Latin America

Without responding to stridency, neither adjectives nor qualifications, said the Argentine President in a conciliatory tone, and she herself is responsible for calling Uribe to invite him to a future meeting of an urgent nature. President Argentina noted also, that we must not confuse nor by kindly or exalted speeches: the result is that you are creating a climate belligerence in the region that can generate situations that nobody wants. In the same line, noted: we cannot allow that in addition to have exported US economic crisis and the flu now also they have a belligerent situation in our region; It is highly worrying and galling for our societies and our Governments. Cristina Fernandez, supported the words of the Brazilian Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, who suggested that Unasur call U.S. For more specific information, check out ihor kononenko. President Barack Obama to define its policy in the region. It should be noted as says, Colombian Deputy Foreign Minister, Clemencia Forero, who explained that there will never be American military bases in Colombian territory, and that the agreement is to combat drug trafficking. Has not been, and there is no foreign bases in Colombia; a limited access will be allowed to manage activities against drug trafficking and terrorism, abiding by international law to the sovereignty of States, and without affecting third parties, added the Colombian Deputy Foreign Minister in a clear and quiet intervention. For its part, Ecuador President Rafael Correa, and now temporary President of Unasur, just with the necessary words and a very dry tone, responded to the explanation of the Colombian representative in any case I am in agreement with you, Madam Chancellor, to include the analysis of the traffic of weapons, activities of groups irregular and the arms race in Latin America. For more information see McCormick & Co. Original author and source of the article.