General Government

Its limits were between the river Cricar, in They are Mateus, and Ilhus, in the south of the Bahia. In 1560 the Portuguese were conquering the Brazilian territory to the south of the Bahia and, finding resistance of the Tupinikim, they had decided to burn and to massacre the villages of the indians, whose bodies they had been placed side by side in the beach for the General Government, Mem de S, being perfazendo one lgua of 6 km. (COUTINHO, 2006). Inhabitants of several tabas (villages) embrenharam themselves in the bushes and had crossed the River Candy and if they had located in its forests in the two edges, from there arriving at lands of the city of Aracruz, where they had obtained to live far from the whites for times. However, many of its aboriginal villages had been contactados by the Jesuits, who had brought them for the village Catequtica de Santos Magos Kings, today, New Almeida, City of the Mountain range, from where many indians had returned to the forests, distanciando itself of the whites, especially after the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1760. With the advance of the civilization, first Portuguese, and later Brazilian, the Tupinikins again had been found by the whites, what it resulted in its incorporation to the colonial order, which had been aculturados e, later, assimilated and deculturados.

To the measure where they went abandoning its villages to coexist the whites, these cultures if had deprived of characteristics, at the moment where they had been invaded by squatters, one who holds legal titles to property and farmers, as it has occurred in the current days in the Amaznia. Its lands had started to belong to the Empire and later, to the Union, as vacant lands, being able to be required and vendidas (COUTINHO, 2006). Of this form, the 40,000 hectares of the new Tupinikim territory in Aracruz had been to stop at the hands of third citizens.