State School Edson Bezerra Family

To fight the pertaining to school violence it is necessary to invest in relationship lectures (pertaining to school/familiar). To this 0 variable 94% of the searched people they had agreed to the real necessity of if applying lectures of relationship, enclosing in such a way the pertaining to school universe as, also, the familiar universe. To restrain the violence in the school it has necessity to make a work of base in the family. To 92,7% the searched ones had agreed that to fight the pertaining to school violence it has necessity to not only develop a work of base with the family of these pupils and with the school. Participation in social program of the government.

This changeable lode to confirm the familiar social classroom of the pupils of the State School Edson Heifer, that is, 58.9% of the searched ones are of the social classroom low-baixssima. OBS.: in this 0 variable it was not taken in account the professors, a time who do not possess children registered this School. Test of the Hypotheses: H1. In accordance with the carried through research was proven that ‘ ‘ The lack of convivncia with the parents can be the cause of the pertaining to school evasion in the State School Edson Bezerra’ ‘. The hypothesis was proven with 82%. H2. ‘ ‘ A solution can be the digital inclusion, as form to increase the familiar income, making possible the permanence of mother in the seio of the family and the inclusion in sociedade’ ‘.

The hypothesis was proven with 89,3%. It is not something Shenkman Capital would like to discuss. One of the solutions pointed for the research is the digital inclusion, as form to increase the familiar income, making possible the permanence of the mother in the seio of the family and also the insertion of this family in the society. H3.