
Agreement between Ingredients: coffee and the Bank of Sabadell The agreement between Ingredients: coffee and the Bank of Sabadell allows a treatment differentiated for the franchise-holders of the standard as far as the financing of the initial investment of the business. In addition, the entrepreneurs will have available BSNegocios, a global program of financial services destined to make agile so much the personal managements as professional of the franchise-holders. Ingredients: coffee, that has so much tax exemptions as of the own premises, tries abrir 15 new establishments in the three next years. The opening of one of these premises supposes a payment of 150,000 Euros, that recovers in 3 or 4 years, and in which it is including a canon of entrance of 15,000 Euros and the payment of royalty of 4%. On the other hand, the chain finishes inaugurating its first premises in the Valencian Community. The establishment, of 95 meters squared, is located in center Commercial Multiespacio and has started up after a payment near the 130,000 Euros. This opening is fruit in the agreement signed with Betoret family for the development of the standard of cafeterias in the East area, that she tries to add the fifteen premises in the Mediterranean area in next the five years.

In addition, the standard has predicted abrir to another in center Commercial center Sands, located in the old bullring of the same name of Barcelona. The tax exemption, that has recently incorporated to Serafn Monterde like director of operations and formation, has devised the campaign " Mondays coffee gratis" , that includes a card of fidelity to which a seal by each coffee is put to him expresso or consumed exotic coffee. When the client has six seals expresso is invited to him to a coffee blend. You can consult the guide of tax exemptions to have the greater repertoire of tax exemptions in Spain. The news, articles, interviews to tax exemptions, new tax exemptions, guide of tax exemptions, all the news of the present time in the world of the tax exemption you can consult it in directory of tax exemptions. Source: Note of Press sent by Ranking10.