Benefits of Cranberries

Useful properties of cranberry are due to its sour taste, the content of biologically active substances is the leader among all wild berries. Cranberry juice is useful for treating and preventing colds. Cranberries have antipyretic properties, perfectly quench thirst and eliminate toxins that have accumulated in the body during illness. This berry contains a lot of pectin and tannins, B vitamins, which strengthens the nervous system, maintain the beauty of hair and skin, as well as valuable trace elements: potassium, magnesium and iodine. Useful properties of cranberries, due to high content of flavonoids and vitamin pp, more complete absorption of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid).

And it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing and restorative effect. Healing properties of cranberries are not preserved by boiling, because vitamin C is destroyed by high temperatures, so when cooking cranberry juice berries do not boil, and squeeze juice from them, and boiled with sugar, peel and pulp residues (to give Morse scarlet), and then add the cooled beverage squeezed cranberry juice. Also useful for colds cranberry juice mixed with honey. The benefits of cranberries can say a lot: Cranberry, itself a natural antibiotic, strengthens the action of antibiotics, so it will help with treatment of cystitis, nephritis, female inflammatory diseases. When cystitis should drink 100 ml of cranberry juice a day for half an hour before a meal, this will prevent the exacerbation of the disease. Cranberry helps even in the treatment of gastric ulcers, but it fits only for preventive purposes.

Although she and bacteriostatic Helikabakter pylori provoking ulcer, but if the disease has appeared, it is better not to experiment. Medicinal properties of cranberries used in the treatment of many diseases: it is recommended for varicose veins, as cranberry improves the strength and elasticity of capillaries and blood vessel walls, cranberries eaten fresh or processed form of gastritis (when decreased gastric acidity), inflammation of the pancreas, and colitis. Fresh and processed berries enhance the flow of gastric juice. Cranberry improves appetite, assimilation of food, normalizes digestive system. These berries protect against kidney stone formation. The benefits of cranberries is the fact that it helps to eliminate excess fluid from the body, so it is useful for pregnant women (for prevent edema), as well as slimming. Cranberry helps strengthen the immune system, cranberry juice, mixed with with beetroot – perfect prevention of hypertension. even in dentistry is shown the therapeutic effect of the berry: cranberry prevents bacterial growth, protecting the teeth from caries and gum from inflammation. In favor of cranberry says an analysis of antioxidants in various fruits and berries, conducted by scientists. Cranberry bypassed all the content Antioxidants: * 100 grams of cranberries – 373 mg * pear medium size – 317 mg * Half a cup of dark grapes – 296 mg * Apple midsize – 256 mg * Cherry – 231 mg * Strawberries (8 medium berries) – 195 mg. But there are contraindications. Cranberry is contraindicated in gastritis with hyperacidity, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, liver diseases.