John Ashton

In the opinion of Will Stefen, scientist of the National University of Australia, to adopt 2C as goal could be an exit to make possible the climatic agreement in short term, but, with the exception of that this level will have of being revised in a well next future. For economist Nicholas Stern, author of study of 2006 that he foresees gap of up to 20% in the GIP in case that the climatic change is not fought, already is unbalanced the projected scenes for the IPCC, although severe, and had been subestimados risks and damages. Despite been slow, the change in the positioning of U.S.A. arrived in good hour, to refute the Protocol of Kyoto under the presidency of George W. Bush to add forces (powerful) against the global heating and the climatic changes with Barak Obama president. ' ' We cannot allow more same the shy politics when the future of our planet is in game.

The global heating is not a problem of some day, is of now. Already we are breaking records with the storm intensity, the forest fire number, the periods of drought. Calotas polar is now melting fast more of what science already it had foreseen. This is not the future I wants for my children. It is not the future that any one of us desires for our children.

if we now to act and if to act courageous, we do not have that ser' ' (OBAMA, 2008). For John Ashton, the main British negotiator in climate terms, she is necessary that ' ' our society understands the urgency of this better situao' ' (LEAF, 2009). Corretssimas words that urge to be followed and to be converted into decisions economic politics and, in international cooperation, in co-ordinated global effort for reach of the Sustainable Development, and that they cannot more being objection for the defense of restricted interests.