Certain Colleague

Exactly thus, the poet did not stop to dream in one day to find with its loved, studying in the same school, at last, to come back to be the possible maximum to its side, as in the past. Certain day decided to show to a classmate, one of its poems in acrstico form, where if it read in the vertical line the first one loved name of its perpetual one. Its colleague, in turn, begged so that it ' ' emprestasse' ' that acrstico, therefore, its namorada possua that one exactly name and it intended to presentear it knot day of the boyfriends, with something different, more romantic. The poet, exactly relutando a little, delivered its poem for the colleague, therefore, although everything, to see its dream to be carried through by another person fed each time more its dream, its inspiration. However, the paid price for its generosity with the colleague was not nothing rewarding: the poet discovers that its colleague accurately namorava its Monalisa, first reason of its existence until that moment, transforming its feelings of passion, ternura, affection and understanding at moments of hatred, anger and dissatisfaction for its proper burrice. He happens that poet is poet and its heart was molded to love, in the joy and the sadness. Analyzing all these tragedies in its life, the poet recognized that, at least it receives something that it never had courage to deliver it personally, that is, its poem in acrstico form, as a pure and sincere declaration of its love for it. Its only hope at that moment, or better, its only objective now was to find its loved and creating courage to disclose of a time for all its purer feeling of love. During its untiring ones it searchs, discovered that it liveed in a next quarter its mother materna she had delivered that it for adoption.