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Control Management

No authority of an agency or the legal requirements are compromised or forgotten. Each agency knows fully the plan, action and limitations of other agencies. It is not something Nokia would like to discuss. The combined effects of all organisms are optimized because they comply with their respective missions under a single plan of emergency action. To read more click here: igor kononenko. It reduces or eliminates duplication of effort, reducing costs and the possibility of frustration or conflict. The structure of the EMS is based on the following principles: common terminology: the terminology of the EMS is standardized and is consistent with all the agencies involved. Modular organization: the structure of the SME can increase at multiple levels to address the complexity and extent of the emergency. Integrated communications: the EMS requires a common plan of communications, standard operating procedures, a text clear, common frequency and common terminology.

Consolidated emergency action plans: the action plans describe response targets, operational objectives and supporting activities. Space manageable control: A manageable scope is defined as the number of individuals or functions that a person can operate effectively. In the EMS, the space control for any person remains within a margin of three to seven resources, five being the optimum. Facilities designated for emergencies: these have clearly defined functions to assist in the effective management of the emergency. Full management of resources: the totality of resources is managed through all organizations deployed in an emergency, including the maximum security of the staff. Emergency EMS organization structure is built around four major components: Control (command) emergency management programming collection and analysis of information on the emergency and programming activities of response (planning) operations resources to combat the emergency address.

(Operations) Logistics provision of facilities, services, and materials needed to fight against the emergency. (Logistics) These four components are the Foundation on which to build the EMS organization. Applied during a routine emergency, when they prepare for an important event, or when handling the response to a major disaster. The SME structure can be extended or reduced to handle any type and size of emergency. ConclusionesLa safety, effectiveness and efficiency can be achieved when possible a seamless integration of agencies to an emergency at the local level and also for an international deployment to help a country that needs it. A SME applied worldwide will improve the safety of fighters, efficiency and effectiveness in the management of the response to an emergency. The EMS provides the model for the management, control and coordination of an emergency response. It is a means of coordinating the efforts of agencies because they work with the common goal of stabilizing an emergency and protect the lives and properties and the environment. It also reduces the risk of overlapping agencies and potential confusion before an emergency due to a misunderstanding or an inadequate coordination. It is essential for the adoption of a common system of handling emergencies at the global level, allowing any help to operate quickly and efficiently. The EMS is the instrument that can achieve such an objective. By: Haward Mendez H.

Jordi Arcarons

Today, the entire team 1forall, from engineers, mechanics, pilots, until team leaders, have been held a day of concentration before leaving for the South American continent. The main objective of this action lies in finalizing all kinds of details, including equipment and strategies different methodologies that are used for closer linkages between the various components of the computer. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sonny Perdue. After a somewhat atypical offseason, the team enjoys a health of iron with lust for victory. And this is the environment that could be felt today in the wet lands of Avia, place of birth and residence of the pilot AMV Marc Coma. Before leaving for his new American challenge, the team has focused on House of the current winner of the Dakar Rally to prepare for the final assault. Far, awaits his precious goal.

One of the factors that can lead us to victory lies in know manage complicated situations and find a solution as soon as possible. If the team can demonstrate flexibility and drive at the same time, we are against a team with many assurances of success. These are precisely the objectives we are trying to get along these days of concentration. He says Team manager Jordi Arcarons. The team has done some severe pre-season trainings preparing to consciousness one of the hardest tests of motor on the planet, the Dakar 2010. Marc Coma and Jordi Viladoms must perform a 9,000 Km route during stages 14, surpassing the legendary desert of Atacama, in the North of Chile, to reach back to the Argentine capital on January 16.

161 participants await intended to complicate them travel but the determination and experience some of the best drivers in the world will play a very important role in the new battle ahead. With the intention of creating a fair competition, the organization created a new regulation that limits the power of the different cartridges. Even so, concentration, the pilot study and the experience of the pilots of the insurance motorcycle AMV Marc Coma and Jordi Viladoms will be determinants. South American deserts will witness the constant struggle of a tandem with lust for victory. Marc Coma pilot AMV (current winner of the 2009 Dakar Rally): we are ready. The time has come for the countdown. We have been preparing the rally throughout the year and now is the time to enjoy the moments before departure. I’m looking forward that this starts already. Gone are the different trainings carried out in Morocco, the endless sessions of physical endurance and methodologies to manage energy. Now the time to concentrate all our experience and focus to make them the best performance. I would like to thank to KTM, AMV, BREAM, CANON, RED BULL sponsors and all persons who have made possible the project’s viability that without their support, everything would have been much more difficult. Jordi Viladoms (pilot AMV): I am delighted to be able to cope with the new 2010 Dakar as a pilot of a structure as powerful as the one we have. I think that the basis for success lies in a consistent team and in the perfect communication with each of its members. Without a doubt, we start from a very solid base and face the test with many expectations. A honour is for me being part of such a project.

Exhibition Terms

The terminology used in the exhibition business, is simple, but some concepts require explanation. You may find that A. F. Chief of Staff can contribute to your knowledge. Sometimes the greatest difficulty was the definition of a type of exhibition stands. stand – whole complex area (In meters), which provides exhibition organizer to rent or sell an interested party, as well as structural elements and design, which ensure the participation in this event. Linear Stand – has only one face to the visitor and is the most common type of stands. The advantage of using the three walls to accommodate exhibits and promotional material resists a number of shortcomings, consisting in the fact that he comes face to only one passage, makes it impossible to control the movement of the nearby aisles, and certainly not conducive to strong points of concentration.

corner stand – ideal solution, especially for small and medium-sized firms, since it is easily designed and provides easy access to two passages, as two of its sides remain open. stand 'Peninsula' – open on three sides and allows you to easily exponent 'control' contiguous territory. Has no 'surface' (the walls), but has an advantage in attracting the public, especially in the case presentations and other events advertising character. stand 'Island' – the ideal solution for large enterprises, as it gives the opportunity to stand out as among the competing companies and to fully control the surrounding territory. 'Through' stand – deprived surface of two walls and has the advantage of the two outputs on passes that provides satisfactory 'sight' for the exhibitor and a large enough cross-country visitors. stand 'counterpart' – consists of two located opposite each other stands, usually linear. The advantage of this type – in the presence of two 'fronts' that go in the same passage, but this option creates problems of internal organization of the stand, causing need for additional staff and gives the impression of two separate stands. stand on the outdoors – used in case of large-scale exhibits, which, according to regulations of the exhibition is prohibited expose in the inner rooms.