Brigadier General

GINA- Very obliged Julinho. You already informed to all our amiguinhos? JULINHO- Yes, I informed. They must are arriving. Good GINA- That. We go to seat Julinho and to wait they to arrive to commemorate our day. I am very anxious.

The two catch a Brigadier General and sit down to wait the amiguinhos to arrive. Soon when they finish to eat the Brigadier General they arrive. Each one with a toy in the hand. Duda of the one I hug in Gina and speaks: DUDA- Gina I adored this its idea to make a little party to commemorate our day. You are half doidinha, but she had a good idea. Obliged GINA- for the part that touches me Duda. We go to seat amiguinhos. Before all seating, they compliment Gina soon and later they seat.

GINA- and then what they had earned of gift? We go one-by-one to raise and to present its gifts. Julinho starts. JULINHO- I gained a soccer ball. My mother gave this gift to me because I go to be great dolo of the soccer and go to play in the Corinthians. (It seats) DUDA- I gained a doll of Barbie and the name of it is Lara. (He seats) GIL- I gained a stand of firemen, because when I to grow want to be a fireman. (he seats) VAL- I gained a dress pink. Because it is my preferred color. (he seats) CARLINHOS- I gained an one ball of vlei. LILICA- I gained a microphone. Because taste very, much to sing and to my gave me mother and to go trained to be a singer. (it smiles and it seats) GINA- a microphone already is its face. You in such a way say, that nothing better for you of what a microphone. All finish falling in the outburst of laughter and Lilica is emburrada. GINA- I gained a doll and placed the name of it of star. Because the star never stops to shine. Then my star goes to be always shining. Amiguinhos, we go to catch some candies to eat and to come back to seat. Lilica raises it starts to speak: LILICA- Gina, Gina, who goes to be its king? You spoke that she was the queen and she would go to choose its king here in the party. GINA- Is brincadeirinha Lilica. All we are kings and queens. Nobody is better nor worse that nobody All goes to catch candies to eat and comes back to seat as Gina had asked for. Gina raises and starts to speak: GINA- Amiguinhos, I invented this little party for we, children, Because we have that to commemorate for being child. To be child is a gift. We do not have concerns, responsibilities much less we estresse. Then we have that to thank the God per each day who still we are children. Because when to be adult everything will move. We will have sufficient things stops worrying in them and work stops estressar in them. Then we go to commemorate our days of the children. All applaud Gina. Lilica complements. LILICA- As it is fascinating to be child. (infantile music.)