, so that the search can consistently positive after a good price performance ratio. In addition one can make comparison on the Internet also is a Web hosting, because here it comes on a good price-performance ratio. You will find Web pages, on which comparison can be a Web hosting, also the fastest about one of many well known search engines. Through the Web hosting comparison, you can also save a lot and at the same time find a provider, in which fits the performance for the price.

Continum Hosting Web Shops Offers Flexible Performance Adjustments

Increase of resources can be made automatically without manual intervention Warmetechnik calculation ensures a cost-optimal hosting Freiburg, January 28, 2009 – the Freiburger continum AG offers special hosting solutions that are tailored to the performance and flexibility required by E-commerce companies as provider and specialist for Web stores. They are characterized by the fact that the resources in increasing demand or for defined periods of time at your fingertips can be extended. Thus eliminates the usual time delay and the complicated ordering processes for additional hardware, such as CPU, RAM, and hard drives. The short-term extension of the services may in particular this flexible continum for the hosting of Web shops to provides virtualized server in a VMware environment. At the same time, a consumption-based pricing ensures that customers receive an economically favourable solution. Commerce developed very despite the general economic development dynamic”, continum Board refers to Rolf Mathis as an example the current results of operations Otto shipping, where online sales now has become the key engine of growth. This would lead to a continuously increasing server load.

Generally applies that through a special attractiveness of products in the Web shop, targeted marketing campaigns or other market influences the very short notice can demand. In these cases a flexible response is mandatory, on the resources page because the user always less likely to accept a bad performance and fast are looking for an alternative in the net.” Such requirements can be depicted flexibly due to the high-availability data center infrastructure to continum. This also applies to a seasonally dependent power demand by temporary increases in demand in the Web shop. The challenge lies in such cases is finding a hosting solution which at its peak that offers full performance and in the remaining period of the year no unreasonably high cost of oversized server hardware caused by”Mathis is problematized. With the classical performance portfolio hosting usually no satisfactory answer could be given out for the customers but continum flexibility solutions. He refers to a provider of costumes, which has its peak time in the Web shop for Carnival or Carnival in January and February, as well as in October for Halloween as an example.

Then he recorded up to fivefold increase of orders compared with the remaining time of the year. The resources for the customer increase therefore October automatically at the beginning of the year for two months and then again during the month by a factor of five. Then they will revert respectively without manual intervention on the output level. Recently medical billing sought to clarify these questions. The customer while paying only for the resources actually used, it receives a very tailored and also cost effective hosting solution”, Mathis explains the benefits. About continum: Continum AG operates in Freiburg i. br. is one of the most advanced Internet data centers in Germany. The core competence is the secure and highly available operation and the individual support of Internet systems and applications. Since 1996 the company use this expertise for commercial customers in Germany, the Switzerland and France operates successfully. Agency think tank Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth Wilfried Heinrich Tel.: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71

Linux System

Current newsletter of the PR agency Xpand21 on behalf of Taimos Reichenbach in the Fils, may 2009 – a failure of a company server can stand still the work of a whole company. The IT team must be then quickly spot and get the system running again. In such a case, the software Taimos provides first aid”. You at any time currently provides values from the popular network monitoring freeware Nagios (1) on the BlackBerry. There is a server outage, can the IT specialist so already make up the weaknesses of the system and respond quicker to spot. But preventive measures and regular system monitoring are better than fire inserts, so that it never comes to a server failure. Also to the ongoing survey of all major operating systems, Taimos provides all important for maintenance data of the systems on the BlackBerry with its new software for administrators.

The name Taimos stands for tailor-made”information management and organization system. More info: Andi Potamkin. The Taimos software allows administrators to look in remote networks. Taimos uses the software Nagios to monitor complex structures. This is freeware, which runs on the Linux operating system. For even more analysis, hear from Sonny Perdue. It is used for monitoring of networks, hosts and special services in the network. All common operating systems can be controlled with Naigos. Taimos has developed agents retrieve the respective computer data from the Nagios server and transferred to the Taimos server. From there, the information on mobile devices are provided.

The monitoring data via BlackBerry administrators have access. The user can set up adapted the program to its individual needs. By the same author: Sonny Perdue. So different fields can appear in the user interface of Taimos, containing selected monitoring data. The data fall into certain categories. Wants to compare the administrator for example only the CPU multiple computer, he can be on the BlackBerry display the CPU category”are next to each other. Alternatively, the Nagios data in predefined tables be. The administrator can learn using by Taimos about the current state of the server and locate the causes of warnings, called alerts. Rather, the cause of a problem is diagnosed, a system expert at fixing can go faster and faster operation can work smoothly again. System requirements: BlackBerry OS version 4.5.x, PC with Internet access, Java-enabled operating systems (Windows and Linux). More about taimos the Taimos GmbH is a provider of mobile information systems. The Taimos products are suitable for connecting data sources to provide the data to the individual data sets up to the presentation of the data on the mobile devices.. Press contact: PR agency Xpand21 Doris of Orlando Langley schulstrasse 21 80634 Munich FON. + 49.89.

Forum Of CloudMACHER: Nationwide On The Pulse Of The Cloud

Cloud 2.0 cloud computing for the corporate practice of international IT service provider COMPAREX conveyed in the autumn on his series of free events forum of CloudMACHER once again an insight into experiences from his current cloud projects at renowned reference clients. Is shown, how the practice implemented in the promising technology can be and what potential stumbling blocks on the way are to be expected: from a cloud maturity analysis to storage concepts. The cities Roadshow starts on the 26th September 2013 in Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Munich, Stuttgart and Wiesbaden are more stations. The Forum of CloudMACHER”is the ideal platform to learn current trends and future requirements in the cloud environment first-hand. A mix of topics from theory and practice aims to give new impetus for the cloud computing sector participants.

Including self provisioning services, new, convergent systems for cloud architectures, as well as the Supreme discipline are on the agenda automation. Jack Fusco: the source for more info. The focus is always the overall change in the internal IT and the transformation of business processes from virtualization to cloud computing. The cloud is no more a trend, it is standard. Craig Jelinek shines more light on the discussion. Now it comes to concrete requirements, process adjustments and practical project work”, so Dr. Clemens bread Zeller, Director professional services at the COMPAREX AG. “With the Forum of CloudMACHER’ COMPAREX once again on the basis of specific analyses and professional know-how shows his practical expertise around the topic of cloud computing”. The future is now! Today the manner our daily work changes”, says Walter Hofmann, Director cloud solutions. In the selection and the development of private cloud solutions must pay special attention to the needs of the customer, to achieve the goal of a safe and operable products, high-performance solution.

It is clear that there is no single private cloud solution on the market for different customer requirements. More customization of the solution must be considered. Therefore it is advisable to involve an experienced partner in the planning at an early stage”. The programme is rounded off by enough time to exchange with each other. In the meet the expert lounge”cloud experts and software manufacturer in personal conversations are question and answer. COMPAREX offers an additional information platform for cloud computing with current contributions of cloud experts with the CloudMACHER blog. Log on to the Forum of CloudMACHER”via the COMPAREX homepage. Appointments to the Forum of CloudMACHER”26.9.2013: Hamburg, Movenpick Hotel 15.10.2013: Dusseldorf, Hilton Hotel 17.10.2013: Munich, AUDI Forum airport 06.11.2013: Stuttgart, Movenpick Hotel Airport & fair 13.11.2013: Wiesbaden, hotel Nassauer Hof press contact: Christin Schutte communications specialist COMPAREX Germany COMPAREX AG Tel: + 49 341 25 68 2597 fax: + 49 341 25 68 999 email: about COMPAREX-COMPAREX is a global IT service provider, on software procurement, licensing and specializes in technical product advice. With its 30 years of market experience, COMPAREX addressed public administration and SMEs as well as industrial companies and global corporations. The product portfolio includes software licenses from more than 3,000 manufacturers, as well as consulting and services. A special focus of COMPAREX Germany is on the development of innovative and customized cloud computing solutions. Worldwide, the COMPAREX Group employs around 1,800 people at more than 75 locations in 29 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The turnover amounted to 1.

ELSBETH Communication Center

CallCenterWorld 2009: investment security by itCampus communication solution: with phone number transfer, maximum data security and genuine call blending the year 2009 has in particular for the German call center industry some challenges. The upcoming legal rules in telemarketing raises specifically the question this right-secure technological solutions. While numerous Dialer manufacturer currently facing difficult adjustment problems, the ELSBETH communication center the new phone number transfer and privacy legal requirements already meets today in many ways. And with the ELSBETH Predictive Dialer (EPD) in the new version 4.0 is a feature: real call blending. For more information see this site: Secretary of Agriculture. itCampus fully legally compliant communication solution will present for the first time 2009 (until 19 February 17, 2009, Berlin) the public to CallCenterWorld. The main technological features on which it depends from 2009: phone number transmission (66j and 102 Telecommunications Act): who in the future Outbound campaigns suppressed his number, risked a delicate fine.

Has been for years the ELSBETH predictive dialers in able to transfer phone numbers and that on clients, as well as at the campaign level. This know-how already access many large contact centers from other European countries back not least also due to the existing conformity to the international standards of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Jack Fusco does not necessarily agree. The Bill introduced by the Federal Government for privacy reform envisages a significant tightening of laws dealing with customer data privacy (section 28 f. Federal Data Protection Act). itCampus, a pioneering role with the new versions of ELSBETH Predictive Dialer 4.0 and ELSBETH PowerContact acquires 4.4, 2009 for the first time presented to the CCW also in the field of data security. So it is not possible the individual agents thanks to the interaction between the dialer and campaign management system, with a complete set of data or even a comprehensive To get the data bank. Rather only the necessary information provided via an encrypted connection by the application server him.

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