Promotional Souvenirs

Souvenirs for exhibitions. It’s about the essentials, the minimal set of promotional materials. Promotional pens with the application. Choose high-quality pens, because Promotional Souvenirs, crumbling in hand will produce a negative bestows an impression on the visitor. Promotional pens – the largest and cheapest component of the kit. Minimum quantity 500 pieces.

The application of the logo on the pen – be sure (this is another reason to avoid the cheapest promotional gifts). Notebooks blocks with logo on each page. Notebooks blocks – for gluing pads or spring. Take notes when talking with a visitor using the promotional materials with the company logo. You can order a party in 1000 pieces and take measures to 100-200 pieces, depending on the size of the event.

Notching folder (cardboard or plastic). Folder must also be the personification (logotype). In the folder you catalog your company and other promotional materials company. Circulation 500-1000 copies. Production time. Under the condition of existing in a vector of corporate logos, promotional kit manufacturing pens, notebooks and folders, depending on availability of stock materials taking into account the application of the logo on the Souvenirs of time it will take about 2 weeks. But is it worth worrying about pre-aways as well as before the event, you will have a lot to do and worry. The cost of manufacturing promotional products. Prices can be found in the “price” of our site. You can also contact our managers in any convenient way for you and get free advice on production, supply of luxury gifts and promotional gifts for your business and your partners, spray logos.