Civil Code

One of the elements relating to parental authority and guardianship that further debate is generating in recent times is the Faculty in favour of parents correct way moderate their children, within the framework of its role as educator and training. Such a possibility is collected in our Civil Code, where is expressed with clarity that the same must be exercised within a few moderate and reasonable terms based on the actions carried out by the minor. Given the brevity of this regulation arise broad doubts with regard to the scope and the limits of that power, so that it could happen in certain cases that arose as a performance which simply aimed own education of child abuse. Details can be found by clicking Costco or emailing the administrator. It is key, therefore, interpretive performance developed by judges and courts if the case ended coming to his hands. Imagine, for example, the case in which a mother sticks a slap to his disobedient son and rejects repeatedly do homework, with such bad luck that the little lost balance and he fell to the ground, suffering a bruise. What could have been in a mere domestic quarrel could end before the courts by a possible crime or lack of ill-treatment. Education current of our children fortunately left behind those times in which children could suffer considerable abuse at the hands of their parents, or even their professors and teachers, with total impunity.

However, these in which we move today passed in many cases to assume that children, due to his immaturity, are irresponsible before any action that could commit. Indeed, many parents and educators suffer from a pathological fear to exert any kind of authority over children, believing that this could ballast his education and growth. However, psychological and professional studies are going in another direction. It has been testing than those children whose parents duly exercise its authority correctly and within reasonable limits, growing up being happier and making greater their motivation, becoming adults healthy and able to cope with every day. That’s why that education has as one of its main elements the possibility of correction to small. They must be aware of the possible negative consequences of their wrong actions.

It is for your own benefit. However, having said that, there also say that any punishment should be commensurate with the lack committed by the minor. So, wouldn’t the same a smack or a slap to other acts such as shakes, snares and kicks. You would be in these recent cases when, in effect, could speak of domestic abuse cases which could result in penal consequences for the parent who carry them out, especially if they take place repeatedly.