Marcello Mastroianni

Selected route, suitcases are ready, it remains only to recall a couple of little things namely: 1) Take a Russian-Italian phrase book, or Remember a couple of words in English that was taught in school: in most areas do not speak not so much in Russian, but also in English. And sometimes talk so at the same English that you still do not understand. Although, of course, if a hotel, there is rarely not speak in English, and recently in connection with the increase of Russian tourists in Italy, some hotels even speak in Russian.

But in public places count on it should not why Eat lest granite languages:) 2) If you take with a hair dryer or other elektrorpribory, remember that the voltage in the hotel – 220 (zotya, you can forget about it, just like in Russia), but the Russian does not fit into the Italian socket! Therefore, before his departure will need to buy adapters. And yet, we recommend to take a little more ground pad, so you do not depend on its presence or absence in the hotel, besides some irons in hotels are not given the reason- fire safety. 3) And the expensive workers-Russians, remember that the Italians – the people and imposing accustomed to sleep during the day for this afternoon and came up with Siesta! Please do not forget about this famous Italian siesta. Life in the Italian from 14.00 to 15.30 just freezes: locking everything: shops, doctors (except hospitals) and banks, all special schools and so on. Since the majority of private small shops, while break can ‘jump’, so if you want to go after dinner, then take a look once again at the entrance sign to the schedules or ask the seller of how many shop opens again. 4) And one more detail: all the museums and often shops are closed on Monday is their legitimate day off.