Ferrari And Other Fantasies

Maybe the specialized journalist Izaskun Garcia Azcarraga is right and a theme park of Ferrari in Valencia could be profitable. In an era in which many companies spend troubles or are forced to miss the closing, such a hypothesis would be as a blessing. Perhaps for that reason the employer, i.e., Rafael Ferrando, supported him then. That, of course, when arriving foreign investors, as he added in Las Corts Gerardo Camps. Because here, you know, it is not a hard and if someone has it is not for such fantasies. Staff, on the other hand, is already escarmentado see many broken promises. Remember when Joan Lerma was going to bring us Eurodisney and Euronews? They ended up going to another party. And when Eduardo Zaplana predicted from Seattle that Boeing was going to settle among us? Nothing at all.

The last broken commitment is Castellon Park World illusion, for monumental anger of a Carlos Fabra which has reassembled it by meager budgets for 2011. The world fiasco Illusion has occurred despite the fact that in recent years a few million already were buried in a project without return. But we talked about Ferrari. The planned Park is not a simple Museum as the BMW in Munich, which is what corresponds, since it is a German company. Lol Here, the equivalent would be a modest Museum of the Ford by the Almussafes plant, since the unique Spanish link with Ferrari Fernando Alonso and Emilio Botin, and that contribute for the duration of their relationship with the Italian brand. In addition, it’s an elefantiasico project, like the one done in Abu Dhabi, which has cost twice as invested in Terra Mitica. Of course, that obtained oil pasta leftovers to the United Arab Emirates.

There have, if not, to its neighbor Dubai, which has opened the tallest building in the world with 192 plants and newly created the lavish artificial island palm and World Island Marathon. Perhaps can we compare ourselves with them? Here we have been buried too much public money not to be prudent. Sometimes it has made directly, as in the always deficient Terra Mitica, and others indirectly, in the ghostly Stadium in Nuevo Mestalla, megalomaniacal legacy of Juan Soler. I guess that same containment, forced by circumstances, is what has led this time to Rita Barbera travel companion, as always, from Francisco Camps to lower the expectations of the project. Newly scalded by the March of the Americas Cup to San Francisco and with the balance of a bleak and inhospitable dock to deteriorate day by day, not has seemed timely to throw the campaigns on the fly. Surely, just as columnists, in particular, and citizens, passes her in general. I say this because the common denominator of ink and the words worn these days about the Ferrari Park is the mistrust. After so many broken promises and so many first stones without continuity, voters are deeply disappointed about all politicians that do not meet even half of what you presume. Original author and source of the article.