Month: December 2013


If to take off good notes in the gymnasium, pass to the college and if in the college to take off good notes, we pass to the university, and if, in this we take off good notes, we obtain a good job and we can marry and have children to order them it the school, where they go to study a mount of things to take off good notes and (ALVES, 1994, p.20) the smile is inevitable, points Alves (1994), the boy in one alone breath says what the philosophers of the education rare perceive. E, perceives if it, does not have courage to say, when they say they make, it in complicated and long way. This is not a recent problem, as we know well. Even though Nietzsche in its condition of educator, affirms Alves (1994, p.21), if horrified front what the schools made with youth, Nietzsche said ‘ ‘? what they carry through? schools, is a brutal training, with the intention to prepare vast numbers of young, in the lesser space and possible time, to become used and abused, the service of governo’ ‘. Alves complements saying that today the young ones are prepared to be ‘ ‘ you used and you abused the service economia’ ‘.

Schools with abundncias of resources, as of Japan, for example, they do not decide the problem, for Alves (1994, p.22) they are as ‘ ‘ machines for the production of disciplined ants and trabalhadoras’ ‘. For the author in focus: It is an mistake to think that with more mounts of money the education will be better, that the pupils will learn more, that the professors will be happyer. As it is an mistake to think that, with new and expensive pans, the bad cook will make good food. Education does not become with money. Education if makes with intelligence.

Comfortable Housing

Among the variety of home-building technologies on the world construction market, the technology "ECOPAN" rightfully occupies a leading position. After all, this technique allows to build robust, externally attractive, cost-effective construction of any complexity in the shortest possible time. Houses, built on technology "ECOPAN" met all the requirements of the modern home: the ease of finishing work – to save heat and energy. Among other benefits, housing, built in such a way that has a high profitability of ongoing operations. In winter, these homes are heated and easy to store the accumulated heat on a "thermos": when frosts down to -20 C temperature in a disconnected from a power house for the night down only by 5-7 degrees. "ECOPAN" – an ideal solution for building a family country house, and for the realization of large-scale built-up and implementation of government social programs. So in Belgorod on technology "ECOPAN" was carried out construction of a district that includes about three hundred (!) Townhouses.

New district received the name "Sputnik". The village was built with the active support of the administration of the Belgorod region and provided the necessary infrastructure: kindergarten, supermarket, bank, sports facilities, restaurant, beauty salon, dry cleaners, cafe, etc. Despite the fact that the technology "ECOPAN" appeared in Russia long ago, she got more and more popular and widely used in the construction industry. Interest in this Technology has also shown the government agency NAMIKS (National Low-rise and cottage construction). And it is not surprising, as technology 'ECOPAN' – the ideal solution for implementing the priority national project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing – to Russian citizens." This project is called the most ambitious and complex, we are talking about building up throughout the country, housing affordable to all segments of the population. For short period of time were running enterprise "ECOPAN" in Russia, Azerbaijan and Mongolia.


Introduction the area daeducao is an excellent mirror of the size of the exclusion, the discrimination, the inaquality and the injustice in Brazil. The repetncia and the evasion, forceful soexemplos of this affirmation. Brazil appears enters piorestaxas of reprovao and pertaining to school evasion of the world according to Organization dasNaes Joined for the Education, Science and Culture (TAKAHASHI, 2006). Segundodados of the MEC (IBGE, 2006), only 56.2% of the young in the etria band de14 the 16 years had concluded basic education in the waited age. NoNordeste, in the same period, this index falls for 37,4%. Already osconcludentes of average education, the national tax declined still more, poissomente 37.9% of the young ones up to 19 years had poissomente obtained this fact.

NoNordeste, analyzing the same indicating, the tax of conclusion of the ensinomdio was considered in 2006, the minor of the country with only 20.9% of seusjovens exhibiting a diploma of according to degree to the 19 years. Simply, the school the same continues perpetuating model the question of the conectividade, or of faltadela, it is a real and problematic question, therefore the people who nopossuem access to the TICs present a fragility each maisconsidervel time in the work market. free software. Thus, the called project MinhEscola, My Life was born, that had as objective main sensibilizarjovens in high situation of social vulnerability concerning description-social subject suaimportncia while and of the school comopartcipe of this process through the use of the TICs in one plataformalivre. They had been delineated as objective specific: ) to identify itself comosujeito of its history and the school; b) to know facts on its vidaacadmica and of the too much colleagues, registering and displaying facts ocorridosno surrounding pertaining to school; c) to produce audiovisual project in formatomultimdia through the free tools; d) to reflect on pertaining to school suavivncia, pointing the positive and negative points, comosuas well perspective of future; e) To include itself social and digitalmenteutilizando free software in the pertaining to school environment.

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