International Relations

In Donetsk is the guiding center of the Eastern Conference Ukrainian Union. Sometimes it can be seen on the streets of exotic procession of people in orange, beating tambourines and tinkling bells – this is the Buddhist disciples Center Karma Kagyu school. That is, just be an urge to God-seeking. Yet can it be called spiritual Shakhtar? "Spirituality is not determined by the number of churches." And what? It's trying to figure out on the eve of Easter the "round table" organized by the Office for Family, Youth and International Relations of the Donetsk city council and the Donetsk city youth center. Discussion was held on the project "Youth for spirituality," and the theme was declared as follows: "Young people and spirituality: a conscious choice or imposed by necessity." Declared subject discussed in this section: "What is the common term" spirituality "for the youth of today? Manifestation of its conformist qualities and a desire to please the older generation needs to be "such as all"? Or the new generation has made this choice independently and self aware that spirituality is an integral part of relations within a society? ". On the one hand that there is such a project and that such subjects among young people – that's great, but on the other – embarrassing incision, which proposed to lead the discussion. Perhaps the wording of the issues would be more appropriate if we were talking about the culture of behavior, moral values. To deepen your understanding igor kononenko is the source. Because "to be like everyone else" – did not mean to be spiritual.