Salad Dressing

The name of the herb, spice or condiment, useful data. And right the scientific name, other names by which is known in Spanish, and the English name) annatto spice derived from the seeds of this plant, native to the Caribbean. It is used, powder, as natural coloring of cheese, ice cream, sausages and cream. Without hesitation RCP Companies explained all about the problem. You can be added to dishes of meat, chicken and Turkey. Also purchased in pill form that shreds easily with your fingers, have a how clayey texture.

It is typical of Mexican cuisine. Bixa orellana; annatto AjedreSe used leaves, fresh or dried. The garden variety has a more delicate flavor. It is added to meat dishes, sausages, beans and stuffed as a spicy condiment. Leaves, dried and powdered, can be added to the bread crumbs to coat meats or fish, for example. Satureja montana (wild); satureja hortensis (in Garden); savory AlbahacSe use only the leaves, and it can be consumed fresh, dried or frozen. Used traditionally in Mediterranean cuisine to dishes in which the tomato is a remarkable ingredient. Also wonderfully combines with dishes of eggs, and try to throw a pinch in the mass of the pizza base.

It is based on the famous pesto sauce. Ocimum basilicum; basilico, real grass; Basil AlcaraveSe used the leaves, stems, seeds and primary roots. Leaves and roots are consumed fresh, in salads. The stems can be added, like leaves, stews and soups. The ground seeds are added to cakes and breads, as well as Curry. With extract of seeds produces a liqueur, the kummel. It is very popular in Scandinavian cuisine. Carum carvi; carvi; caraway fenugreek is used, seeds, and leaves, fresh or dried, whole or powdered. In East Africa the seeds are added to the bread; in India, milled, they are part of the chutney and other seasonings. Seed sprouts used in salads. The dried leaves are part of the curries, and with them prepare infusions. It is popular in the cuisine of Asia and the Middle East. Trigonella foenum-graecum; Rica, fenugreek, albolga; fenugreek poppy (seed) is used, since at least five thousand years ago, as a condiment of corn and pies or adding flavor to the bread as well as grated carrot. Also used in meat dishes. Papaver somniferum; poppy seed; poppy seed Anisuna of the first spices that are known since antiquity. Its seeds are part of tarts and with them as Greek ouzo, the Bulgarian mastika, and anise liqueurs are produced. The fresh leaves are ideal for flavoring meat dishes. Pimpinella anisum; anise